Academic Integrity on Campus

The principle objective of UVM's Code of Academic Integrity is to promote an intellectual climate and support the academic integrity of the University.

What is Violation of Academic Integrity?

Academic integrity is an essential part of learning at UVM. Thus faculty, staff, and students are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical way while at the University and abide by the expectations written in Our Common Ground.

Violations of the Code of Academic Integrity are any acts which would have the effect of unfairly promoting or enhancing one's academic standing within the entire community of learners. Such acts are serious offenses and will not be tolerated. Suspected violations of the Code will be forwarded to the Center for Student Conduct.

If you have been notified of an alleged academic integrity violation

Types of Violations

Technical Violation

  • If an instructor does not perceive the student intended to gain an academic advantage (e.g., inadvertent citation errors), the incident may be considered a technical violation.
  • In such cases, the Assistant Director for Academic Integrity will send a follow-up letter to the student, acknowledging the technical violation and outlining the imposed sanction.
  • Students have the right to appeal the outcome imposed by the faculty member in a technical violation. Appealing a technical violation results in the alleged violation being resolved through an Academic Integrity Council Meeting.

Deliberate Violation

  • A deliberate violation is one with a perceived intent to achieve an academic advantage.
  • All suspected deliberate violations of academic integrity (plagiarism, fabrication, collusion, or cheating) must be reported via the Academic Integrity Referral Form.
  • If the alleged behavior is a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity, the Assistant Director for Academic Integrity will send a letter notifying the student of a scheduled pre-council meeting.
  • In the pre-council meeting, the student has the option to accept responsibility for the violation(s) and agree to the recommended sanction or to go forward to an Academic Integrity Council Meeting.

Academic Integrity Research and Resources

Tools and Services
In the News
Academic Integrity and Restorative Justice
Students in a classroom with an instructor

Bringing Academic Integrity into Learning Spaces

Whether you are in the classroom or teaching remotely, setting expectations for academic integrity is a critical part to a successful learning environment. The Center for Student Conduct has resources available to help navigate this subject and to engage students proactively.

Bring Academic Integrity into the Classroom