Students who start small businesses and break new ground; professors who inspire in the classroom and in their fields of research; alums who change the world at work. At UVM, inspiring stories are everywhere. Take a closer look...

  • Finance major, basketball player
  • Ph.D. student, part of entomology research team exploring a fungi to curb Moose Tick Plague
  • professor of special education, in Azores islands for Fulbright research on innovative partnerships
  • Adjunct faculty member who leads students on a course through the Ecuadorean highlands
  • Professor of education, expertise in language, literacy, and its impact on identity
  • From TV commercials to teacher of equine skills
  • Paddled the Mississippi River, monitoring water quality along the way
  • Spent his third summer on his current research -- the sugar metabolism of human dendritic cells
  • A summer working with the large cows, UVM CREAM program
  • Continuing her research on an invasive beetle this summer