Saying Yes to Opportunities, at Home and Abroad

Cole ZuWallack '24 tailored his study abroad experience in New Zealand and his work experience in Burlington to his interest in tourism and outdoor recreation.
Cole on the side of a boat with water and mountains behind him.

Cole ZuWallack ’24, a Parks, Recreation and Tourism (PRT) major, was travelling to Auckland, New Zealand for his semester abroad when the unthinkable happened: the pilot came over the loudspeaker and told the passengers that the plane was dangerously close to flying into a cyclone. “We could tell something was wrong—the...

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Pierre smiling and holding a small brown bird on a field of green grass with a hill in the background

Bugs, Birds, and Benthic Invertebrates: Making the Most of Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Most students wouldn’t consider eleven straight hours of birding to be their comfort zone, but Pierre Beaurang isn’t most students. Pierre, a wildlife and fisheries biology major from Northern California, has loved birds for his entire life, and knew from a young age that he wanted to study them.

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Emma Conti is smiling and kneeling inside a large tree

From UVM Forestry Program to the US Forest Service

Emma Conti ’24 knew from a young age that she loved the outdoors. “My family has been going camping since I was one year old,” says Emma. “I always knew I wanted to work in the woods.”

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