
Title  /  Areas of Expertise



Sam Troast

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Cohort 6

My areas of interest include herpetology, population and disease ecology, conservation biology, land use change, and climate change biology. My research will focus on temperature sensitive disease dynamics within amphibian populations.

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Cohort 6

I am interested in the functional traits of invasive plant species, conservation biology, and data science.

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Cohort 6

My focus is on legume crops, particularly faba beans. I am interested in how they can be leveraged to prevent food insecurity and improve soil health in the context of climate change.


Rei Jia

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Cohort 6

Botany, microbiology, climate change, and ecological genomics

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Cohort 6

I am interested in understanding how plants respond to their environmental temperature, and more specifically, investigating the role of climate variation in shaping sensitivity to vernalization and thermal performance in two grass genera, Melica and Brachypodium.


Jacob Lacy

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Cohort 6

Metabolic modeling, human gut microbiome, ulcerative colitis

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Cohort 6

My areas of expertise relate to honey bees, beekeeping, and the importance of insect pollination to crop production. I am most interested in mitigating threats to the pollination services provided by honey bees and other native pollinators through connecting agricultural sectors and studying the effects of pesticide exposure, infectious disease, and improved cultural practices on honey bees as a model organism.

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Cohort 6

I am interested in the evolution of invasive species traits under changing environmental conditions.

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Cohort 6

I'm interested in marine mammal communication, behavior and conservation.

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Cohort 6

I am investigating the impacts of Management Intensive Rotational Grazing on the plants and soil of Vermont pastures. I am more broadly interested in sustainable agriculture, and increasing the amount of perennials on the landscape.

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Cohort 6

Evolution and ecology in marine invertebrates, climate change biology, how organisms mitigate environmental stressors through genetic and epigenetic changes.

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Cohort 6

Ecological modeling/Diel vertical migration (DVM)/Mysis in Lake Champlain

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Cohort 6

My interest broadly focuses on understanding the interactions between insects, plants, and the environment to develop sustainable, ecosystem-based pest management and conservation solutions.