The Carrigan Drive section between Rowell and the Stafford Headhouse will be closed next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 07/23 - 07/25, from 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. each day.

Transportation and Parking will have signs redirecting traffic. The bridge connecting Stafford and HSRF needs roof membrane repair, window replacement evaluation, and repair work to the metal on the bridge's underside. If this work is completed sooner, we will reopen the roadway.

On Tuesday, the 23rd, a crane will be on-site to remove the old DX cooling coils and refrigerant cylinders from the Stafford roof.

Service vehicles from the Rowell building to the HSRF main entrance will be allowed. If there is an incident between the barriers, all work will stop, and the roadway will be cleared for emergency vehicles.

Your cooperation in forwarding this notice to anyone in your department or building who should receive it is greatly appreciated and plays a crucial role in ensuring everyone is informed.


A map of the detour for on campus shuttle