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1920s & 1930s
For class secretaries and alumni photos visit http://alumni.uvm.edu


1924 Gaynell Ladd Regan of Bradenton, Fla., celebrated her 101st birthday in June. Described in the 1924 edition of The Ariel as the “chatty young lady from Craftsbury,” Gaynell continues to be socially and athletically active in her Florida community. She participates in several aqua aerobics classes a week, and she also belongs to several local bridge groups. Best wishes for continued health and happiness!
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

1927 Elisabeth Howe Jones of Shelburne, Vt., represented the class of ’27 at the Green and Gold Luncheon at Reunion last June.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

1933 Fraser Drew wrote from Williamsville, N.Y., that he is 89 years old. He continues to stay in touch with Lambda Iota alumni and UVM’s Bailey Howe Library Special Collections. Fraser contributed an article to Liber, the journal published by Special Collections. Elizabeth Aiken Martin wrote from Stowe, Vt., to correct information included in a previous Vermont Quarterly. She wrote, “My husband, W. Howard Martin ’31, is 92 and will be 93 in April. I will be 91 in June 2003. We have three great grandchildren.”
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

1934 I received information concerning our class scholarship fund: Three students received $1,000 each: a student from New Hampshire in the College of Arts and Sciences, a student from Vermont and a student from New Hampshire, both from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. I received news from Ada Ingalls Martin, who reports she lives alone, but her son, Roger, who is fire chief in Richford, Vt., lives nearby. Her son, Paul, lives in Sheffield, Vt., and he takes good care of her large flower garden. She feels her life has been blessed. Hilda Davis Sturdevant reports that she lives in Attleboro Retirement near Philadelphia winters, and she keeps very active in various activities there. She is at her summer home in Grand Isle, Vt., three months every year and welcomes visits from classmates. She especially enjoys reading Class Notes. Personally, I can report that I approach my 92nd birthday more slowly, but I am able to be reasonably active. I joined William as a member of the Burlington Lions Club as soon as they admitted women, and I still get to meetings. I live in our condo in Burlington and continue to live at our Colchester Point camp in the summer. I have someone with me days, and my family lives nearby. I, too, am very blessed. At reunion time, I attended the Green and Gold luncheon, the only ’34 there, but I enjoyed the chance to meet our new president and hear him tell us his plans for UVM. I also saw the tree that was planted in memory of Jack Libby. The tree is near the John Dewey monument beside Ira Allen Chapel, and it has a plaque in remembrance of Jack. Next year, our class will be celebrating our 70th reunion, and I hope that those who are able will come. Please give it some thought, and I will let everyone know more details later. I guarantee you will enjoy it, and if you miss it will wish you had been there.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

1937 A letter from Wendy Bachelda ’93 Ross brought the sad news of the death of her grandfather, George Shaw of Hackensack, N.J., on July 23, 2002. As you remember, George was a member of Gold Key and Key and Serpent. He was also our handball champion in 1934. Margaret Stanley wrote to say that she has just turned 90 but is still plugging along — “me and my arther-ites.” Keep it up, Margaret. Jean Fuller Hallgarth stopped driving at 84 and no longer hikes her favorite trails in Mount Hood National Forest. Reading and doing crossword puzzles are about it. On a chilly, rainy June 1st, four members of our class met at Billings for the annual Green and Gold Luncheon and good fellowship. Those present were Kay Babbitt, Christine Brown Perry and husband, Pauline Bristol Noonan, and your secretary. Kay lives happily at Wake Robin Retirement Home, and she assured me that she wouldn’t live anywhere else. Pauline lives at Allenwood in South Burlington.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

1938 Some two dozen members of the class of 1938 returned to campus in late May for our 65th reunion. They led the Peerade with Fred Gear’s famous bandwagon and the “Hey Look Us Over” banner carried by Ruth, Fred’s wife, in the forefront. Highlights for the ’38ers were the class banquet in the Grace Coolidge Room in Waterman Building, the sail on Lake Champlain, the Celebration in the Chapel, and the inspiring words of President Fogel. On Sunday, the Green and Gold luncheon took top billing, and the 1938 bandwagon again provided big band music. One interesting sidelight of the luncheon was the sharing of table space by three of our classmates, Dorothy Akers Cole, Amy Bronkhurst Taylor, and Louise Brazier Silloway, each of whom was accompanied by a guest daughter. Some reminiscence of the good old college days of 65 years ago by John Suitor stirred happy memories among his listeners, and Fran Hennessey Anderson praised our classmates for their generous class donation to the university. Fred Gear represented 1938 during the remarks from each of the classes at the Green and Gold banquet. It was the consensus of those present that much of the success of the 65th reunion was due to the preliminary work of co-chairs Fred Gear and Bud Spaulding and to the untiring efforts of “Den Mother” Patricia Brennan, UVM staff member and director of the Green and Gold Program. It was not without sadness that Don Carpenter’s contributions as vice chairman prior to his death were acknowledged. The memory book, appropriately dedicated to Don, is a lasting memento of an outstanding event in the lives of members of the class of 1938, whether they were privileged to attend or were present in spirit only. Co-chairman Fred expressed it well with an emphatic, “Yowsah!”
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

1939 We appreciate Audrey Chereskin sending a contribution to our class scholarship fund in memory of her husband, Dr. Frank Chereskin. Col. Arthur Datnoff has retired to South Carolina and is active in Masonic and military veterans affairs. David Steinberg is a freelance writer on a wide range of civic issues. He lives in Virginia. Marion Coleman Kennedy spends part of each year in Florida. Madelyn Cecilia Donion volunteers as a piano player and singer in sing-a-longs at the Green Mountain Nursing Home, Burlington Health and Rehab, and Fanny Allen Adult Day Care. Let us know your retirement and related activities.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu