Dr. van Eeghen is an Associate Professor at the Larner College of Medicine, Department of Medicine, and teaches in the Public Health Program. Dr. van Eeghen is a Practice-Based Researcher certified by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Centers of Excellence, and an Implementation Scientist.  Her research, teaching, and service work focus on evaluating the impact of changes to health services on community members, providers, and systems of care. 

Dr. van Eeghen has a 25-year history in leading and managing changes in healthcare and helping front-line healthcare providers and staff redesign processes using Lean Management methods. Dr. van Eeghen has developed and taught courses in the field of Clinical and Translational Science, including “From Cell to Society” and “Quality in Health Care.”   She has published the results of various training programs focused on the transformation of primary care practices to integrate behavioral health and to build interprofessional teams for screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for substance use disorders.

Articles and Publications


Community Engagement

Dr. van Eeghen is actively engaged in her community.  She co-founded Richmond Racial Equity, a community action group to dismantle racism in the systems and structures of our society. She is a Board Member of Our Community Cares Camp, a summer camp and nutrition program caring for community school-aged children with food insecurity. She is also the Clerk of the Richmond Housing Committee, which seeks to make policy changes in local governance to improve access to housing for all members of our community.

Dr. van Eeghen is a lifetime member of the North American Primary Care Research Group, an organization supporting front-line clinicians directly in clinical research. She is the University of Vermont liaison for the Northern New England Clinical and Translational Science Network, reaching out to primary care practices through the continuing development of the Northern New England CO-OP practice- and community-based research network. She is a strong advocate of and practitioner for the inclusion of patients and community members in research to ensure that research, and research teams, continually focus on “what matters most” to our community members with the voice of the patient embedded in our work.


•       2020  Department of Medicine Quality Scholarship Award

•       2011-2014:         Jeffords Fellowship, James M. Jeffords Center for Policy Research, University of Vermont

•       2008-2012:         Faculty Scholar in Clinical and Translational Science, Center for Clinical and Translational Science, University of Vermont College of Medicine

•       1999:         President’s Award, Copley Hospital

•       1984:         Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society


CTS 6070 Cell to Society

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