Ellen Marsden aboard the Melosira research vessel on Lake Champlain

What makes our faculty members tick?

Get up close and personal with our professors. Learn about their passions, their paths to UVM and why they love what they study, from the mysteries of Lake Champlain's sculpin to the stories of homeless children in Pakistan.

  • Professor of German and folklore explains how proverbs reflect our culture
  • Assistant professor of religion, connecting students with the world using Twitter
  • Faculty member Jonah Steinberg
    Associate professor and cultural anthropologist describes how he became interested in those living at society’s edge
  • Jacques Bailly
    Classics professor and official pronouncer of Scripps National Spelling Bee shares his love of words
  • Professor Ellen Marsden
    Professor of fisheries describes a surprising discovery about a Lake Champlain fish
  • Major Jackson
    Poet and English professor reads his work and discusses poetry’s role in history
  • Lizzy Pope holding a dollar bill
    Professor, Nutrition and Food Sciences Department, studies incentives and healthy choices
  • Allan Strong calls birds
    Associate professor of wildlife biology shows off his bird call skills
  • Professor Kono playing tuba
    Associate professor of music and orchestra director plays the tuba like you’ve never heard before
  • Katrinell Davis teaching students
    Asst. professor of sociology, expert on race, poverty and policy