Students who start small businesses and break new ground; professors who inspire in the classroom and in their fields of research; alums who change the world at work. At UVM, inspiring stories are everywhere. Take a closer look...

  • Bernice Garnett
    Assistant professor, public health prevention scientist
  • Nika Ouellette
    Environmental studies major, Track and Field team captain, two-time All-America javelin thrower
  • Sydney Healey ’14
    Global studies and environmental studies double major, Fulbright scholarship winner, focus on teaching in Brazil
  • Joseph Friedman '14
    Anthropology major, Fulbright scholarship winner, focus on domestic and global research related health metrics
  • Anders Christiansen '14
    Political science major, Fulbright scholarhip winner, focus on economic and political issues in Latin America
  • Nick Gotelli
    Professor of biology, ecologist, part of research team on global extinction crisis
  • Donna Rizzo
    Professor of civil and environmental engineering, researches human-induced changes on natural systems
  • Michele Commercio
    Associate professor of political science, specialist in comparative politics in post - Soviet states
  • Alexandria Hall
    English major, poet, Beinecke Scholarship winner
  • tablet
    Research associate professor of engineering, co-founder of E.A.S.Y, innovate learning products