Students who start small businesses and break new ground; professors who inspire in the classroom and in their fields of research; alums who change the world at work. At UVM, inspiring stories are everywhere. Take a closer look...

  • Beverley Wemple teaching outdoors
    Recently concluded a 20-year study of water-related impact on Vermont's highest mountain
  • Riley Korhonen
    Making physical activity accessible for older adults through exercise science capstone research
  • Allan Kellehear
    Medical sociologist developing compassionate communities through local palliative care programs
  • Steve Keller
    Leading research in ecological genomics to study how plants and animals are impacted by rapid environmental changes
  • Sabrina Greenwood
    Leading a research team exploring health, economic and environmental benefits of feeding seaweed to dairy cows
  • Alice Fothergill
    Studying the impact of COVID-19 on traditionally ignored populations
  • Jenny Sogin
    Environmental studies major with an internship maintaining community recreation paths
  • Emily Beam
    Researching the impact of anti-poverty programs on students in Bangladesh
  • First appointee of a UVM-Pacific Northwest National Laboratory collaborative program
  • Lesley-Ann Dupigny-Giroux
    Author for the Water chapter of the Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5).