Ellen Marsden aboard the Melosira research vessel on Lake Champlain

What makes our faculty members tick?

Get up close and personal with our professors. Learn about their passions, their paths to UVM and why they love what they study, from the mysteries of Lake Champlain's sculpin to the stories of homeless children in Pakistan.

  • Geologists, conducted headline-grabbing research that Washington, D.C. is sinking fast
  • Lizzy Pope
    Assistant professor of nutrition and food sciences, lead author on study showing Food TV is a Recipe for Weight Gain
  • Fukagawa in her lab
    Professor of medicine, director of USDA Human Nutrition Research Center
  • Russ Tracey
    Professor of pathology, plays critical role in national Exome Sequencing Project
  • plastma test lab
    Mechanical engineer, creator of UVM lab that is at spaceflight's leading edge
  • Bongard
    Professor of computer science, robotics expert, author of new essay on cognition
  • Professors of mathematics, co-authors of study on how languages skew toward happiness
  • Hudziak and team
    M.D.s, authors of study on potential dangers of ice hockey for young athletes
  • ebola fighters
    Professors of medicine, Ebola doctors in Liberia
  • Ting Tan
    Professor of engineering, co-creator of hybrid energy harvester