Ellen Marsden aboard the Melosira research vessel on Lake Champlain

What makes our faculty members tick?

Get up close and personal with our professors. Learn about their passions, their paths to UVM and why they love what they study, from the mysteries of Lake Champlain's sculpin to the stories of homeless children in Pakistan.

  • Tracy Arámbula Ballysingh
    Assistant professor of Higher Education and Student Affairs, improving the experience of underrepresented students
  • Srinivas Venugopal
    Assistant professor of marketing, expert on the transformative power of running a business in the world's poorest places
  • Assistant professor of community entrepreneurship, teaching social change through business
  • Lecturer, UVM student media adviser developing next generation journalists
  • Assistant professor of business, runs non-profit in India to help entrepreneurs escape poverty
  • Escaja sits next to a robot -- her new book is about writing poetry from the point of view of robots
    Professor of Spanish and artist on how connection has changed in the digital age
  • Spider expert and associate professor of biology explains the potential of webs
  • Amiel working in his laboratory
    Professor of Med Lab and Radiation Sciences, unlocks important immune response clue
  • cast of piece of my heart talking on the stage
    Professor of theatre, scenic designer for Broadway, television, and film
  • Assistant professor of biology explores the diversity of life in our oceans