The Demystifying the RPT Process Program consists of workshop sessions that uses an equity-centered model for providing faculty support. Each session considers the diversity of faculty experiences, and offers strategies for preparation for the RPT review process, with a special focus on preparing Blue and Green Sheets, including associated documentation.

This Program is comprised of three to four sessions scheduled over the academic year, and is a part of the UVM’s comprehensive faculty mentoring program, alongside the First-Year Faculty Experience (FYFE) and Mid-Career Faculty Experience (MCFE) programs.

* Note that the Blue Sheets review discussion process occurs as part of the FYFE program.

For questions or to register for workshop sessions, please contact Jennifer Diaz at


  • Session Three - May 3, 2024, Noon-1:30 PM: "Demystifying the RPT Process III - All Faculty: Preparation for Tenure and Promotion to Full Professor"
    Session Description: The faculty member’s experience of preparing their green sheets for Promotion Review (Tenure and Full Professor).
    - Jason D. Stockwell, Professor, Director of Wildlife & Fisheries Biology Program, Director, Rubenstein Ecosystem Science Laboratory, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources (RSENR); Member, Faculty Senate Professional Standards Committee (PSC)
    - Jane E. Okech, Professor of Counselor Education & Supervision; Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

    Location: Microsoft Teams
    (Materials- PDF)
  • Session Two - May 1, 2024, Noon-1:30 PM: "Demystifying the RPT Process II - All Faculty: Preparation for Second Reappointment"
    Session Description: The faculty member’s experience preparing their green sheets for the Second Reappointment Review.
    - Carolyn Bonifield, Associate Professor of Marketing, Grossman School of Business (GSB), and Chair, Faculty Senate Professional Standards Committee (PSC)
    - Jane E. Okech, Professor of Counselor Education & Supervision; Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
    Location: Microsoft Teams
    (Materials - PDF)
  • Session One - March 15, 2024, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM: "Demystifying the RPT Process I - All Faculty: Preparation for First Reappointment" (in conjunction with the "First-Year Faculty Experience of Preparing for the First Reappointment Review Process at UVM" workshop)
    Session Description: This workshop will focus on discussions and sharing of resources to support the new faculty member’s experience of preparing their Blue Sheets for the First Formal Reappointment Review process. Discussions include the importance of knowing your unit's RPT/RP guidelines, the CBA guidelines, needs, and requirements for both tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty preparing for their First Unit Level Reappointment Review process. Presenters will also review the “Blue Sheet” form, structure, instructions, and requirements. They will offer recommendations for submitting a strong and well-developed portfolio for a faculty member’s First Reappointment Review. This workshop is in conjunction with the "Demystifying the RPT Process I - All Faculty: Preparation for First Reappointment" workshop.
    - Colby Kervick, Associate Professor, Department of Education, College of Education & Social Services (CESS)
    - Nicole Conroy, Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, Human Development, & Family Science, College of Education & Social Services (CESS)

    - Jane E. Okech, Professor of Counselor Education & Supervision; Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
    Location: Microsoft Teams
    (Materials - PDF)


  • Session One (Only session for AY22-23) - May 2, 2023, Noon-1:30 PM: "Demystifying the RPT Process at UVM"
    The Demystifying the RPT Process Program will focus on discussing strategies for preparing for the RPT review process, focusing on preparing Green Sheets, including associated supporting documentation. The program will also review the stages of the University RPT review process, key decision-making points that impact your RPT outcome, and how to prepare for and respond to them effectively.
    - Carolyn Bonifield, Associate Professor of Marketing, Grossman School of Business, and Chair, Faculty Senate Professional Standards Committee (PSC)
    - Colby Kervick, Associate Professor of Special Education, Department of Education, College of Education & Social Services (CESS)
    - Jane Okech, Professor and former Chair, Department of Leadership & Development Sciences (now Department of Counseling, Human Development & Family Science), College of Education & Social Services (CESS), and Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

    Location: Microsoft Teams
  • First-Year Faculty Experience (FYFE) Session Six - Friday, April 21, 2023, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM: “The First-Year Faculty Experience of Preparing for the First Reappointment Review Process at UVM”
    This workshop will focus on discussions and sharing of resources that can support the new faculty member’s experience of preparing their Blue Sheets for the First Formal Reappointment Review process. Discussions include the importance of knowing your units RPT/RP guidelines, the CBA guidelines, needs and requirements for both tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty preparing for their First Unit Level Reappointment Review process. Presenters will also review the “Blue Sheet” form, its structure, instructions, and requirements and will offer recommendations for submitting a strong and well-developed portfolio for a faculty member’s First Reappointment Review.
    - Tracy Arámbula Turner, Associate Professor and Program Coordinator, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Department of Education, College of Education and Social Services
    - Jane Okech, Professor and former Chair, Department of Leadership & Development Sciences (now Department of Counseling, Human Development & Family Science), CESS, and Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

    Microsoft Teams