Ellen Marsden aboard the Melosira research vessel on Lake Champlain

What makes our faculty members tick?

Get up close and personal with our professors. Learn about their passions, their paths to UVM and why they love what they study, from the mysteries of Lake Champlain's sculpin to the stories of homeless children in Pakistan.

  • image of a brain scan
    Professor of nursing, lead author on study about childhood obesity and brain development
  • professor of special education, in Azores islands for Fulbright research on innovative partnerships
  • Adjunct faculty member who leads students on a course through the Ecuadorean highlands
  • Professor of education, expertise in language, literacy, and its impact on identity
  • Biologist, researching how ocean species can survive climate change
  • Lecturer, psychotherapist, advocate for exercise improving mood disorders
  • David Warshaw and Mike Nelson (right) celebrating Mike's appointment to the NAS.
    Chair of Pharmacology, elected to National Academy of Sciences
  • Professor addressing climate change through parenting, storytelling and advocacy
  • Professor of critical race and ethnic studies on race, trauma and family
  • Sarah Osten
    Professor of History, volunteer translator for families seeking asylum in the U.S.