Whether you're brand new to campus or returning for your final year, here are some key transportation and waste reduction tips for centering sustainability in your back to school plans this year.



We work hard on our transportation programs to ensure you don’t need a car to get around campus and beyond! Check out all of these programs so you can enjoy all that our area has too offer, car-free.

Walking & Biking 

UVM has a very walkable campus—most destinations can be reached on foot and within 15 minutes. It’s also easy to get in and around the City of Burlington.  

UVM is a Gold-Rated Bicycle Friendly campus and the City of Burlington is a Silver Bicycle Friendly Community so you’ll see plenty of bicycles around;  there are many services available to keep your ride in good working order or that can hook you up with a bike. 

  • UVM Bikes! Is a student club that runs a bike co-op on campus offering repair services, access to tools, and bike rentals. Find them at the Booth House.  
  • Front desks of all residence halls have bike pumps available, and UVM has 3 bike fix-it stations on campus. Find them on the campus map.  
  • There are several bike shops in and around Burlington that offer new and used bikes for fair prices.  
  • The Bird bikeshare service also recently launched in our area offering electric bikes for getting around town. Students receive a 20% discount when they use their uvm.edu email address in the Bird app.  

Burlington is a safe city, but theft still happens. Make sure to lock your bike well, locking the frame and front wheel to a rack, ideally with a U-lock.  Also, be sure to register your bike so it can be recovered if lost or stolen. Download the LiveSafe app which will connect you with campus and local police if you ever need assistance. Need a U-lock? Visit the UVM Bikes! Co-op or the UVM Bookstore.  

Ground Transport 

Green Mountain Transit is our public bus system and completely free of charge to students -- just show the physical or digital version of your student ID (Cat Card). This system serves our campus and makes important connections to the airport, the trains stations, to shopping, and to recreation. You can also put your bikes on these buses. We recommend using live tracking feature on the Transit app to know exactly when to expect the bus! 

UVM also has our own on-campus CATS Shuttle that runs loops on campus to provide an easy way to get around. 

When you really need a car, CarShare Vermont vehicles are located on campus and in the greater area. These vehicles are available to students 18 and up. Membership discounts are available for students and there are income sensitive plans.  

Long Distance Transportation Options 

Consider taking a bus or train between trips home or to campus. We are served by two Amtrak stations (ESX, BNT) and three bus providers (MegaBus, Greyhound, Vermont Translines). These providers provide convenient connections from across our region to Burlington. UVM runs shuttles to connect you to long distance transit providers before and after school breaks. 

During school breaks, we also partner with a breakliner bus called CoTo that is a student only transportation service connecting our campus to points in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.  

Eco-Reps also run a student rideshare board, where students offer and find rides with other UVM students. This can be used for any time of the year and any distance, but is especially popular around break times. 

If you need to fly, there is regular bus service between the airport and campus on the Green Mountain Transit #11 bus. And regular service to the Essex (ESX) Amtrak Station on the Green Mountain Transit #2 bus and to the Burlington (BNT) station on Green Mountain Transit #11 bus. 

This information and more can be found at https://www.uvm.edu/transportation/getting-around-uvm.  


UVM is dedicated to reducing waste and recycling and composting as much as possible. We want everyone to know how they can do their part!  Be sure and consult this great Guide to Conscious Consumption before buying to see if you can reduce your impact.


You might have heard UVM stopped selling bottled water in 2013. We have a number of incentives to reduce waste including water bottle refill stations and discounts when using your own refillable mug (25-cents) or utensils (5-cents). 

Our popular reusable to go container program, EcoWare, is upgrading to a mobile app called ReusePass this year to make it more convenient and accessible for students. Now you can take out multiple containers at a time and get reminded when they're due back. Just be sure not to microwave your EcoWare as it will destroy the technology in the container. The program is free for everyone to join but there is a $5 charge for any un-returned containers at the end of the semester. 


It is important to recycle properly. In Vermont we recycle paper, cardboard, glass, aluminum and plastic containers. Check here for a full list. Anything that says it can be put in “blue bin recycling” means any recycle bins whether it’s on campus, an apartment or a local businesses. When in doubt, throw it out.  

On campus in the residence halls you’ll find waste and recycling sorting rooms on each floor. Student rooms come equipped with a recycling bin (but NOT a trash bin, so please bring your own trash bin to campus).

No electronics of any kind should be discarded in the trash or recycling Please bring electronics to one of the Techno Trash collection boxes found in every residence hall. There are also collection boxes in the Davis Center and Howe Library. These cabinets also accept batteries and compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs for proper recycling.    


At UVM we only compost food scraps and napkins. No packaging of any kind is accepted for composting even if it says “compostable” on it. Again, food scraps only! That includes meat and dairy items. You’ll see compost bins everywhere food is served on campus.  

You can also compost in your residence hall! Small, individual compost bags are available at the front desk at each residence hall or the main desk of the complex. When full you can deposit the bag in the green compost bins by the front desk and then grab yourself another bag! For more info visit UVM Compost.   

There are multiple compost pick up services for students living off campus. Check out our resources page for more information.  


This information and more can be found at: https://www.uvm.edu/sustainabilityoffice