Class of '80

Beth Giron Pendleton lives in Juneau, Alaska with her husband, Grey, and son Andrews. Beth is director of public services for the Alaska region of the U.S. Forest Service. Beth and family enjoy hiking, camping, crabbing, and fishing in southeast Alaska. Nancy Ford Maratta and her husband maintain a home in the Anchorage, Alaska, area. She has spent the past three years teaching Yupik Eskimo children and loves it. Nancy noted that Vermont gets more snow than they do. Michael Savella was promoted to principal engineer in the Rhode Island Department of Transportation’s bridge engineering section, where he has worked for the past ten years. He and his wife, Sandra, make a home for their daughters, Laura and Gina, in Cranston, R.I. Michael enjoys playing golf, ten-pin bowling, and bike riding in his spare time. Susan Micygiewicz Elliott, husband Terry, and daughter Samantha relocated to Temecula, Calif., in 1999. They enjoy living in Southern California and report only one earthquake so far. Barbara Kane DelGrego has worked at Better Brands, Inc., a food distributor, for the past 11 years, most recently working with college and university dining services. She and her husband live in Southington, Conn., and keep busy with their two German shepards and travel. Michael Flanders is general manager of LCN, a division of Ingersoll-Rand Corp., located in Princeton, Ill., where he lives with his wife, Susan Brooks Flanders, and their three children.

Class of '81

Michaela St. Marie is an MDiv student, who anticipates graduating in May 2002 from the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. She legally changed her name to Lisa Jane Aubey several years ago. Kylekaja Thornton Michaels has a lot of fun working at the public library in Acton, Mass. Her two children also keep her very busy. Dennis Kauppila was pleased to host Jim Barry, education officer from County Limerick, Ireland, for two weeks last March. Dennis taught a farm financial management course with Jim while on sabbatical from UVM Extension in 1998. Craig Cookman planned to move to Tucson, Ariz., last summer to begin his post-doctoral fellowship on community interventions for vulnerable populations. He will be writing educational software for nurses caring for older adults in the community. Graeme Currie was married to Jeannette Barbarello Bruehl on February 6, 1999, on their beach in Hermosa Beach, Calif. Graeme continues to practice law, primary business litigation, in Century City. Jeannette recently graduated from medical school in Freiburg, Germany, and is looking forward to a residency in pediatrics while completing her PhD. Their home is featured as the beach house on Beverly Hills 90210.

Class of '82

Thanks to all who have written in. Please keep the news coming. We hope everyone had a wonderful summer. Barbara Haslam and her husband recently moved into their own home in Rockville, Md. She said they have plenty of room for any classmates who visit the greater Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. Sharon Haupt Miller currently lives in Boynton Beach, Fla., with her husband and two sons, Jacob and Lucas. Sharon loves the south Florida lifestyle. She tries to bike or inline skate everyday. Sharon works at Manatee Elementary School. Nancy Segal Janes won a Good Housekeeping award for her bagel and mustard recipe collection. Congratulations, Nancy! We are very impressed. Recently, Nancy Ferestein Selig and Julie Epstein Zabar met at your class secretary Jamie’s house for a fun barbecue in the backyard. Nancy stayed for the weekend with her husband, Jeff. They recently purchased a new home. Julie was accompanied by her husband, Joe, and son Bradley. Dr. Mary Toner lives in Norfolk, Va., where she practices veterinary medicine. Mary has four children and is married to a reproductive endocrinologist.

Class of '83

John Cobb and his wife, Leslie Virostek, are pleased to announce the birth of their second child on August 1, 1999. Elise Patricia joined older brother Aidan at the family’s home in Wallingford, Conn. Mark Gallagher and his wife, Julianne, recently celebrated their 10th anniversary. They have three children: Sheridan, who is eight; Luke, six; and John, age three. Mark reported that “business (staffing) is booming. We now have offices in San Francisco, Philadelphia, Boston, and our headquarters in Chicago. We were named Inc 500 number 62 in 1998.” Brenda Fox Grob and her husband, Ken, recently celebrated their 20th anniversary by taking a ten-day sail around the British Virgin Islands. The Grobs and their sons, Kenny, Matthew, and Luke, make their home in Doylestown, Pa. Brenda is a SAP consultant for Johnson & Johnson as well as a step instructor at a fitness club. Trevor Jackson is married with two children. He works for the State Insurance Fund in New York and is an active member of the New York Army National Guard. Jacqueline Sirop Nissen, M.D., continues her busy and hectic life. She will become residency director for the Internal Medicine Program at UConn. Jacqueline reports that all four of her children are doing well on the soccer field and in the classroom. Doug Parker and his wife, Stephanie, welcomed a son, Jackson Robert, on January 2, 2000. Their good friend, Jim O’Donnell and his wife, Sharon Wilson, welcomed their son, Rory Thomas, ten days later. Both families live in the Boston area and are enjoying trading “first child stories.” Doug mentioned that it seems like just yesterday that he and Jim were living out of a van with Doug Madden and Geoff Cook ‘84 on the beach in Texas. Jim visited Scott Harrison and his family in Santa Cruz, Calif., during a recent trip to the Bay area. Scott and Jim had a great time reminiscing about old UVM times, and both reported that Santa Cruz is a lot like Burlington, except with the Pacific Ocean and California weather.

Class of '84

I ran into Jimmy Mitchell and his wife, Kate, at the UVM alumni gathering at an Orioles baseball game here in Baltimore last May. It was great seeing a classmate. Jimmy and Kate had come down from Philadelphia, where they live with their two daughters. Jimmy is president of Asset Investment Management Ltd. Viki Palmer Vestuto wrote to say that she and her husband, Paul, will soon be celebrating their 13th wedding anniversary. They are blessed with three children: James, Timothy, and Grace Elizabeth. Viki and her husband have owned their software consulting business for the past five years. Viki’s email address is Andrea Harris wrote to say that she is an associate professor of English at Mansfield University of Pennsylvania. This year, she published a book of literary criticism with the State University of New York Press, entitled Other Sexes: Rewriting Difference from Woolf to Winterson. She enjoys spending time with her daughter. Pam Jackson Durniak, how is Indiana? I hope all is well with Todd and the children. I hope you’ll write soon. I also hope to hear from lots more classmates with news for the next issue.

Class of '85

Well, I have to say that the reunion has definitely inspired people to write. I want to thank everyone who has or wants to contribute to making our 15th reunion the best ever. Just a note: penmanship is still important—the better you write, the easier it is for me to read. I heard from Elizabeth Alden that she is working on the Hopi Reservation as an elementary school teacher. This year, she is at Moencopi Village in Tuba City. She enjoys the diversity of people, but still gets homesick, even after seven years. Heather Dyer Woodring told me that she is living in Acton, Mass., with her two children, Jessie and Sam. She spends her summers on the Cape and in Maine. Linda Hammersmith Larkin, husband Joel, and daughters Courtney, Megan, and Kelly welcomed a baby boy in 1998 and a final addition to the family, Melissa, this year. Linda and her family live in Atlanta and keep in touch with Deborah Herman and Jeff Steinhorn, who moved to New Jersey and had another son, William Harrison. Marjorie Goldsmith Alley also wrote about Jeff and Debbie. Francis DeVita and his wife, Christel Wyde (‘82) DeVita live in Williston, Vt., with their three beautiful girls, Adrienne, Julienne, and Josephine. Francis owns and operates a loft bed manufacturing business, and Christel is an art teacher in Burlington. Congratulations to Lisa McCullough. Her paintings have been shown in two art shows in Vermont last year, and she adopted a baby. She said it was the “best gift ever.” Gary Hammer, M.D., (who wins for the title of most difficult handwriting to read) and his wife, Lisa, had a busy year last year. They welcomed their first son, Max; traveled to Japan; and both Gary and Lisa started faculty positions at the University of Michigan School of Medicine. Gary keeps in touch with JJ Thorp ‘86 and Jule Kerry, who are godparents of his son. Maurice Voyer told me that he and his wife welcomed their new daughter, Kelsey, last December. Sons Tom and John are thrilled to finally have a beautiful sister. Patricia Faass lives in Acton, Mass., and runs a ticketing company for Don Law. She does ticketing for the Red Sox, the Museum of Fine Arts, and Boston clubs. Patricia is on the board of the Greater Boston Business Council, and she does computer consulting as a side business. Stephen Willard wrote to say that he works at Agilent and that he is excited that his photographs of the Colorado Rockies are to be exhibited at the Loveland Museum in Colorado. Roger Lewis wanted us to congratulate Mark Willard and Margaret Olnek Willard on the birth of their new son, which occurred in their Jetta. Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero is a licensed massage therapist, who moved to Vietnam in 1998 to teach English for six months. She continues to practice massage now that she is back but spends most of her time volunteering for a humanitarian organization based in Vietnam. Tom Luna, M.D., was promoted to lieutenant colonel and was moving to Albuquerque, N.Mex., in July 2000. Jack Sullivan and wife, Brandy, had a son last October. Connor weighed more than nine pounds and “appears to be destined for rugby.” Suzanne Bokat Stone wrote that she is living on Cape Cod, and she keeps in touch with Eileen Mallon Brown, Cindy Mallnowski Driscoll, and Deb Segal Shaw, and her husband, Andy Shaw. They are looking for Meg Coleman for a “Europe 1985” reunion. Susan Morgenstern Barbutt sent greetings to “the old Chittenden 4th gang,” especially Nancy Miner Marciniak, Robin Anderson Ritchie, Harriet Brown, and Kathy Hebner Campbell. She hopes to see all of you at our reunion. After spending eight years living in sunny California, Kristin Pine Echavaria, husband David, and their son, Anthony, moved to Charleston, S.C., last year. All are enjoying the Southern hospitality, along with the golf and grits. Elizabeth Hales Doyle lives in Tomales, Calif., four miles from the ocean. She teaches and trains horses, and she still competes in horse trials but hasn’t written a short story in a very long time. She loves being a mother to her daughter, Gray, who plays the piano, and her son, Sean, who makes a lot of messes. Tracy Mairs McEvoy wrote a quick note telling us she is living in Los Angeles and soaking up the sunshine. Judith Morale Durkin was crowned “Mrs. New Hampshire” in 1998, and she then competed in the televised Mrs. America pageant. In 1999, she became certified in the McKenzie approach to spinal care. I heard from Krista Rohrbacher Graham, who moved from Anchorage, Alaska, to the Seattle area. She helped start up a Washington branch of Oasis Environmental. She lives on Bainbridge Island and loves the climate; she also keeps in touch with many UVMers. Nancy Littlehale, her husband, Steve, and their two daughters moved back to Boston, where Nancy works as a nurse practitioner in a breast care center. She told me she keeps in touch with Sandra Milne, who gave birth last December to her second child, Robert. Another Chicagoland-area alum, Marybeth Pettine Brown, has been living in Wheaton, Ill., for nearly three years. She has three children, two sons, aged ten and seven, and a daughter, who is a year old. Marybeth loves to garden and visit the East Coast. She keeps in touch with Katie Riegelman and Jane Doherty, who both live in Burlington after pursuing their dreams elsewhere. Amy Sieger Daniels sent special congratulations to her great friends, Roddy Lewis and his wife, Tina, on the birth of their daughter, and to Joshua Powers and his wife, Susan, on the birth of their son. Amy visits Craig Mabie every summer for a “Craig weekend,” and she brings either son Zack or Josh. Craig said that he keeps busy downhill skiing, back country skiing, climbing, fly fishing, hiking with Ross Noycluch, laughing with Amy, and renovating his new house with his partner, Douglas. Liz Meyer Piacentini told me that she is living in Putnam Valley, N.Y., with her husband, Tom. Liz is director of catering for Abigail Kirsch at the New York Botanical Gardens in the Bronx. In her free time, she is busy with her horse, competing and training. Scott Valent, M.D., lives in Denver with his wife, Kelly, and their twins. He skis regularly with Jordan Sankel, who lives in Loveland, Colo. During the 1998-99 school year, Maureen Chaffee taught second grade English to Arab children in Bahrain, a small island country in the Arabian Gulf. She had a chance to travel to India, Thailand, and Egypt. Maureen now lives in Vermont near family and friends. She especially enjoys being an aunt to Emma, whose parents are Mark Chaffee ‘88 and Lori Hayes. Douglas Hewitt recently purchased a mid-size engineering and surveying company, Summit Engineering, LLC, in South Burlington, Vt. The company provides all aspects of civil engineering, land surveying, and environmental permitting to private, commercial, and municipal clients. Special recognition goes to Deborah Colby Lynch for being voted Outstanding Vermont Teacher, sponsored by UVM in 1997 and 1999. Deborah also received the Scholar’s Recognition Award from Lyndon State College in 1999, and she was promoted to assistant principal during the last school year. Tina Wittich Hickok wrote that after four years of living in Southern California, she, her husband, Ned ‘84, and their three children decided to return to the East Coast. Ned is working for an Internet start-up company, and Tina is returning to school to get a teaching degree in French. Susann St. Miklossy Thoens returned to Portland, Oreg., after her husband graduated from chiropractic school in Georgia. Susann is a branch manager for TAB Products, while raising two beautiful children, Nicole and Jessica, who enjoy their horse farm. Nancy LeClair and her husband, Mark Deitcher, welcomed Emmett into the family. He joins his brothers, Nathan and Owen. Paul Penichet lives and works in Coral Gables, Fla. He owns his own law firm that concentrates on representing employees on employment matters in federal court. Michael Sage and his wife, Alison Labell ‘84, recently welcomed their fifth child, a son named Kalman. The family also includes Kalman’s older siblings, Ilana, Dahlia, Avi, and Baylais, and they make their home in Clifton, N.J. Michael became a partner with the New York City firm of Dadwalader, Wickersham & Taft last year. Brian Dufresne spent a week in New Orleans for Pittcon 2000 and Perkin Elmers’ Winners Circle Recognition. Susan Gaire, M.D., wrote to say that she has taken a leave of absence from private practice to stay at home with her three children, Katie, Abi, and Ricky. Susan and her husband, Erik Stavrand, who is vice president at QPA Consulting, plan to adopt another son in the near future. Karen Dawson told me that she has a line of fine art cards featuring Vermont landscape paintings. Karen is a full-time artist, and she continues to seek out new “deep country” Vermont locations for her work. Judy Saffer Salm has kept in touch with many fellow 1985 BSN grads, including Amy Ottariano Corsetti and Barbara Feitelson Cohen. Judy has worked in the cardiac ICU and in college health at a local university. Presently, she is a wonderful mother to her two fantastic sons. George Manley has been assigned a multi-year consulting project in Honolulu, Hawaii. While re-engineering a large government operation, he is taking advantage of the surf and sun. Carol Barnicle Bushee and husband Paul added another baby girl, Emma Frances, to their family. Emma joins her sisters, Mary and Katie. Dr. Heather Munro Prescott was recently elected chair of the history department at Central Connecticut State University. Harvard University Press published Heather’s book, A Doctor of Their Own: The History of Adolescent Medicine, last year. Brian Pine and his wife welcomed their second child at their home in Burlington’s Old North End. Along with close friends from UVM, Cindy Reid ‘86 and Barbara Prine ‘83, Brian strives to balance the demands of parenthood with working for social change. Diane Mitsuda Roen, her husband, Harris, and their daughters Julianna and Katrina have returned to Burlington, Vt., where they are enjoying the diversity, arts, and conveniences of city life. Diane loves being a mom and learns much from her volunteer work as a puppeteer for Champlain Valley Kids on the Block. Congratulations to Arlene Waskiel McCoy, her husband, Daniel, and daughter Mackenzie, who welcomed home three brothers from Poland, Damian, Kristof, and Arek, in March 1999. Amy Carmusin wrote to tell us that Kenneth Robinson ‘86 married Lynn Ozirsky in November 1999. Rob Macklin ‘86, Eleazer Durfee ‘86, and Amy attended the festivities. Jennifer Murdoch enjoys being near family and old friends. She keeps in touch with Anne Yates and Lisa Farrell. Tracey Snyder Kunz moved to Raleigh, N.C., last August. She is busy settling in, renovating a wonderful old house, and enjoying a new city. Pamela Dockx Bakinowski has been on the Children’s Hospital pediatric oncology floor for ten years. She is happily married with two great children, Ryan and Emily. Life is hectic and crazy, Pamela said, but fun. Wayne Sweeney and his wife, Mary, have been busy raising their children, building their house, and gardening. Wayne manages the sales department for DCI, a hardwood furniture manufacturer. Wayne is also an elder in Sovereign Grace Church. Mary Beaber Gourd is selling commercial and residential real estate in southwestern Vermont. She and her husband have one son, Nathan. In their spare time, they like to renovate historic properties. She noted that being married to an architect helps. Susan Kail has been living in London for the past ten years. She is still working for an office interior fit outs and is raising her beautiful daughter, Ellie. Chris and Nancy Hoffman Stafford had a memorable camping trip last August with three other UVM couples: Pete and Jeannette Darling McGinn, Steve Shope ‘84 and Julie Maryland Shope, and Bill and Laurie Tappan. It was a little different from their camping days in the ‘80s since their 10 children joined them. Leah Cantor is designing her own line of clothing. She spent last summer in Beverly Hills, where her new Collection Vaux le Vicomte made its debut. Leah has had much success. Her clients include Diahann Carroll, Sharon Stone, soprano Kendra Colton, and flutist Eugenia Zuckerman. This year, Leah was honored by being asked to create a special ensemble for the Grammys. Janine Ritchie Dutton is a very busy stay-at-home mom to her 17-month old twins and a three-year-old son. Last year, Janine, husband Jeff, and family moved to Ohio. William Spruance spent a terrific week skiing in Telluride, Colo., with fellow UVM alums Joe Elmlinger, Joe Solomon, Stephanie Crames Solomon, and Sheppard Swift. He said that there was lots of reminiscing. Robert Mouat wrote to say that he and his wife, Baxter, moved to Southern California in June 1999. They miss Colorado after having lived there for 10 years, but they do enjoy California, where they go to the beach, the mountains, and the desert. Hali Goodman Holmes and her daughters, Lyndsi and Mikaela, have been getting together with Marialyee Logindice and her two-year-old twins, Tess and Faye. Hali said that the girls have a great time together, and it has been wonderful spending time with an old roommate. Victoria Berke moved from Connecticut to New York City last August. She lives across the street from Suzanne Melia ‘86. Victoria sees Suzanne and Brenda Sauer ‘86 frequently. In September, Victoria started an MBA program at NYU part-time. Michele Goddette wrote to say that she is a battalion executive officer of a 1200 soldier battalion. She is stationed at Fort Gordon, where she is primarily an explosive ordnance disposal technician. Michele renders safe foreign and domestic ordnance, chemical, and nuclear weapons. Sara Hatheway married Peter Merrill in June 1999 in Jamaica, Vt. UVMers in attendance were Kathy Murphy and Deanna Brown Horlin. Jamie Wechsler Fenster told me that she and her husband, Ken, are enjoying their daughter Emilee Sarah, born in October 1999. Jamie maintains long-lasting friendships with Linda Brown Donovan, Patty DeLuca Burke, Jill Soltys Schildkamp, and Beth Walker Mecke. Jamie is a full-time mom, and she loves it. Jackie Whitehorn Madsen, Donna Kiley and Dana Drew Wagner just got back from a trip to St. Lucia with their husbands. They all get together every few months with their children, but they felt it was time to take an adults trip. Jackie works for L’Oreal in Manhattan as a vice president of sales operations, while her husband, Doug, stays at home taking care of their two beautiful daughters, Harlee and Julia. Donna is a psychiatrist in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. Her husband is also a stay-at-home dad, who takes care of their daughter, Sofia, and son Scott. Dana runs a preschool out of her home in Westford, Vt. Dana’s husband, John, is co-owner of Essex Paint and Carpet. Dana and John have three sons: Jack, Joe, and Andrew. Jeannie Dougherty Kelly usually joins them at their reunions. Jeannie lives in Connecticut with her husband, Jimmy, and their three children: Sean, Kacy, and Mackenzie. Thank you all for writing. This is our longest column ever.

Class of '86

It was great to see the amount of information that I received for this column. The response to the reunion questionnaire was astounding. I hope that everyone will be able to attend our 15th reunion May 31-June 3, 2001. Although it is our “true” 15th reunion, we will also be sharing the celebration with the classes of 1985 and 1987, allowing us to see many familiar faces. To save space, I have refrained from stating who supplied the information, so you can assume it is self-reported unless otherwise noted. Elizabeth Meltzer married Kenneth Zimmerman in October 1999. Fellow alumni attending the wedding included Robin Vogel, Keri Kamperman, Wendy Lillinbridge Carbone, Mark Flinkstrom, Kathy Haskins Flinkstrom, and Colleen Fagan. Nadia Belash has been very busy as a vice president/marketing director for Digitas, an internet services firm in Boston. She was planning a June 3, 2000, wedding to Jim McKay when she wrote. Charles Baraw was married to Kimberly Keener Benson on July 4, 1999. Alice Stifter recently returned to the United States, after living in England for eight years. She plans to marry a man she met in Cambridge, England, who went to his first hockey game when UVM played Harvard. Mark Connolly married Cardiann Pagiarulo on September 17, 1999, in Manchester-By-The-Sea, Mass. The wedding occurred the day after Hurricane Floyd hit the area, which didn’t faze attendees including Pat Costigan and his wife, Eileen, Steve Devita and his wife, Angie, Marty Shively and his wife, Dianna, and Jeff Fannon and his wife, Sharon. David Macklin is married, and he recently welcomed a new daughter, Katie Siobhan Macklin into the family on February 2, 2000. He is living and working in northern Virginia. Mark and Kathryn Haskins Flinkstrom welcomed their first child, Krista Ruth, on February 2, 2000. Emily O’Hara, a full-time mother of a five-year-old son and a one-year-old daughter, is living in Andover, Mass. She is a member of the Weavers Guild of Boston and will serve as their membership chair as of September 2000. Melissa Copeland Smith gave birth to her third child and bought a post and beam house on Lake Iroquois in Hinesburg, Vt. Ellen Tell Dufresne is proud to announce the birth of her daughter, Gabrielle, in June 1999. Gabrielle joins her brothers Andrew and Corey. Alison Rude Naftal and her husband, Bob, welcomed their second child, Sam, on March 1, 2000. He joins his big brother Benjamin. Alison is taking time to be a full-time mom and is having a great time with her sons. Julie Simon Munro is married and living in San Francisco. She welcomed a new daughter in April 1999. Melanie Smith Geno and her husband, Rusdi, are enjoying their two daughters, Giselle and Annika. Charles Kindregan recently left Hale & Dorr and joined Looney & Grossman, LLP. He and his wife have a baby daughter, Mia Casey, born March 1, 2000. Kathryn Gardner McDaniel gave birth to Maxwell Brewster McDaniel in January 2000. Orlie Ann Bush has a year-old son, Devon. She lives in Park City, Utah, and she enjoys all that the mountains have to offer. Kathy Friedman wrote to say that she, Mary Carlstrom Fisher and Jennifer Golubirey met in Annapolis, Md., for an evening out. Kathy welcomed her first child, Peter, into the family in December 1998. Scott Schwartz and his wife, Michelle, welcomed their second child, Daniel Michael, on March 8, 1997. Catherine Fraser Hoffman spent seven years as a computer programmer and systems analyst before she “retired” to become a full-time mom. She has three children: Collin James, born June 15, 1994, Evan Karl, born July 9, 1996, and Marissa Ellen, born May 20, 1999. For the past six years, Todd Pacifico and his wife, Vivian, have been living in Atlanta. They welcomed their first child, Arianna Camille, on June 16, 1999. After ten years with Bank Boston, Todd recently accepted a position as vice president of the Atlanta, Ga., office of Citizens Bank, where he is involved in commercial lending to middle-marked-sized companies in the Southeast. Lisa Lupario Stead and her husband recently completed the construction of their new house. She wrote that it was worth all the work. Lisa has decided to put her teaching career on hold indefinitely because raising her two sons is very rewarding and time consuming. In January 1998, Michael Loffredo opened his own mortgage company in Salem, N.H. Mike has been married to Kathy Cullen ‘85 for ten years, and they have two sons, Michael and Matthew. They enjoy living in southern New Hampshire; however, they also return to Burlington to visit frequently. Brad Chervin and Lori Murchison-Chervin moved to Fairfield, Conn., last summer. Brad completed his residency in otolaryngology (head and neck surgery), and he is now in private practice. He is also a clinical instructor at Yale University. Lori is home with their children, Jon-Alec and Eliana, and she does some part-time consulting work. They would love to hook up with other UVM alumni in the area. After six years on active duty with the Army Nurses Corps, Angela Ferro worked in general surgery and on the clinical research floor at Fletcher Allen Hospital in Burlington. She is how staying at home with her two children. Mary Greiner Conlon and her husband, Peter, live in Cornwall, Vt., with their sons, Emerson and William. Peter is a newspaper editor, and Mary helps administer three Vermont Community Foundation grant-making programs. Linda Allen Lussier and her husband were chosen as Florida’s Outstanding Young Dairy Farmers for 1999-2000. They also represented their milk co-op at the national convention in Nashville, Tenn. Their children, Samantha and Kevin, love farm life. Karen Bonnette Dvorak is currently on parental leave from her position as an elementary principal to care for her three children, Max, Ben, and Sam. After 15 years in the corporate world, Jeff Record has decided to leave it to pursue a career in elementary education. He will be returning to UVM in January 2001. William and Julie Hazard Yandow have settled in Needham, Mass., for the past seven years. Their children, Curtis, Stephanie, and Trevor, keep them busy. William works at Deutsche Bank Alex Brown, and Julie is home fulltime. Susan Pudvah Ferland has been teaching at the Lincoln Community School in Vergennes, Vt., for ten years. She has two children, Peter and Caitlin. Stu McGowan traveled to India with his wife, Joan Watson, and family, Nick, Emma, and Evan. They toured the country, shooting video for a new series for children, India: Religion, History, and Customs. The tape will be marketed through the Noodle Head Network, a business created by Stu and his business partner and fellow alum, Steve Fuchs. Kathryn Blash Cumbo and her two children recently visited Rich and Robin Hainsworth (‘85) Kowalski and their three children, Jackie, Katie, and Peter. She will also be going to visit Laurie Knapp, who is a securities attorney living in Boston. Marilyn Kraft Hall and her husband, Tom ‘89, have been busy on Long Island with their children, Colin and Sarah. Marilyn is a social worker at Huntington Hospital, and Tom works for Richard A. Eisner and Co. in New York City. They are very involved in the Elwood Soccer Club, where Tom is on the board of directors. Mary Goulet Provost is a Reach-Up case manager with the State of Vermont as well as a wife, mother of two daughters, co-leader of two Girl Scout troops, and an active member of the Ferrisburgh, Vt., Central School Parent-Teacher organization. Brandy Ginsberg Johnson and husband Seth ‘88 live in Denville, N.J. They welcomed their second child, Willow Reagan, in August 1999. Michelle Bourassa is a wildlife biologist with the National Park Service, dedicated to bighorn sheep research and management at Badlands National Park in South Dakota. She also attends the University of Wyoming as a master’s degree candidate in applied statistics. Sheri Quesnel lives in Fort Collins, Colo., with her two sons, Ethan and Ellis. Maryse Laforce and her husband, Jay O’Brien, celebrated her fifth wedding anniversary last September. They live in Jericho, Vt., with Jay’s daughter, Paige. Maryse celebrated 12 years with IDX Systems Corp. last May. She now works for a subsidiary, Channel Health. Denise Robinson Chouinard relocated to California’s central coast in 1997 to oversee the completion of winery construction and assume on-site management of a nursery, winery, and vineyard project that she has been involved with since 1994. Jim Brock joined an Austin, Tex., start-up company, called Netspeed, in 1997. He was later relocated to Chelmsford, Mass., when Cisco Systems purchased the company. Jim now lives in Brookline, N.H., with his wife and three sons, William, Christian, and Matthew. Dena Yasner has been living and working in Phoenix, Ariz., for nearly eleven years. She still does weekend shifts as a DJ, thanks to her years at WRUV-FM, in addition to her full-time job with Hot Mix Radio Network. Allison Bailey Shepard is spending time with her children as well as working as a La Leche League leader. Dana Boole recently accepted a new position with Edison Capital, a California-based utility and investment company. Fiona Eisenberg moved back to New York City in 1987 and has since changed her career. She graduated from the Hunter School of Social Work in 1995, and now she is the program coordinator of the Violence Intervention and Treatment Program at Mount Sinai Hospital Adolescent Health Center. She plans to marry Andrew Edelson in November. Susan Miller Curwen left deep sea fishing to establish a “normal life” with her boyfriend, and she moved to Washington state to work on ferry boats. She wrote that they were in the process of buying their first house together. Susan passed the USCG test to get her chief mate license, culminating her nine years of study and work on the ocean. Linda Harper Lewis and her family recently moved to Ridgewood, N.J. Her children have adjusted well and are happy there. Linda often travels to Texas on business. Geraldine Brockwell put out her first CD of contemporary folk music, entitled “Pearlin You,” which includes 12 songs produced by Dick Gimble, son of Texas fiddler Johnny Gimble. Lynn Pane LeBlanc is practicing podiatry. She has two children, Kevin and Elizabeth. Sarah Evans Harold continues to renovate her house in Fairfield, Conn. She coaches fourth grade girls’ soccer and also finds time for running and skiing. Noreen Johnson works for the Mass. Department of Public Health in Boston. She wrote that her daughter recently turned seven. John Seaver and his family recently returned to Vermont after spending a year in southern Ohio. He was promoted to controller of another division of the corporation where he has worked for the last 13 years and returned to Thermal Dynamics in January 1999. Coleman Horner passed the principles and practices of engineering exam. She is a licensed engineer in the state of Vermont. Beth Rustin has been spending a lot of time with Valerie Artz ‘85, her husband, Alan Gwertzman, and their children. Ksenya Kiebuzinski is writing her dissertation for a PhD in French literature from Brandeis University. Richard Green is hooked on the game of platform tennis; it reminds him of playing tennis in the snow at UVM. Lori Lehouiller has been living in Maui, Hawaii, for the past two years. She enjoys hiking, outrigger canoe paddling, and relaxing on the beach. Benjamin Clark lived in the South for 12 years before he moved back to Vermont, where he loves living. Lisa Klein will be attending law school at the University of Colorado this fall. Susanna Long loves teaching in Menlo Park, Calif. Elizabeth McGaughan Derouchi obtained her master’s degree in education from St. Michael’s College last May. Stephen Pearl, his wife, Carla, and their children, Alexander and Sara, live in Pound Ridge, N.Y. Stephen works at Fidelity Investment’s institutional brokerage group in New York City, and he is a partner in a new livery service in Connecticut. Karen Hermann Marr continues to work with lung cancer patients. Her children, Tucker and Dixie, keep her busy.

Class of '87

Avid readers of this column will probably notice that this issue’s edition was not written by your class secretary. Sarah asked for help writing this column so that she could take a well-deserved vacation with her family, including her beautiful new daughter, Sally, who was born on May 10, 2000. She will be back next issue to infuse the news with her wonderful personal style and commentary on the comings and goings of classmates. Here’s what we received for this issue: Ed and Michelle Pinter Howe welcomed a new son, Riley, last April. He joins his big brother, Connor, in the family’s Cos Cob, Conn., home. Chris Myers and his wife, Karen, live in Weston, Conn., with their two children. Chris works for Weyerhaeuser, and he is coaching soccer. Pamela Nicholson wrote that Alison Gleason gave birth to her first child, Olivia Petersen. Alison and her husband are “happily adjusting to their newest family member.” Alison also wrote in with more details about her family. Baby Olivia Frances was born on December 14, 1999, and she and her husband, James, welcomed her into their home in Eliot, Maine. Kathleen Collins Woodward and her husband, Tim, are living in Hanson, Mass., with her two-year-old daughter, Caroline. Laura Thibodeau got together with Kristen Gladu Cieplicki at a UVM women’s basketball game at the University of Maine. Laura and Kristen were teammates on the UVM women’s basketball team from 1983-87. She wrote that Kristen and her family are doing well. Laura recently built a house in Portland, Maine. Liz Anklow-Parry keeps in touch with Tal Cohen Shore, Lisa Lieis, Dan Seff, and Betsy Breckinridge. She wrote that Betsy now lives in the San Francisco Bay area after having been in Hong Kong for seven years. Liz has lived in the Upper West Side of Manhattan since 1990, working in public relations. She married an Englishman, John Parry, whom she met in Madrid, on April 7, 2000. He had been a foreign journalist posted in Spain. Mia Hitchcock enjoyed having lots of UVMers at her party last November, including Lisa Macrae Coughlin, Ted Danforth, Ellen Berkowitz Klein, Ed and Michelle Pinter Howe, Jon ‘88 and Cathy Selinka (‘88) Levison, Jane Bernholz Maltby, Debbie Caro Pereira, Rich and Joanne Panjer Sullivan, and Sarah Vaden Reynolds. Karla Liffman Livney sent an update: She is married to Roland Livney, and they live in Highland Park, Ill. Karla practiced law for nearly eight years, but for now, she is home with her two daughters, Sophia, born March 20, 1998, and Jessica, born September 30, 1999. She also let us know that Sue Lichtstein is now Sue Spiegel, and she now lives in Westchester, N.Y., with her two children, Stephanie and Noah. Sue and her husband, Bob, planned to climb Mount Rainier in September. Sue also wrote that Jill Solon has become Jill Weiser, and she lives in the Los Angeles area with her husband, Tom, and two children, Samantha and Zachary. Mary “Molly” Wickes wrote that she was to be married last summer. She lives in Chicago. Katherine Postmus Kavanaugh of Iowa City, Iowa, recently completed her master’s degree in nursing. Glen Sigel welcomed his first child, Mark Jason, into the world on December 23, 1999. The family lives in Cleveland, Ohio. Lisa Herge Sebastiano of Upton, Mass., recently gave birth to twins Dante and Viviana. They were born on April 28, 2000, and “were the most amazing Mother’s Day present.” Nancy Blair Willard welcomed her second child on December 22, 1999. Mary Bouchard was there to help. Nancy also keeps in touch with Angie Urban Calloway, who still lives in Santa Rosa, Calif., where Nancy left her when she returned to Vermont. Angie is married with one daughter, Rebecca. Cynthia Dill is practicing law, raising her children, and having fun in Portland, Maine. She continues to pursue her interests in running, biking, and enjoying the beach, good food, fine wine, and dear friends. Deborah Hallien became engaged to Sean O’Hara in August 1999, and they were married in September 2000. Gay Godfrey King and family moved to South Burlington, Vt. She wrote that her two daughters love their new home. Gay keeps in touch with Lisa Famolare, who lives in Maryland and works in Washington, D.C. She travels a lot to Central and South America for her job with Conservation International. Lisa is married with one daughter. Melissa Hayne Schultz recently moved from Germany to El Paso, Tex., where her husband, John, is a Major in the U.S. Army. Missy is a loan officer at the Government Employees’ Federal Credit Union. Stephanie Gacso of Fairfield, Conn., does event planning at the Yale Club of New York City. She previously was a caterer at the 1999 U.S. Open Tennis Tournament and Ryder Cup Golf Tournament. Steven Shapiro, M.D. ‘93, and his wife, Marilyn ‘88, ‘94, ‘97, have moved back East and are building a house on Lake Champlain. Steach is very busy as a Bronx County medical examiner, and Marilyn is an assistant professor of ob/gyn, pharmacology, and neurology at UVM. James Trainor and his wife, Lestina, of Greenwich, Conn., welcomed their new daughter, Marlo Kennedy Trainor, on October 29, 1999. Julie Reidenberg Richards of Underhill, Vt., enjoyed a wonderful weekend in Providence, R.I., with friends Barbara Barry Schneider and her husband, Franklin, and daughter Sylvia as well as Liz Soule Gordon, her husband, Bob, and daughter Sara. She wrote, “It was a great weekend with four little girls running around.” Jessica Lehrbaum designed and built a new home for her parents in San Luis Obispo, Calif. Her parents did a lot of the construction themselves, including electrical work, landscaping, and interior painting. Amanda Sloan is a stage manager for the Broadway production of “The Green Bird,” directed by Julie Taymor of “The Lion King.” Beth Buckley Callahan and her husband built a new home in the Lake George region of New York. Andrew Greig and his wife of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., recently welcomed their first child, Ava Elizabeth. Andrew enjoys his career in “the world of hedge funds and start-up technology companies.” Eileen “Lu” Porfido has had a busy few years. She married John Druckenmiller, a helicopter pilot, in Princeton, N.J., in August 1999. Liz Lander Fox was in attendance with her son, Aidan, as well as Kevin and Allison Korn Grohs and Jennifer Osterndorff Hobson. Eileen will finish her master’s degree from New York University in art therapy this fall. Michele Courville Feiner of Colchester, Vt., has nearly completed her master’s degree in education with a specialty in emotional and behavioral disabilities. Jerilyn Semon Prague and her two daughters, Haley and Jessica, got together with Glen Silverstein and his daughter, Mimi, and David Nadel ‘86 and his children, Alexandra and Andrew, at the birthday party of Bruce Klein’s twins Jake and Samantha. She wrote that Laura Weiner Esterow gave birth to a daughter, Alison Gabrielle, on September 24, 1999, and Margot Reisch Weinberg gave birth to a son, Nolan Alexander, on February 3, 2000. “Gabe” Gabrielsen wrote from Havertown, Pa., that he is married and has a child. He said to watch for him as color commentator on ESPN coverage of indoor lacrosse. Barbara Barry Schneider wrote that Julie Reidenberg Richards and her husband, Marty ‘88, visited her and her family in Providence, R.I., with their two daughters, Caroline and Gabrielle, along with Liz Soule Gordon, husband Bob, and daughter Sarah. Their children played with Barbara’s daughter, Sylvie. Julie teaches in UVM’s school of social work, and Liz is a CPA. David Bachman let us know about a Cape Cod reunion at the cottage of Sue Thompson ‘88 that has continued since 1985, and he wrote, “Many of us now bring our children.” John and Ashley Lovejoy Linnell have been living in Dedham, Mass., with their children, Josephine and John Wilson “Wil,” born July 11, 1999. Ashley wrote that their friends, Jodi Scherer Dady, and husband Andrew of New York City, welcomed their first child, Jillian Rose Dady. Amy Pringle Ellis returned to school to pursue a master’s degree in elementary teaching. She would love to hear from “Maurya M., Deenie C., Peter R., and Greg K.,” and she can be reached at Matthew Kenna of Durango, Colo., splits his time “between ice fishing and assistant rabbi.” Kimberly Mazeine Duchesneau and husband Seth have been living happily in Vermont with their children Alex and Liza. Kimberly is a homemaker, a school volunteer, and a Brownie leader. The family was excited about a trip to Disney World last April. Kelley Fielder Charland and her husband, Tim, have two daughters, Mallory, who is nearly three, and Anna, who was born in February 2000. Kelly is a part-time dental hygienist, who also enjoys teaching in UVM’s dental hygiene department. Theresa Okoniewski Boiney of Crestwood, Kent., welcomed her third child, Rebecca Katherine, in April 1999. Kathy Dow Newcomb recently discovered that her daughter, Christine, is close friends with Taylor Filiault, daughter of Scott Filiault. Kathy and Scott had both lived in MAT and had several friends in common, Evan Shelby and Lisa Barry. Richard Does completed four years of flight training and instructing at Silvra Academy of Aeronautics in Oakland, Calif., where he became chief flight instructor of a contract program training airline pilots for China. He was recently hired as a pilot with Continental Express, based in Newark, N.J., where he gets to fly in and out of Burlington regularly. He spends time off with UVM friends around the country, including Mike Murray in L.A.; Robin Supplee in Seattle; Scott Bosse in Boise; Cyndi Ingalls in San Francisco; Scott Truex in Crested Butte, Colo.; and Dan Frank, Lewis Willmuth, and Lee Goldsborough Cramer in Vermont. Eileen Larochelle Ramer is trying to find Lori Kothe and Sue Noonberg. Elizabeth Soule Gordon and her husband, Bob, are raising their daughters and renovating a 90-year-old house in Hartford, Conn. Robin Fenn Turnau, husband Bob, and their two children, Madeline and Teddy, live in Charlotte, Vt., in a 200-year-old farmhouse that they renovated. Robin is director of development for Vermont Public Radio. They enjoy sailing, skiing, and stoking the woodstove in winter. Ronald Ehrlich practices law in Manhattan. Laurie Oelbaum Sommer wrote from Scottsdale, Ariz., that Stephanie Croke Cator and her husband, Johnny, visited her recently. Laurie still keeps in touch with Carey Hoffman Pippert, Carolyn Williams Haze, Jane Isaacs Schoenholtz, Trish Wheeler Ellsworth. Robert Bourque wrote that Chris Waldman visited him while attending Delta Flight School in Atlanta. He also sees Bill and Carolyn Chaffee Howard and family. Robert and his wife, Phara, live in Cadiz, Kent., and have 11 goats, two dogs, and a cow. Brian DuBoff moved to Moab, Utah, to open a new SBDC office. He was married in Cozumel, Mexico, and this April, he and his wife bought their first house with an amazing view of the red rocks. They have two cats, Killer and Teddy. Deborah Levine Tegen announced the birth of her daughter, Rachel, on September 19, 1999. Rachel joins her brother, Justin, in the family’s home in Williston, Vt. Deborah also has a new job at the New England Culinary Institute. Michelle Maheux Goodrow has been working for a South Deerfield, Mass., dentist for nearly 12 years. She is raising two beautiful daughters, Hannah and Meghan, and she would love to hear news of her dental hygiene classmates. Julie Rowe Collins and her husband, Seamus, of Maynard, Mass., welcomed their precious little boy, Aidan Michael, into the world on November 29, 1998. Alice Clough catered and served the Royal Tortola Yacht Club luncheon for HRH Prince Andrew on his official state visit to Tortola, B.V.I. Several years ago, Alice crossed the Atlantic on the yacht Sequel and was the ship’s chef on the crossing and throughout Europe, the Mediterranean, Greece, and Turkey. Kevin Lessard shares an office with Jim Norton. Kevin and his wife welcomed their second son, Curtis, on August 19, 1999. They attended the wedding of J.P. David last July, along with Kevin Leahy and his father. Lisa Macrae Coughlin of Ridgefield, Conn., welcomed her second daughter, Sloan Macrae, was born on June 24, 1999, joining her big sister, Starr. Jeffrey Friedberg sent greetings and let us know that he recently released two CDs for children: The Bossy Frog and Snortin’ Norton’s Car Trip. You can find out more about what he has been doing by visiting his web site:

Class of '88

Tim Reed’s company, Voice Promotions, hosted one of the country’s largest black tie millennium New Year’s Eve celebrations with 4,200 guests. Tim married his girlfriend of six years in Southampton, N.Y., on June 10. His new wife works for House of Blue Corp., and he wrote that their life together should be very “entertaining.” Heidi Higgins Cutler of Waterbury, Vt., has a new daughter, Nicole, who joined her sister Heather and brothers Nathan and Matthew in August 1999. Alice Crook Eldridge got together with Deb Fallon LaFreniere and Jane Sanders Yousman at Jane’s home in Connecticut. She said they talked for hours while Jane and Deb’s girls played together.

Class of '89

It’s hard to believe that the warm days of summer are behind us, and we are moving on to the season most reminiscent of beautiful Burlington. My apologies for the non-existent column in the last issue. It won’t happen again. The deadline crept up on me, and I blew it! So, some of this news is a bit old but worth passing on all the same. It was great to hear from Evelyn Roche Johnson who e-mailed me in April. She is living outside of St. Paul, Minn., with her husband, Steve, and teaching MS French at The Blake School in Hopkins, Minn. She is in touch with Annelein Beukenchamp, Jane Adams, and Martine Laroque Gulick ‘88. She would love to get in touch with Dan Levison, so if you are reading this, Dan, leave a message for her on our class homepage message board ( Laura Scheff Mitzelfelt lives in Guilford, Conn., with her husband, Keith, and they happily welcomed their first baby, Thomas, last November. They are loving parenthood and life in Connecticut. Some big news is that Stephanie Conroy Wallach had an adorable baby boy, Ben, in February. She and her husband, Russell, live in Washington, D.C. Also, congratulations to Robin Fried Boyd, who had a little girl, Madison, in March. She lives in Wellesley, Mass., with her husband, Bill, and son Aaron. In July, I enjoyed a great visit with Tony and Elena Kraus Shulman in Reno, Nev., where they have been living for the past six years. They have two daughters, and Tony just opened an expanded billiard hall “Q’s,” which he extols as “the finest pool hall in Reno.” He encourages classmates to come visit or get in touch with him via e-mail at They love the area, especially with Lake Tahoe nearby. We had a terrific mini-reunion in Phoenix, Ariz., in June with Kate Fallon Croteau, Diane Peligal O’Halloran, Kim Slomin McGarvey, and Maureen “Moe” Kelly Gonsalves and me. Sorely missed was the rest of the group, but we decided that we will get together yearly. Moe just took a new job with an internet nutrition concern, and the long days and hard work agree with her so far. Diane has completed her master’s degree in occupational therapy, and she will start the job hunt in the fall. I received an e-mail from Randy Markey ‘90. He is happily living in Cleveland, Ohio, with his wife and daughter. Heidi LeBlond Winot is a veterinarian in Brattleboro, Vt. She is married with two children, aged three and seven. Andrew Whitely and his wife, Amy Ruger (‘93) Whitely, live in Fairfield, Conn. They just welcomed a son, Thompson, in June. Amy Aydelott Berkner lives in Fort Collins, Colo., with her husband, Mark, and daughter Cecelia. She and her husband have their own law firm, which they can bike to. She is looking to get in touch with Trista Scheuer. William Houston lives in Alexandria, Va., and is a project manager for the development of K-12 earth science curricula at the American Geological Institute. Jill Teplidzky-Frankel lives in Randolph, N.H., with her husband Jeffrey, and two daughters. She is on extended leave from her job as a buyer at Stern’s department store. Melody Shonio Bundy and her husband live in Vergennes, Vt., and they enjoy boating and gardening. They have been happily married for six years, and she has been employed at Best Western for 13 years. Naomi Wright Nichols received the Vermont 2000 Young Engineer of the Year Award. She is the vice president of Dufresne & Associates, a civil engineering firm based in Windsor, Vt. She recently returned to Vermont with her husband, Gordon, and daughter Corrina after having lived in Bozeman, Mont., for five years. On an extremely sad note, Rachel Dimitruk wrote to say that our classmate, Colette Thibodeau, died on May 10, 2000, in Burlington. Our condolences to her family and friends. As always, keep the news coming. Keeping up with all the news about classmates is what helps to keep us all connected. Have a great fall!