Ellen Marsden aboard the Melosira research vessel on Lake Champlain

What makes our faculty members tick?

Get up close and personal with our professors. Learn about their passions, their paths to UVM and why they love what they study, from the mysteries of Lake Champlain's sculpin to the stories of homeless children in Pakistan.

  • Bernice Garnett
    Assistant professor, public health prevention scientist
  • Nick Gotelli
    Professor of biology, ecologist, part of research team on global extinction crisis
  • Donna Rizzo
    Professor of civil and environmental engineering, researches human-induced changes on natural systems
  • Michele Commercio
    Associate professor of political science, specialist in comparative politics in post - Soviet states
  • tablet
    Research associate professor of engineering, co-founder of E.A.S.Y, innovate learning products
  • Senegal
    Associate professor of sociology, special adviser to the prime minister of Senegal
  • John Barlow
    Studying bacterial role in human health, artisanal cheesemaking
  • Stuart Hart
    Leader in sustainable business field, MBA faculty member
  • Anthony Grudin
    Assistant professor of art history, Warhol scholar
  • Major Jackson
    Professor of English, Guggenheim fellow