Mark Your Calendars for Our Spring 2022 Research Webinars

By Lake Champlain Sea Grant Staff
January 10, 2022

Lake Champlain Sea Grant is pleased to announce its spring 2022 research seminar series. Each of the four monthly webinars will feature Sea Grant-funded researchers and their work in the Lake Champlain basin.

Tune into Zoom to learn more about the testing of a wood chip bioreactor for treating effluent from the Bolton Wastewater Treatment Plant on the New York side of Lake Champlain and the study of tile drains and phosphorus losses in runoff from farm fields in the basin. Researchers will share exciting new findings from both of these completed projects.

The seminar series will also highlight an ongoing study of invasive forage fish and native fish in Lake Champlain and an ongoing investigation of winter mercury patterns and environmental risks in the lake.

Learn more about the seminars and how to join the events: