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1950s 1960s

Our 55th reunion is less than a year away. In August, the committee planning the program will have our second meeting. At the President’s reception during this year’s reunion, we were pleased to see Rae and Bill Worthen and Ginny Cochran from our class. We were also pleased to meet Bill Fletcher ’49 and his wife, Jean Tucker (’48) Fletcher, and to talk with them about common interests. Ginny Davis Cochran’s grandson, Jimmy, son of Bob Cochran ’76, MD ’81, became the U.S. slalom champion last March. It was his second straight U.S. title. In all, the Cochran family has won a total of 18 gold medals in U.S. skiing championships. Ginny, who lives in Richmond, Vt., was on hand in Alaska to celebrate.
Class secretary - candh@sover.net

Val Myers Chamberlain was awarded the 2004 College of Human Services Distinguished Award at Florida State University. The citation reads in part, “Chamberlain has been an outstanding educator, model researcher, and prolific author. She is innovative and futuristic in her thinking and has been committed to the ideals of family and consumer sciences. Her numerous teaching awards attest to her dynamic ability to convey information to others with skill and enthusiasm. She has been the author of more than 140 articles in scholarly journals and 10 textbooks or teacher guides.” Congratulations, Val!
Class secretary - jsabens@aol.com

Jay “Buddy” Rosenberg wrote that his daughter, Laurie, married Zach Solomon on February 14, 2004. They live in Atlanta, Ga., where she is risk manager for Coca Cola, and he is the IT manager for Gold Kist, a private chicken manufacturer and processor. Buddy also let us know that he moved to a new home at The Greens in Melville, N.Y., a golf community, and he spends winters at Addison Reserve in Delray Beach, Fla.
Class secretary - twre@gmavt.net

After eight years of retirement and a lifetime interest in railroading, both real estate and model, Robert Green has accepted a part-time job with Tri-rail as a stationmaster at the Boynton Beach, Fla., train station. Bob oversees the arrival and departure of some of the 28 daily trains that run north and south in the South Florida rail corridor. As he says, “It is never too late to realize a childhood dream.” My husband, Don, and I had a dream also. In June, we circumnavigated Newfoundland on a small ship. Ages of participants ranged from 32 to 96, so we fit right into the average of 73. Amazingly, all were able to go ashore via the daily Zodiac pontoon boat transportation for excursions via local school buses to unbelievable wildlife and archaeological sites. In Newfoundland, I renewed a dormant activity, sketching. What fun it was to record the visits to lighthouses and to see icebergs up close! I was able to do some genealogical research as well and found two of my great-great-grandfathers in the Anglican Cathedral records in St. Johns’.
Class secretary - nanhiker@aol.com

June 2004 began with our 50th Reunion, and it proved to be one to remember! A great turnout — 123 classmates — earned us the coveted McCullough Cup, given since 1907 to the class with the highest percentage of returning members. In all, there were 1,700 alumni from 14 classes at Reunion 2004. I have attended two such reunions, beginning with our 40th, but this one really topped its predecessors. There we were in the halls of Billings Library, now Billings Student Center, greeting classmates and wondering where the decades have gone. On Sunday, four days later, we were still wondering, but we had inklings of how all those years had been spent. Although I did not collect written updates from classmates, I will share a few mental notes that I took. UVM President Daniel Mark Fogel presented Marvin Eisenstadt with the 2004 Alumni Achievement Award. Marv invented Sweet’N Low, and his wife, Mary, created the now well-known treble clef logo. Congratulations, Marv! Burlington residents, Malia Dean Honnold and Faith Abby took my advice and came. Many others did the same and their biographies were published in a special Memory Book. If you’d like a copy of our Memory Book, please contact the Alumni Office at 1-888-458-8691. In the Reunion Parade, your class officers, Francine Strickler Sherman, Elsie Epstein Paul, Andy Gerber, and I carried the class banner. We also remembered classmates who have passed away at the Memorial Service, held during Reunion Weekend. On Sunday, we were inducted into the ranks of the Green and Gold, and hereafter we will be invited to every Reunion. We have come of age! We may not know where the decades have gone, but they have earned us Green and Gold status. Our president Fran Sherman joins me in inviting each and every one of you to come back to UVM again and again. It will be a great walk down memory lane every time you do. Kevin Kearney of Riverview, Fla., could not attend our 50th reunion, but wrote, “Maybe I’ll make it to our 51st reunion!”
Class secretary - kwendling@aol.com

Class secretary - janebattles@juno.com

Marsha Pearl Jamil says that now that two of her children have had babies, she no longer complains about others who constantly talk about their grandchildren. Each of the new parents received ex-roommate Pat Henderson Shimm’s book, Parenting Your Toddler, The Expert’s Guide to the Tough and Tender Years, published by Perseus Books. Pat, who received a master of education degree at Columbia University, is associate director of Barnard College Center for Toddler Development. Marsha, who has a master’s degree from New York University Graduate Institute of Book Publishing, is director of multi-media publications and creative director of the securities intelligence technologies group of several companies. Among varied assignments, she has completed half of the 12 planned volumes of The Security Source Library, a hardbound encyclopedia covering the security industry history, tactics, and technology. Anyone with suggestions for research on class statistics for our 50th reunion, please email class historian Marsha at ccsmspearl@ aol.com. Third ex-roommate, Judy Silon Hershberg, is now retired from UVM, where her last position was coordinator of Vermont relations in the office of Public Relations. Shared memories include living in the master bedroom suite at Grasse Mount during senior year, the best of times. Patricia Kolk responded to our query concerning her whereabouts. She is currently in the process of moving to South Carolina. Divorced in 1979, she never remarried. For 19 years, she taught art history at Cornell, Wells College, SUNY Cortland, and Washington State University. She opened an editing and writing service in Pullman, Wash, which was closed when she moved back East to Williamsville, N.Y., to tend an ailing father and stepmother. She later moved back to Ithaca, N.Y., where she began editing for a Thai historian for her first PhD thesis, which earned her highest honors, and became a book entitled Forest Recollections, published by the University of Hawaii Press. Her latest editing work, The Buddha in the Jungle, was published by the University of Washington Press in 2004. Eugene Levin of Little Neck, N.Y., collected nearly 170 “better-quality” jokes and wrote a book entitled, The Best Jokes and Stories and How to Tell Them. He recently taught courses on the same topic in Forest Hills and Great Neck in Queens, N.Y. He looks forward to expanding further afield after he retires from his “day job” as physics professor. We are saddened to learn that Elizabeth “Liz” Semans Eidelson died on July 6, 2004. Liz was Kake Walk Queen, and she was extremely loyal to and supportive of UVM. Her father and brothers Philip and Michael were also part of the UVM family. Liz and her family have lived in Merion, Pa., for several years. She was looking forward to seeing her friends at our 50th reunion.
Class secretary - jkstick@aol.com

Carter and I had a wonderful trip to the Grand Canyon with a senior group in May. We flew to Phoenix and boarded a tour bus. The canyon and surrounding southwest land lived up to its billing — awesome, and our group was good company. We would go again on such a trip. Lorna Dean Brown wrote from Pocatello, Idaho, home of Idaho State University. She said ISU’s continuing education, in affiliation with Elderhostel, has a program for seniors called New Knowledge Adventures. Membership in NKA opens the door for enrollment and participation in numerous courses and recreational opportunities. Lorna and husband Mike suggest your looking into such programs, and, if one is not available, start one up. With 45 other NKA members, Lorna and Mike followed the route of the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery Expedition through Montana and Idaho. She wrote, “We stood where Lewis and Clark first viewed from Lemhi Pass the awesome Rocky Mountains, finally realizing they would not be reaching the Pacific Ocean by a water route. Another summer highlight was our visit to Rockland, Idaho, where Mike and I joined other Audubon members watching professional birders band hummingbirds. The event was held at a private ranch in a small valley area, where approximately a thousand hummingbirds are currently nesting. Mike and I continue to marvel at wonderful new experiences we have had here in the West, but continue to hold deep ties to Vermont. We are planning another trip back to Lake Champlain and the Green Mountains in August.” From among 200 entries to the St. Albans, Vt., Maple Festival, Nelson and Pat Slack took “Best of Class” then “Best of Show” with their Grade A dark amber syrup. Maple sugaring is a retirement occupation for Nelson and Pat on their farm in Waterville, Vt.
Class secretary - suzanwc@aol.com

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you that our classmate, Ellie Brown McNamara, died of a cerebral hemorrhage on June 2, 2004. Ellie is profoundly missed by her family, the Burlington community, UVM, and our class. The memories of Ellie’s enthusiasm, hospitality, and wonderful smile will be with us forever.
Class secretary - vtdawson@aol.com

Now is the time to begin thinking again about our making an annual contribution to UVM, which will be deductible from this year’s Federal tax return. This past year was one of the most successful UVM Fund drives as it generated $6,215,072 from 20,500 donors, which represents the greatest number of donors ever in UVM history. Our class raised $35,708 from 117 donors. That’s 23 percent participation. Not bad! So let us all continue to give and give generously.
Class secretary - hshaw@sc.rr.com

Class secretary - pheald@cs.com

Susan Pearlberg Weinstein and husband Harvey recently moved to Sacramento, Calif. She sold her real estate company in New York to her partner, and she is retired for the moment and looking forward to getting her California real estate license so she can keep involved. Susan is enjoying the sunshine and her close proximity to two grandsons.
Class secretary - cpadams02@snet.net

Jules Older has a new children’s book out, called PIG, but, in light of his previous book, Jules says, “It could have been called ‘Son of Cow’.” Pig is published by Charlesbridge and illustrated by Vermonter Lyn Severance, the artist who created the Ben & Jerry’s look.
Class secretary - traileka@aol.com

Class secretary - tonimullins@comcast.net

Our 40th reunion is over, but the memories linger on. We enjoyed a picture-perfect Vermont weekend. Friday night’s boat ride under crystal-blue skies with views of beautiful Lake Champlain and the enhanced Burlington waterfront was the perfect kickoff to our weekend. The sumptuous Taste of Vermont buffet, followed by Dessert at the Fleming Museum topped off the first day’s activities. Saturday morning, we convened on the Green by the fountain, sipped coffee from our UVM travel mugs and talked to the UVM basketball team while they signed small plastic basketballs. Proceeding to Ira Allen Chapel, we then saw a terrific slide show of past years at UVM. President Fogel made some inspiring remarks and our class was given an award for having the highest percentage of classmates (excluding the 50th reunion) contributing to the reunion class gift. Way to go! A huge thanks to Jim Rosenberg for his fundraising efforts and congratulations to him for receiving the Distinguished Service Award, given by the UVM Alumni Association. The Saturday picnic gave us more time to catch up. Phyllis Perry Marganoff, Bill Davidson, and Jack Nugent reminisced about growing up in Rutland, and Joan Bezer Schmidt introduced her daughter who was attending her 15th reunion. I am certain many of us have children who followed in our footsteps. We also met Rally Cat, the new UVM mascot. Charlie Catamount, whose suit was worn beyond repair, has been replaced along with the UVM song that was replaced some years ago. We ended the weekend with a fabulous evening at the Vermont National Country Club. Jim Rosenberg hand picked our oldies, and the wonderful DJ kept them playing while we ate and danced the night away. I would like to thank Linda Herzenberg Sparks, our class president, for all her efforts in coordinating our weekend events with much help from Randy Wilson and the alumni office. The best part was reuniting with former friends and classmates. Personally, I was able to see four gals who shared our Robinson Hall dorm freshman year. For most of us, it has been 40 years since we had seen each other, and did we have fun catching up. Barbara Cross Ruccio, Phyllis Perry Marganoff, Susan Gershen Bachner, Ellen Stark Gold, and I had so much fun that we are planning another visit in November. There was a large group from Sigma Nus who encouraged each other to return. Jerry Smith and his wife came all the way from Texas. Susan Scoble Nygard and Mary Lou Pitman Paquet, former roommates, made a pact two years ago to return, and they did. Mary Lou received the award for traveling the farthest — from California. We had two returning “Kake Walkers,” Norman Bohn and Ray Haas. For those who were not able to return and would like more details, the following is a list of classmates who signed up to attend: James Agan, Vivian Gross Altholz, Doug Barrett, Betsy Stern Becker, Yvon Bergevin, Donna Merrill Blaise, Arthur Bliss, Barry Bloom, Mary Bean Bloom, Steve Bloom, Burton Brooks, Ken Burton, Jane Butler, John Centonze, Charles Church, H. Ann Clark, Ursel Danielson, Bob Davidson, Barry Deliduka, Donald Feldman, George Fraser, Jeffrey Graham, Hugh Harley, Miles Heller, Elizabeth Hoechner Hill, Helen Lott Johnstone, Michelle Needleman Katz, Barbara Leff Kauke, Richard Lawson, John Lylis, David May, John McTaggart, Alan Mintz, Carolyn Moreau, Donald Moreau, Bob Morse, Kenneth Nalibow, Leonard Nemon, Patricia Landenberger Nugent, Marian Mudget Pelton, Ilene Hofbinder Rosenthal, Alan Rubin, Cynthia Amidon Rubin, Donald Rudolph, Robert Russo, Jerry Sachs, Sheila Rosen Seitzman, Scott Severance, Robert Silverstein, Michael Steinberg, Stephen Terry, Maureen Morris Thompson, Sandra Likosky Weinberg, and Hal Wilensky. Jeffrey Falk ’63 enjoyed his reunion last year enough to return and join us. Of course, there were spouses, too, many of whom were also UVM graduates. Please forgive me if there were any omissions. Sadly, we learned that James Suskin was in a bicycling accident and is recovering at a nursing facility. He would love to hear from his UVM friends. Finally, while speaking with Marty Friedman on the Green during Reunion Weekend, he made a comment that I think summarizes our returning classmates’ feelings, “People just don’t know how great it is to come back.” If you were not able to come, think about it for next time. We missed you! We’re all getting BETTER, not older, and we still remember how to have a good time. With our new President Daniel Mark Fogel at the helm, it is an exciting time to be associated with UVM. In other news, Antoinette Appel received her J.D. degree from Shepard Broad Law Center at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on May 8. She quoted from George Eliot, “It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
Class secretary - dsbarber@earthlink.net

Rose Levy Beranbaum’s book, The Bread Bible, was published in October 2003. Her PBS series, “Baking Magic with Rose,” aired in February. Rose lives in New York City. After 30 years of service as an assistant prosecutor in Union County, N.J., Richard Rodbart retired and moved on to employment as a contract attorney with Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation. He and his wife, Susan, have two children. They live in Short Hills, N.J. Barbara Bogert Waite, Ann Wyle Gordinier, Jeanne Grasso Davis, and I had a great time celebrating a “group birthday” in Vero Beach, Fla., earlier this year.
Class secretary - dennycolleen@hotmail.com

Elizabeth “Betty” Gioria Brent wrote that her son, Jeffrey ’94, received his MD degree, and he will be a resident at the Bay State Medical Center in Springfield, Mass. Betty and her husband live in Weybridge, Vt, but they spend their winters in Florida. Your class secretary and husband Ken McGuckin ran into Ed and Susan Gorman Kiniry at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport in June. Susie is now retired from teaching elementary school in Shelburne, Vermont, and Eddie has sold his business, Tubbs Snowshoes, but is still affiliated with the parent company. They live in Shelburne, Vt. Thomas Donahue, his wife Adrian, and Ken and I had dinner together in Waterbury in early June. Tom is retired, as is Adrian, and they live in Ridgewood, N.J. Norma Hanson Reynolds closed her business, First Impressions, in Montpelier, Vt., after many years of running her ladies’ apparel store. She and her husband, David, now live on the west coast of Florida. Dennis Linnehan recently published a photography book, called Adirondack Splendor, which contains 260 awe-inspiring photographs. The 144-page hardcover book may be ordered from Den by contacting him at denlinn@sprynet.com.
Class secretary - kkmcguckin@adelphia.net

Howard Solomon of Seguin, Tex., represented UVM at the inauguration of Dr. Victor Boschini as Texas Christian University’s tenth chancellor in March.
Class secretary - jane.carroll@cox.net

Paul Malone let us know that in March, Tom Dexter ’69, Dave Gemelli ’70, got together with Jeff Kuhman in Franklin, Mass., where Jeff and Tom had a business meeting. While they were all together, they called Ron Gargano ’70 and Rick Farnham ’69. Paul wrote that Dave Gemelli was extremely gracious in putting together some UVM memories of when they were all students and football teammates as well as recent highlights of UVM basketball.
Class secretary - dglew@vermontlaw.edu

Ed Barnard sent an update from Newberry, Fla., where he lives with his wife, Elna Rawson (’71) Barnard. He received his MS and PhD degrees from Duke University, and he is now a forest pathologist for the Florida Division of Forestry. He supervises the state’s forest health program. Ed and Edna have three children, all of whom were homeschooled. Son Justin received his PhD in philosophy from Florida State University, and he will relocate to Memphis, Tenn., to teach at Creighton College. He has a son Nate, the Barnards’ first grandson. Daughter Megan, a graduate of Messiah College, married Timothy Smylie, a seminary student fron Northern Ireland, and they live in Chicago. Daughter Amanda completed her first year at the University of Florida. Ed will be chair of the philosophy and history group of the Society of American Foresters in 2005. The Barnards are active members of Creekside Community Church, where he is an elder, and she is director of children’s ministries. Ed also enjoys his lifelong passion of coaching high school basketball.
Class secretary -