Class of '60

Robert Denmead and his wife, Pat Doherty (‘58) Denmead, moved to Venice, Fla., to enjoy the warm Gulf Coast breezes. They would love to hear from their “old” friends. Carole Willard of West Milford, N.J., wrote last April that she was looking forward to celebrating the class of ‘60’s 40th reunion at UVM.

Class of '61

George Anthonisen has worked on two sculpture commissions: Alice in Wonderland for Philadelphia’s Please Touch Museum and a monumental tribute to Raoul Wallenberg commissioned by the Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding at Muhlenberg College. He and his son, Daniel, a painter, were featured with four pairs of artists in The Art Gene at the James A. Michener Art Museum in Doylestown, Pa., from April until July. From Mimi Portnoy Neches we heard that, in addition to her private practice, she teaches assessment and clinical treatment of HIV/AIDS at California State University, Northridge, and other schools. She and her actress daughter also recently co-produced a one-month One-Act Festival. She added on a personal note: “I am the proud grandmother of Sabella Davis-DeVaul, my son’s one- year-old daughter, and am helping my daughter organize her upcoming wedding in November. She and her fiancé are both actors.” Janet Carpenter O’Keefe works for the UVM Extension Service. She also serves on the board of trustees of 4-H Camp Waubanong and Windham County 4-H Foundation. In addition, she’s a secretary of the Brattleboro Stamp Club. Janet has six grandchildren, with another on the way. While in Florida in March, Julia Cass Kullberg spent time with her sophomore year roommate, Julie Hall Werber, and her husband. She recently was contacted by her sorority sister, Janet Gallagher (‘62) Covell, and they enjoyed catching up over lunch after many years. Sheila Whitney Mable has reported that she received the following awards: 1989-90 Who’s Who in American Education, 1990 South Burlington High School Teacher of the Year, 1991 Vermont Teacher of the Year awarded by UVM, and the 1993 Outstanding Speech Educator Award for the Northeast awarded by the National Federation of Interscholastic Speech and Debate Association. Captain David Hill wrote that he produced an hour-long documentary, “Seaboard World Airlines 1946-1980: A Crew Member’s Album”, which was completed in December 1999 after more than two years of work. He is currently working on a book and two magazine articles. He and his wife, Charlotte, look forward to moving to Monterey, Calif., later this year. Susan Pearlberg Weinstein has a daughter, Judith, who is a surgical nurse at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York City. Her daughter, Marilyn, recently married, is head of the legal department at a computer software company in San Francisco. Arthur Abrams became a grandfather twice in two days. His daughter , Ellen Abrams (‘91) Glassband, gave birth to a son, Jared Evan Glassband, on February 17, 2000. The next day, his son, Andrew Abrams ‘88, became the father of a baby girl named Samantha Isabel Abrams. Hope that both will carry on the UVM legacy. Martha Lawton Nielsen and her husband moved to Providence, R.I., in September 1998. They are enjoying city life, including concerts, theatre, volunteering, walking, and biking. They also spend time caring for their seven grandchildren, three of whom were born in October 1998. The Nielsens are traveling more, both in the U.S. and abroad, and they continue to sing in the semi-professional chorus where they met 20 years ago. David Hall’s daughter, Christianne, is in Washington, D.C., working on health care consulting projects for the World Bank. She recently took trips to Columbia and Honduras on assignment. She graduated from Georgetown in 1998. In May, David spent time in New Hampshire, where his son, Fletcher, graduated from Kimball Union Academy. David, who is semi-retired, spends his time investing and doing volunteer work. He is still single. In June 1999, Stephen Berry and his wife, Louise, joined Tom Hackett, his wife, and 15 other friends on a rafting trip through the Grand Canyon, to celebrate Tom’s 10th wedding anniversary. Robert Murphy reported that he is a volunteer worker at the Vermont Historical Society Library in Montpelier, a member of the Washington County Reparative Board, chair of the bike path committee for Barre Town, and a genealogical researcher. B. Kay Stroppiana let us know that she was invested into the Grand Sovereign Dynastic Hospitaller Order of Saint John Knights of Malta. In April 1999, Prince Henri Constantine Paleologo knighted her in a ceremony at Mar A Lago in Palm Beach. Kay wrote, “My official title is Dame of Grace. I am truly honored to have been selected by the Prince to be a part of the order of hospitallers that builds hospitals and helps the needy all over the world.” Theodore Elliott-Smith is retired from the U.S. Army Reserve after more than 27 years as a medic. He is refurbishing a 209-year-old house and completing his 38th year of teaching with no intention of retiring. Peter Lorman, M.D., and his wife, Susan, went skiing in Deer Valley, Colo., with Steven Grossman and Carol Nagelsmith ‘63 last March. J. Donald Carpenter and his wife, Nancy Lee, have retired to Skidaway Island near Savanah, Ga. They celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary in June 2000. Their son, Scott, is married and living in New York City; son John will be married in Northampton, Mass., in October. Donald would like to hear from classmates and friends and can be contacted at Stanley Ather purchased a 65-acre farm and 112-year-old house, which he is restoring as time permits. He has been active in the AARP tax aide program for the past 11 years. “I am interested in hearing from old roommates and friends,” wrote Dr. Linda Hufnagel. She continued, “I travel abroad quite often; completed two around-the-world trips since 1997. My daughter, Shula Jaron, is in a PhD program at the Oregon Graduate Institute. My daughter, Tamara Jaron, is an assistant editor at Askdrweil. com. I teach microbiology, electron microscopy, and cell biology at the University of Rhode Island, and I do research on ciliated protozoa and hydras.” Linda Sack Fossier said that her youngest son, David, will be attending medical school in the fall at age 30. She has three grandchildren from her other son and daughter. Linda and her husband, Mike, enjoy retirement in Newport Beach, Calif., and Aspen, Colo., playing golf, tennis, and skiing.

Class of '62

John McGowan was awarded the New Jersey Distinguished Service medal for his service in Vietnam as an Army medical helicopter pilot. The award was presented in November 1999 for heroism in Vietnam. Some of Jay’s other awards were the Distinguished Flying Cross twice, the Bronze Star, the Air Medal with V device for valor twice, a Distinguished Unit citation and an Army Commendation Medal. Jay resigned his commission after nearly eight years in the Army. He has been employed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey as a helicopter pilot for the past 29 years and he currently manages helicopter operations and the Downtown Manhattan Heliport as well as being chief pilot. He is married to the former Patricia Merlone ‘61, and they have lived in Middletown, N.J., for the past 29 years. The McGowans have four children, who currently are living in Burlington, Vt., Long Branch, N.J., and Portland, Oreg. Jay and Pat hope to be at the reunion next year and again in 2002 for our 40th. Bill Likosky, MD ‘66, accepted a position as neurology chair at Minor & Jamis Stahlt. Marilyn Schron (‘66) Likosky will begin a PhD program in classics at the University of Washington. Son David, MD ‘94, will begin practice as a neurologist/internist at Evergreen, Stahlt; his wife, Laurin, is a dermatologist at Group Health. Son Michael, a lawyer, is a doctoral student in international law at Oxford, England. Son Donny is a doctoral student in health sciences at Dartmouth. Bill and Marilyn make their home in Seattle, Wash.

Class of '64

I am writing to you from the shore of Lake Champlain in beautiful Addison, Vt. By the time you read this, we will be heading towards another winter. Unfortunately, I have no news from classmates for this issue. Please write or email to keep us posted on your activities. Spending time in Vermont allows me to catch up with classmates living in the area. I have visited with Susie Bento Prezzano, who will be living half a year on Kellogg Bay. I also had a conversation with Bob Pasco and dined with Bill Davidson ‘62 and his wife, Candy. I visited on the Lake with Norman Bohn, who has completed his first year of retirement from South Burlington High School. It would be great to hear from more classmates.

Class of '65

Judith Howland is a guidance counselor at Miller’s Run School in Sheffield, Vt. She has taken animal tracking classes at the Vermont Leadership Center, and she will help with field research in Nulhegan River Basin. Judith is also a cooperator of VT Coverts, an organization for Vermont woodlot owners. She has two daughters, Kaija Liun, a 1995 graduate of UW, who is now a graduate student, and Sigrid, who is an artist. R. John “Jack” Huber’s Cornerstones of Psychology, a book of readings in the history of psychology, was published by Harcourt College Publishers in April.

Class of '66

James Aher moved back to Vermont in August 1999 and purchased an 1860 farmhouse in Wolcott. He says it is great to be home for the first time since 1966. Lanny Aldrich has settled in Cary, N.C., where he is working for Hendrick’s Cary Auto Mall as sales manager and fleet and commercial manager at the Dodge store. He has been in amateur radio for 41 years. Elizabeth Gioria Brent is a retired librarian and lives part time in Florida and part time in Middlebury, Vt. Stowe, Vt., was the setting of Mike Donohue’s (‘97) wedding in June. He is the son of Tom Donohue. Attending from our class were Jeff Hider, Don Hubert, and your class secretary and husband Ken. It was a lovely affair. Elaine Merrill Flood of Brattleboro, Vt., wrote that her son, Joshua, is a computer software engineer in Chester, Vt. Her other son, Jeremy, is a landscaper in Manchester, Vt. Linda Dick Fox of Painted Post, N.Y., was inducted into the Corning/Painted Post Sports Hall of Fame for Golf. Bernice Fisher Gardner reports that after her husband passed away in 1998, she traveled to Italy with friends from our class, Diane Butman Meeker, Andrea Bebe Pierce, and Meryl Suhr. In October 1999, Ellen Baker Gallagher, Linda Dick Fox, Margie French, and Judy Duval had a weekend reunion on Lake Sunapee, N.H. They now plan to meet again in New York City. Jane Pelletier Graham of Bow, N.H., is working part time as a dental hygienist in Weare, N.H. She has three grown children and one grandchild. Deborah Hansen Burke of Killington, Vt., has been named editor of The Green Mountain Responder, which is a newsletter/newspaper for updating Vermont EMTs and firefighters. Her office is located at the Vermont Fire Academy in Pittsford. Gary Homer of Eatontown, N.J., has two grown children. Douglas recently graduated from the Maryland Graduate School for Education, and Shelby graduated from Boston University. Douglas Johnson and his wife are celebrating their second marriage of 20 years by taking their expanded, blended family of ten on a trip through Hell’s Canyon on the Snake River in Idaho. Richard Lowell races 510 Datsuns in SCAA Solo II events. He lives in Phoenix. Nancy Lord Menard was recently appointed district director of public health for the Burlington, Vt. district. She was formerly care coordination manager for Kaiser Permanente. She makes her home in Charlotte, Vt. Gary Pearson of Stoughton, Mass., retired from UPS and purchased a winter home in Delray Beach, Fla., in a golfing community called Addison Reserve. Claudia Westcott Pesino is retired from teaching after 28 years of service in New York State. She will be relocating to Saratoga Springs, N.Y. to be near family. Carole Leavens Reeves is living in Springfield, Vt., and has been operating an antique business for 25 years. She was a social worker with the Vermont Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services for several years. Bonnie Murray Riddle wrote that she and her husband are full-time volunteers with the Portland, Maine Opera Repertory Theatre, which he co-founded in 1995. They have four grown children between them and two grandchildren. Craig Rider of Dayton, Ohio, was recently awarded the executive directorship of Leadership Ohio. A fellow classmate, Bob Bergin, and Craig reconnected through the program. Bob, who lives in Columbus, Ohio, visited Penny Beach in Vergennes, Vt., at the Basin Harbor Club. Stephen Stearns has created a major young persons’ theatre school, the NE Youth Theatre in Brattleboro, Vt., and he is working to restore and renovate the historic Latchis Theatre on Main Street to include youth theatre, movies, and art events. The group performs Shakespeare and musicals, and they also have programs in playwriting, directing, acting, design, and “laugh” therapy. Elizabeth Dragoin Lemmon wrote from Los Osos, Calif., “I have recently helped with the care of my last two great-grandchildren. It seems great-grandmothers are more available than grandmothers. I am 73 and grateful to be in good health and of some use to others.” Claire Berka Willis of Newtown, Conn., wrote that seasonal reunions have been occurring regularly among some ‘66 UVM Kappa Alpha Thetas and their spouses: spring in Connecticut at the home of Claire and husband Frank Willis ‘64, summer on Cape Cod with Marcia Ely Bechtold and husband Chip ‘65, autumn on Lake Cayuga, N.Y., with Judy Claypoole Stewart and husband Jack ‘65, and winter in Montpelier, Vt., with your class secretary and husband Ken. Great fun. I am impressed with the volume of news from you all. For those of you who have not written a note about yourselves, please send a few lines to me at the above address. Remember our reunion in June 2001. See you there.

Class of '67

Luther Conant wrote that he has his own television show, “More Money with Luther Conant,” which airs for half an hour twice a week. His firm Conant Financial Services, manages more than $70 million for more than 500 clients. A message from Luther: “Spark, where are you? Mad Dog.” Anna Gardner Higginson has spent some time traveling—to Ireland with her sister and brother in 1997 to learn about her heritage and to Bermuda in 1998 with her sons, just for fun. Sandra Clough Howard was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 1997 and is busy building her practice in elder law dealing with wills, estates and trusts, and issues of an aging population. Cheryl Fuss Kleefeld, an independent marketing associate with Renaissance, the tax people, wrote that her older son, Joshua, recently graduated from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia; and her younger son, Eric, just graduated from high school. Cheryl continues to enjoy singing with her community choir and attending a summer choral festival. In keeping with tradition, David Lambert wrote that his daughter graduated from UVM last May, as did his other three children in past years. David’s wife is also a UVM graduate, which makes them a true UVM family. The Vermont chapter of the National Association of Social Workers recently named Frederick Ober “Social Worker of the Year.” Carolyn Norvik Papa just retired after 30 years of teaching high school math. She has built a house in Arizona, and she looks forward to leaving the snow behind. Leo Pfeiffer sold three businesses and has moved to Florida. He wrote that Bill Gillespie and his family live nearby. Leo, we still expect you to attend reunions, despite the increased mileage. Elizabeth Baldwin Roberson attended the Clown Convention in San Francisco last April. Her family business, Clowns or Princesses, provides entertainment for functions such as children’s birthday parties and company picnics. Elizabeth’s cast of elves, clowns, and princesses provide activities such as face painting, magic shows, and balloon sculpting. Steven Simon wrote that he recently married. He has three children, Jed, Ray, and Rachel. Patricia Jewett Thompson is currently serving as part-time pastor of the United Church of Johnson, Vt. Welcome to Kyle Liscouski, Diane Glidden Wichtermann’s new grandson. Diane wrote that she purchased a house in Townsend, Mass., last year, and she is currently enjoying swing and ballroom dancing. Roy Zuckerman has co-authored the first in a series of craft books/kits, entitled, Make Your Own Temporary Tattoo, published by Workman Publishing. Anna Paquette Gagne and her husband, Gabriel, continue to live in the house that Gabe built for them to move into at the time of their marriage 28 years ago. They have four children: Havaleh, who entered the UVM College of Medicine, graduated from St. Michael’s College along with her husband, Steve; Justin works for Qualcomm in San Diego since graduating from RPI in 1997; Rachael, a graduate of Clarkson University, is pursuing a doctorate in biology at Brown; and Marie graduated from Rice Memorial High School in 2000.

Class of '69

Sally Lester Lamphier of Burlington, Vt., is delighted that her son, Marc, graduated from UVM with the class of 2000.