The Student Political Awareness and Responsibility Coalition (SPARC)

Calendar - Progressive and Activist Events

The World Bank, Globalization and the Iraq War
Speaking engagement commemorating the 10th anniversary of The 50 Years is Enough Network
7:00 pm Thursday, March 25, 2004
CC Theatre, Billings Student Center, UVM
Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror
Film by Australian Journalist, John Pilger
7:00 pm Monday, March 1, 2004
Waterman 427, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
The Empire's Bank: The World Bank's Funding of Social and Environmental Disasters
Radha D'Souza, Senior Lecurter at University of Waikato, New Zealand.
7:30 pm Thursday, February 12, 2004
301 Williams Hall. University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
Movie: Life and Debt (Plant and Soil Science Movie Night)
With discussion after with Dr. Fred Magdoff
Movie Poster (jpeg image)
7:00 pm Wednesday, February 11, 2004
003 Kalkin Hall. University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
Campus Meeting on UVM Police Accountability
7:00 pm Monday, November 17, 2003
101 Stafford Hall. University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
"The Revolution will not be Televised"
Documentary on the failed coup to overthrow Hugo Chavez in Venezuela in the Spring of 2002.
7:00 pm Monday, November 3, 2003
101 Stafford Hall. University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
For more information visit:
Colombia: The Other History - Explorations of the Colombian Conflict and Plan Colombia
Juan Carlos Vallejo, Colombian legal scholar and human rights activist.
12:15 pm Thursday, October 23, 2003
501 Waterman (Grace Coolidge Lounge). University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
For more information visit:
Speaking Truth to Empire: End the Occupation of Iraq!
Rania Masri - Director, Southern Peace Research & Education Center; contributer, Iraq Under Siege
Starhawk - activist and author of The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess.
John Farrell - from Voices in the Wilderness, recently returned from Iraq.
Kathleen Brown - Representative from the Campus Antiwar Network
7:00 pm Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Memorial Auditorium Annex, Burlington, Vermont
"The Revolution will not be Televised"
Documentary on the failed attempt to overthrow Hugo Chavez in Venezuela in the Spring of 2002, followed by a discussion with Colombian legal scholar and human rights activist, Juan Carlos Vallejo.
7:30 pm Wednesday, October 22, 2003
301 Williams Hall. University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
For more information visit:
Filipina environmental activist, Erlinda Castro-Palaganas
Struggle for Cordillera culture and the Abra River against an invading gold-mining company
100 Lafayeete Hall. University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
7:00 pm Tuesday, October 21, 2003
"The Revolution will not be Televised"
Documentary on the failed attempt to overthrow Hugo Chavez in Venezuela in the Spring of 2002.
7:00 pm Monday, October 13, 2003
235 March Life Sciences. University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
For more information visit:
WTO Town Meeting
Cancun report and how the WTO effects your food, water, health, work, and world peace
Trish Siplin (St. Micheal's College), Ryan Case (Water Stewards Network), Doyle Canning ISE Biotechnology Project), Joseph Gainza (AFSC)
CC Theatre, Billings Student Center, UVM
6pm, Friday September 12, 2003
Amy Goodman versus Mainstream Media
Amy Goodman of Democracy Now Radio
CC Theatre, Billings Student Center, UVM
7pm, Friday September 19, 2003

Related Calendars

Vermont Independent Media Events Calendar - Up to date events; from protests, to organizing meetings to teach-ins. Hosted by Protest.Net

Know of anything else? Pass it along:

sparc at uvm dot edu

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Questions, comments: sparc at uvm dot edu