Students who start small businesses and break new ground; professors who inspire in the classroom and in their fields of research; alums who change the world at work. At UVM, inspiring stories are everywhere. Take a closer look...

  • Working at Montpelier's Hunger Mountain Co-op, MPA student Emma Paradis has been focused on keeping customers and staff safe during the pandemic.
    Student in Public Administration master’s degree program, community advocate during COVID-19
  • Walters with a microscope in the lab
    Medical Laboratory Science major, involved with research altering a gene associated with lung cancer
  • Business and environmental sciences major, explored small businesses as change agents of sustainability
  • Communication sciences and disorders senior, developed rubric to measure the quality of children’s storytelling
  • Business major, research on the popularity of vaping products among college students
  • Anthropology major, research digs into the influences food trucks have on our foodways and social relationships
  • Double major in political science and history, his social media research considers technology through both lenses
  • Danielle Allen growing cells in the Thali lab for her HIV research
    Molecular genetics senior conducting research on the spread of HIV at the cellular level
  • Burkey feeding her research in the lab
    Sustained six artificial cow stomachs for her protozoa research
  • UVM professors and co-developers of app to help panic attack sufferers manage pandemic anxieties