Students who start small businesses and break new ground; professors who inspire in the classroom and in their fields of research; alums who change the world at work. At UVM, inspiring stories are everywhere. Take a closer look...

  • Greg Huse '94 walks the grounds at Arlington National Cemetery
    Arlington National Cemetery's urban forester
  • Spider expert and associate professor of biology explains the potential of webs
  • Education major, leading advocate for local refugee community
  • Kristina Ushakova examines knee of athlete
    Exercise science major, summer intern at the U.S. Olympic Training Site
  • Student building inclusion at UVM, founder of UVM Special Olympics Club
  • Amiel working in his laboratory
    Professor of Med Lab and Radiation Sciences, unlocks important immune response clue
  • cast of piece of my heart talking on the stage
    Professor of theatre, scenic designer for Broadway, television, and film
  • Assistant professor of biology explores the diversity of life in our oceans
  • Professor of German and folklore explains how proverbs reflect our culture