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1930s 1940s


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Greetings! It’s fall issue news time. Thanks especially to Pat Brennan, our 70th reunion lunch was a great success. We enjoyed a delicious luncheon held in the Grace Coolidge Dining Room in Waterman, and we had a chance to chat and recall our college days. Favors were a packet of lively UVM picture postcards. Five classmates were there along with several guests: Dave Fishman’s wife Betty, Irving Lisman and wife Lily, Phil Gould, Rebecca Skillin, Hilda Davis Sturdevant, and yours truly. It was the first class reunion Rebecca had ever attended. Three of us attended the Green and Gold luncheon the next day. We learned that our 1934 Jack Libby Scholarship has done well over the years. A generous reunion gift was designated to the fund in memory of Dick and Peggy McCracken (’35) Congdon. Kay Shaw Johnston and her sister live in a fine home in Montpelier, Vt. Both are very active but don’t travel too far. Ada Ingalls Martin of Richford, Vt., turned 90 on December 31, 2003. Her family gave her a party, and more than 100 friends and family attended. She is very active in her church and plays 500 every Wednesday. She sent a very interesting article about her life that appeared in the local newspaper. Ada taught for many years at different schools, and she started a one-room schoolhouse for 32 students. Evelyn Holden reported that she has a very happy life in a quiet home in Cambridge, N.Y.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu


Our class has lost three members over the past six months. Roland “Rollie” Delfausse, was the best student-athlete in our class. He was a great all-around person, and I was able to enjoy yearly visits with him and his wife at Appletree Point. Mildred”Jackie” Bartlett Woodman was considered the “best-looking girl” in the class of 1935, and she was just as nice as she was beautiful. A bit of aloofness made her more interesting. She was one of the six of us who went to picnics in Ollie Eastman’s car. Carlisle Saxton, unfortunately, had to endure a long illness before he left us. He was a very energetic member of the class in extra-curricular activities, especially military and athletic.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

Sylvia Jarvis Smith, a classmate who has heretofore not required surgery, prescriptions, or physicians, found that a cataract operation was most annoying to the extent that she could not attend the June Green and Gold Luncheon. The Other Paper edition of June 3 had an article citing that Sylvia would be celebrating her 90th birthday at the Burlington City Hall on June 29. A party with lemonade, cookies, balloons, and a Celtic harpist was held, and her daughter-in-law flew in from Hawaii for the occasion. What a fun day for an ex-Latin teacher and bridge player. Happy Birthday, Sylvia! Doris Wehrle Maeck reported that things are growing nicely at her great nursery, The South Forty in Shelburne, Vt. Doris attended the Green and Gold Luncheon in June, and she reported that Ed Vervoort, who normally attends, had just moved to another section of Wake Robin in Shelburne and was not able to be there. Don Davis and Isabel are spending more of their time in Keene, N.H. Don is already looking forward to our 70th reunion in June 2006.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

On Sunday, June 6th, three loyal UVM supporters and yours truly came to campus for the Green and Gold luncheon at Billings. We were Kay Babbitt from Wake Robin, Pauline Bristol Noonan from Burlington, and Christine Brown Perry and husband Lee. As usual, this was a fun get together, followed by remarks by President Fogel. Your secretary received an invitation from UVM Provost John Bramley to join him in celebrating UVM and Vermont at the Cliff House Restaurant in Stowe, Vt. This was happily accepted in the hope that some members of the class of ’37 would also come. None were sighted. However, the evening was a great success due to the cordial greeting from the Alumni Office staff, spectacular Alpine views, refreshments, and an interesting talk by Provost Bramley.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

I would like to thank Ruth Wimett, Martha Rist Suitor, and Bernard Lisman for telling me what a great time they had at reunion. The weather was delightful, especially for the boat ride. There were 13 classmates back, including the farthest away Phyllis Foster Shelander from Sierra Vista, Ariz., as well as Art Datnof, Beryle Frank, Fern Bristol Williams, Edith Rice Bristol, Murray Levin, Betty Perley Carr, Ed Jacobson, Margaret Stanley Adams, and Muriel Hutchinson Brainerd. In the 65th Reunion Memory Book, we heard from 40. They all voted to return again for our 70th reunion.
Class secretary - msminck@aol.com


Calling all classmates to our 65th reunion in June 2005. Class president Flossie Wade Eaton, Ev Bailey, Heath Riggs, Jean Butler Pye, Merriman Hill, Betsy Marlowe Komline, Mary Arms Williamson, and I are making plans with Green and Gold program director Pat Brennan for this memorable event. New recruits are welcome. My trip to China, postponed for a year because of the SARS epidemic, was a marvelous, enlightening experience. Beijing’s high-rise apartments, fast-moving automobile as well as bicycle traffic, new construction in progress in preparation for the 2008 Olympics, and luxury hotels provided an exciting atmosphere. The Forbidden City, home of the Ming and Qing emperors for 600 years, the vast expanse of Tiananmen Square, and the Great Hall of the People are awesome. In Xian, we looked down on the life-size terra cotta warriors and horses in a huge pit, China’s first emperor’s preparation for the afterlife, created from 259-210 B.C. Xian, starting place for the old silk route, is the center of jade. The top of the city wall, reached by 72 steps, was decorated with balloons and lanterns to celebrate the Communist May Day holiday. We took a short flight to the industrial city of Wuhan, a transportation hub and steel manufacturing center, then a five-hour bus tour through the rice-growing area where water buffalo were plowing the earth. We were now in southern China, quite different from the wheat-growing northern region. At Yi Chang, we reached the pier and embarked on the luxurious “Victoria” for a cruise up the Yangzi River through three gorges, high cliffs, ancient burial caves, modern locks, and much more. We enjoyed a comprehensive lecture on the advantages and disadvantages of a proposed dam for hydroelectric power and flood control. We left the Victoria at Chongqing, now an industrial city, a transportation hub, and a center for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and machinery. Chang Kai Shek retreated to this cliff-side city in 1938 to establish his headquarters, remaining there until 1945. We visited the home of General Stillwell, commander-in-chief of American forces in China, Burma, and India, who lived there until he was recalled by President Roosevelt. Our last stop was Shanghai, we toured museums and monuments depicting revolutionary war heroes as well as China’s rich cultural history. Our farewell to China included an amazing performance by a group of Chinese acrobats. When I returned to the U.S., I moved to Maryland. Please note my new address below.
Class secretary - marytanner@earthlink.net

Robert Davis received the 2004 Outstanding Alumni Award from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at its 11th Annual Alumni and Friends Dinner in May. His citation read, “Under Bob’s leadership, the Cabot Farmers’ Cooperative Creamery grew from a struggling organization in 1952…into a thriving award-winning company with a national reputation for excellent cheeses…Bob has been an influential and effective representative for the dairy industry in Vermont and on a national level…instrumental in establishing the Northeast Dairy Research Center at UVM.” When your secretary and a friend visited the Cabot Farm four years ago, we were impressed with the film about Bob and the founders and learned much in our tour about the painstaking cheese production process. Our vice president Jane Allen Hadley wrote that she recently flew from her home in Pittsford, N.Y., to join her daughter, Susan, for a visit to Burlington to see her brothers and their families. Rae Sheehan Cummings reported that she has been very busy attending the weddings of grandchildren, one last year in Pennsylvania and three more this year, including one last September in Los Angeles, one February 29 in Montpelier, and one on a cruise boat in Burlington on July 4. Rae’s third son and his family from Perth, Australia, will join her for a July visit when her whole family will be together for the first time in 22 years. Ethel Bailey reported that she is living in Greensboro, Vt., and would enjoy hearing from classmates. The new UVM Alumni Association Directory has arrived and is a huge help in finding other UVMers.
Class secretary - maywoodak@comcast.net

For those unable to attend the Memorial Service at Ira Allen Chapel on June 6, the following people are on the “In Memoriam” list: Robert Agan, M.D.; Ellen Isham Bardin; Gloria Oling Frank; Katherine Merriman Lyon; Margaret Myers McElwie; Millicent Clough Newman; Harold “Misty” Rice; Peggy Abbott Simons; John White. Colonel Werner “Van” Snow passed away in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He served in Germany during World War II. He later received his master’s degree from the University of Iowa and taught at Texas A&M before serving three more years in Texas and Korea. After retirement, he was business manager at Drake University and at Iowa Wesleyan College. He also was vice president of business and finance at Coe College. Our sympathy to their families.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

Unfortunately, your secretary goofed and neglected to include some interesting news in the previous issue. Let’s catch up! In January 2004, Daan Zwick sent me an email message to report that he and his wife had missed our 60th reunion because they were on a great Elderhostel trip, traveling down the Mississippi on a huge barge from St. Louis to New Orleans for ten days. Because of eyesight problems, Daan regretfully has abandoned the ski patrol after 35 years as an Alpine and Nordic patroller. Last year, his Genesee Valley Nordic Patrol was honored as outstanding. Daan still volunteers weekly with the local ACLU chapter and is active on the local and state boards of this organization. Daan and his wife traveled to Marlboro College, where he had been invited to dig the first shovelful of dirt for a new lecture hall that he financed. His sister, Huddee, taught at Marlboro before her crippling stroke. Daan plans to attend his 65th reunion at Burlington High School in August. Joe Corbett wrote to tell me of his sadness at the passing of his dear lifelong friend, our classmate Howie Vreeland. Howie was such a gentle, sincere man with a great twinkle in his eye and much courage in his heart. Our deep sympathy and love go out to his wife Lynn, and their family. As much as I hate to report bad news, I feel I should mention that Ed O’Connell has suffered a stroke, and he was in a Carmel, Calif., nursing home as of last May. Our prayers are with him. On a happier note, I would like to put in a plug for Joe Corbett’s book. Read about it at weplayedourcards.com or order a copy from Overlake Press in Burlington. Now to recount my personal nightmare: On June 24, I broke my hip as a result of a fall down cellar stairs. As I write this column on June 28, I am happy to report that I am doing great. I’ve walked with my walker to “you know where,” paraded down the hall with “you know what” showing, have been enjoying delicious food and looking forward to lots of good therapy this week. Meanwhile, Red is home freezing strawberries. I will close by quoting my inspirational Daan Zwick, who, in turn, quoted Garrison Keillor, “Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.”
Class secretary - junevt@sover.net

I promised in our spring column to report on our 60th reunion. It started for us on Friday, June 4, when we arrived at Billings Library and found ourselves in the care of people who handed us a tote bag filled with tickets, maps, and other information on the events ahead. Next, we walked across to Waterman to listen to a presentation by Professor Don Loeb and a discussion abut ethics among strong-minded alums. After lunch, we went on a boat ride to stare in wonder at our own Green Mountains and the Adirondacks across Lake Champlain in New York State. Great food and conversations with great classmates followed at supper, then we happily accepted a ride in an electric car to our next destination. Saturday topped Friday night. In the morning, we hurried to the fountain on the Green, where a band was playing and alumni from different classes were slowly lining up, headed toward the Chapel. The ensuing program inside was close to being more than we could have asked for. The video included scenes of college life from the beginning of the last century. A live band kept everyone peppy, and President Daniel Mark Fogel shared his goals for our future. Back to Waterman for our ’44 banquet, and we were together again, this time in a lovely dining room overlooking the Lake. It was so wonderful to catch up with everyone. Some of our classmates who made our reunion a success in many ways included Ione Lacy Keenan and Edward, Ray Tremblay and Marguerite, Monroe Allen and Lena, Julia Fletcher Peet, Dorothy Wimett Costello, Jean Davidson, Norma Charest Konefal, Robert Sinclair, Noah Thompson and Betty, Marilyn Eimer Vreeland. Others who flew or drove a distance to be there included Richard Thomas, Pat Noyes, Leonard Kunken, Barbara Hall Howe, Nancy Hunter Rogers, Esther Gustafson Torberg, and Herbert, Janet Anderson Griffin, Phyllis Fein Perelman, Griswold Holman, Margaret Lille, Eugene Fuchs, Rosemary Warren Hulle and Robert, Dwight Eddy, as well as Bob and me. There will be other reunions, and I noticed that the higher our ages, the better care of us they take.
Class secretary - woody31@usadatanet.net

Reunion weekend brought several members of the class of ’46 together for the Green and Gold Luncheon: Mary Jean Dunsmore Cox, back from winter in Reno; Mary Boardman Ciaschini and husband Walt, back from Venice Fla., to Greensboro, Vt.; Alice Miller Wright, Betty Johnson Bahrenburg, and your class secretary. We were also glad to see Ruth White (’49) Lyon and husband Howard. At the President’s Reception, we found many friends from other classes as well as Mary Lou Robinson Adsit and Nancy McNamara Harris and husband Cliff. Hope to see more of you next year. Edith Colegrove Noyes and husband Don have just moved into Carlton-Willard Village, a retirement community in Bedford, Mass.
Class secretary - hastories@mymailstation.com

Class secretary - rdharper@comm.umass.edu

We are sad that one of our most active class movers and shakers, Richard Harper, has passed on. His accomplishments at UVM ranged from Dean’s List to drama excellence and are recorded in the 1948 Ariel. His life’s work was in the field of communications that involved, in part, theater, a PhD in rhetoric, many television accomplishments, and a professorship at the University of Massachusetts. Rollande Colouatre Irvine retired as director of the Fanny Allen Memorial School of Practical Nursing, and she now lives in Essex Junction, Vt. She has three children and two grandchildren. As much as health permits, she participates in UVM-sponsored alumni activities. Last year, she was the hub for reuniting nurses in her class, including Barbara Kilburn Frawley, Evelyn Olson Davis, and Ann Davis Fagan. Mary Caswell Farinella could not attend. After retiring from IBM, Ruth Millington Bill of St. George, Vt., now works for Analytical Services, Inc. Her musical talents include playing French horn for the Vermont Philharmonic and singing in the Vermont Symphony Chorus and a cappella groups. She has seven children, one stepson, and 15 grandchildren. In her numerous travels, she has circled the globe. Walter Brown is semi-retired, but he keeps active by administering a courier service in Shrewsbury, Mass. He has four children and four grandchildren. A cruise on the rivers of Holland and Belgium as well as travels to visit children and tending a victory garden keep him “off the deceased list,” according to his sly Vermont humor. Mary Jane Fleming Baron of Akron, Ohio, retired from social work. She is proud of her five grandchildren, three in Massachusetts, two in Akron. Her travels have been to Sicily, Portugal, and Spain. After 30 years of elementary school teaching, Elizabeth Pierson Barrett has retired and has settled in Gales Ferry, Conn. She now has many hours to enjoy her five children and five grandchildren. With husband Earl ’52, she has made an around the world tour, and she also visited Alaska, Australia, and New Zealand. Knitting is her spare-time hobby. Nevia Campi, though retired as chief of operations for the Vermont Department of Social Services, continues to volunteer in many social service-related activities. She lives in Barre, Vt., and there participates in bridge and various singing groups.
Class secretary - normangjohnson@earthlink.net

Edward Sterling spends summers in Waitsfield, Vt., at Sugarbush. The rest of the year, he lives in Winchester, Va., where he lives in a life care community called Westminster Canterbury. He wrote, “Our subscription to a weekly Vermont newspaper keeps us in touch.” Natalie Clapp Barber of Green Valley, Ariz., had a longtime dream fulfilled when her book, Passport To Faith, was published by 1st Books in 2003. The book, including pictures, recounts many humorous and human-interest stories about her 50 years of adventure with husband Edward in search for meaning as Methodist missionaries in Chile, Bolivia, Spain, and the Southwestern United States. They would love to hear from old friends via email at natedbar@juno.com.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu