Timothy Tangherlini Presents to SOCKS Team


Timothy Tangherlini, PhD, Professor of Folklore at the University of California-Berkeley, spoke on UVM campus on March 29, 2024 as part of the SOCKS Speaker Series. His presentation, "Parler Games: Conspiracy Theory, Conspiracy, and Insurrection" explored how conspiracy theories form and affect communication within modern society. Dr. Tangherlini explored the role of the social media platform Parler in the attack on the US capitol on January 6, 2021.

Approximately 40 people from the SOCKS project and the broader community attended the presentation. Dr. Tangherlini's talk focused on his research using an interlocking set of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) tools, which gathers large amounts of social media data and finds connections between the language used and their impact on action within our society.

The SOCKS Speaker Series draws experts from across the United States to present innovative research and insights to stimulate and build capacity in ongoing research. The next entry in the series will feature Brooke Foucault Welles from Northeastern University in September 2024. For more information, please visit uvm.edu/socks/events.