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'00 Chiara Busa was married on September 7, 2002, in Burlington, Vt., to Anthony DiClemente. Attending the wedding were Jennifer Coomes ’02, Brahma Jade ’01, Jessica Dixon (’98) Streeter, Amy and J.P. Fine ’98, Maureen Fitzgerald ’98, Kate McCusker ’01, and Katie Mather ’06. Brahma Jade, who was on tour with Aerosmith, was the maid of honor. Chiara shared that “A good time was had by all.” She and Anthony are currently living in New York City and share many fun nights out with Kate and Katie. Congratulations, Chiara and Anthony! C.E. Jordan Gremp is working and living in San Francisco. She is in the merchandising department of the Gap Corporation. Keeping the tradition of UVM women’s ice hockey, she is a member of a San Francisco lacrosse club. Victoria Adams is currently living in Washington, D.C., and she passed along some news about the engagement of Jeanna Berman and Steve Reidy. They are planning an August 2003 wedding. Victoria, Melissa Weier, and Molly Stanton will be in the wedding party. In addition, it was great to hear that Melissa, Margaret Hill, Jeanna, and Victoria were able to get together for a visit in Boston last fall. Lastly, I am stepping down as class secretary, because life as a first-grade teacher has become chaotic. I’ve had fun hearing updates from everyone. Please contact UVM Development and Alumni Relations (alumni@uvm.edu) if you would like to write our class column in the future. I’m still at the same email address, so send me an email if you have any questions. Thanks and take care!
Class secretary - marzydotes12@hotmail.com OR mikeycc@hotmail.com

'01 Congratulations to Heather Mann and Joe Shanahan, who recently became engaged. Joe is in the military and is currently stationed in Kuwait. Congratulations also to Keri MacFarlane and Nicholas Ogrizovich, recently married on top of Mount Philo in Charlotte, Vt. The couple is in the process of building a house in Fairfax, Vt. Keri is working at Essex High School in the special education department. She is also involved with UVM’s presentation of The Vagina Monologues as an American sign language consultant, because there are two deaf actors who are performing. Erin Wilson recently moved to Boston and is working as a national restaurant liaison for Dining In, a food delivery service in Brighton, Mass. Rob Freeman is still living on Nantucket, where he recently purchased a dry-wall business, Board Stiff Drywall, where he works as a drywall subcontractor. Mike VanEyck was also living on Nantucket last fall before moving to Vermont. Melissa Halleran wrote from New York City that she has been living in the West Village for about a year and working in the couture design house of Chado Ralph Rucci. She recently traveled to Paris to show a spring collection in Haute Couture. Peter Hagist and Josh Lewis are her neighbors. She also sees a great deal of Aimee Bode and Amanda Starbuck, who recently moved into an apartment together on the Upper East Side. Amanda Starbuck traveled to Ethiopia at Christmas time as part of a humanitarian project in a small village south of Addis Ababa. She is continuing her riding career and will be competing in Florida this winter and spring. Dave Maginnes wrote, “After college, I lived in Sydney, Australia, and Whistler, British Columbia. Now I’m living in New York City, working at the New York Post, and putting my stamp on the big city with Pete Dunn, Tim Sullivan, and Juice.” Andre Shoumatoff wrote that he is still out in Utah after 14 months. He is doing web design for a small local company, still skiing, driving old cars, and trying to build a vehicle that runs on used vegetable oil. When he first moved to Utah, he lived with Wilson Acquilla ’00 and Dean Holden ’99, both from Sig Phi. Andre now owns Wilson’s “funky old yellow FJ40 that was somewhat notorious on the UVM campus.” He later moved to Park City, where he lived with Rachel Allen, Sarah Nathan, and Sarah Duffany, who were a Theta and Pi Phis respectively. Andre wrote that Rachel bought a nice new house and now lives there with Sarah Nathan; however, they are all still in town. Sarah Duffany is still ski racing and continues to work for the U.S. Ski Team. Also in town are Ryan Maynard and Andy Kurtz and his infamous golden retriever, Bink. Andre wrote that Matt Dias, Christy Dostal, and Tyler Mann were out there last winter along with other UVM visitors. Tyler now lives in his native Maryland, where he is working at a law firm and applying to law school. Matt and Christy are living in Texas. Last year, Andre saw Summer Clark, who also worked at Alta, as well as Tim Flannery, Mather Eldrid, and Keith Fallon. Andre also let us know that Chris Faherty ’02, Andrew Farrell, and Jason Abraham were living in Lake Tahoe. Jason was competing in extreme skiing, pursuing his goal to become a professional skier. Peter Bates lived with them last year in their funky ’70s A-frame, but he now has returned to his native Rhode Island to sell commercial real estate. Still down in San Diego are Steve Martini, Cassie Walters, and Andrew Nelson. Doug Martin ’00, Josh Hanson ’00, and J.D. Moyer ’00 may also be in the area. Andre noted that he and his friends who lived at 43 North Willard Street stay in touch as much as possible via email. Andre can be reached at andre@collegeinternetsolutions.com. Eric Smith wrote that he organized an amazing mini-UVM reunion in Stowe for the New Year’s celebration. Those in attendance included Alex Thibadau and Steve Martini, who live in San Diego, Ben Susman from northern California, Tyler Mann from DC, Kip Edwards from Baltimore, Tim Thalman, Eric Fenton, and Sean Coffey, all living in Boston, Ian Hopper, who recently moved to LA, Matt Branon, Kevin Corrigan, and J. Hayden, all living in Vermont, and Jeff Agne from Greenwich. Preston Junger wrote that he was in Vermont over the holidays and got together with Jason Pidgeon ’00, Kevin Mitchell ’00, Ryan Cook ’02, and Brian Bertsch ’02. They relived their glory days and saw many other UVMers in town for the holidays. Preston recently started bartending at Mad River on the Upper East Side. He also has a new “day job;” he works for Tekserve as an Apple computer corporate sales rep in New York City.
Class secretary - hilary.dixonstreeter@ey.com

'02 Class secretary - jenniferkhouri@yahoo.com
