
Policy Statement


It is important that the University of Vermont has policies and guidelines in place to set forth gift acceptance protocols, honor donor intentions, and expedite the processing of gifts from acceptance to deposit and receipt, thereby maximizing the impact of gifts to the University. 

For gifts made to the University on or after January 1, 2012, the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College Foundation, Inc. (the “Foundation”) has been recognized by the University as the primary and preferred recipient for charitable gifts to or for the benefit of the University. To make a gift to the Foundation, and see its policies and guidelines on the acceptance and processing of gifts, visit: UVM Foundation.

In limited circumstances, gifts may be made directly to the University on or after January 1, 2012 in accordance with the terms of this policy.

Why do we have this policy?


This policy is designed to provide guidance regarding gift acceptance and administration for the limited circumstances in which gifts may be made directly to the University after January 1, 2012. Gifts made to the University prior to January 1, 2012 also remain subject to this Policy. 

Who needs to read this policy?


This policy applies to all gifts made directly to the University of Vermont, including but not limited to academic units, administrative units, student services and activities, and auxiliary services, including, but not limited to, Athletics, Libraries, Fleming Museum, Lane Series, Morgan Horse Farm, and Extension, where it is not possible or desirable for the donor to make a gift of the same to the Foundation after January 1, 2012. This policy does not apply to gifts made to the University of Vermont Foundation, Inc.

What else do I need to know?






In the limited circumstance that gifts are made directly to the University after January 1, 2012, they must be designed and administered in a manner consistent with applicable legal requirements and the terms of this policy. 

In accepting a gift, the University acquires a responsibility to the donor to steward that gift. This stewardship includes administering the gift properly, directing the gift’s use and administration consistent with the donor's intentions, providing the donor with appropriate financial information about the gift, and reporting to the donor about the use of the funds. 

Solicitations of new gifts after January 1, 2012 shall be coordinated exclusively by and through the Foundation.

Gift Purposes and Naming Opportunities for Gifts Made Directly to the University


This policy establishes minimum gift levels and approvals required for gift purposes and naming opportunities at the University. Depending upon the uniqueness of purpose, level of existing and future University support, and other factors, the University may require higher levels of gifts in order to achieve and sustain the donor's intent. This policy does not govern naming opportunities where there is no gift.

  1. Common Purposes and Funds — When it is not possible or desirable for a donor to make a gift of the same to the Foundation, donors may make gifts; (i) to the UVM Fund (the University’s unrestricted fund); (ii) to discretionary funds designated to individual colleges, schools, departments or other units; (iii) to existing current operating gift funds supporting such purposes as scholarships, departmental research or student activities; and (iv) to the University’s unrestricted endowment or other existing endowments, where permitted. Donors may also make gifts not involving a naming opportunity, but with new or special restrictions, for individual colleges, schools, departments or other units by submitting a request to the Vice President for Finance and Administration for review and approval, in consult with the department’s respective Dean or Vice President. 
  2. Named Funds — When it is not possible or desirable for a donor to make a gift of the same to the Foundation, donors wishing to establish new named funds may propose the name and any restrictions to the University, which will be reviewed and approved by the University according to the following standards:
    • Named Deanship — Provides support to a range of discretionary uses, including but not limited to a dean's salary and related expenses, faculty research and scholarship, public service, professional conferences and other programs related to the promotion of academic excellence in the school or college. The minimum endowment gift will be set by the President; factors to be considered shall include but are not limited to the size of the college or school; the marketability of the deanship to prospective donors; actual costs of the dean's office; and the uniqueness of the naming opportunity. Named Deanship proposals are reviewed and recommended by the Provost and the Vice President for Finance & Administration, with the appropriate Dean or Vice President and the University Budget Director. The President approves Named Deanships.
    • Named Chair or Professorship — Provides support to a faculty member's salary and related expenses, including but not limited to teaching, instructional programs, research, public service and professional conferences. The minimum endowment gift is $3.0 million for a Chair, $1.0 million for a Professorship and $250,000 for a Green & Gold Professor. Named Chair and Professorship proposals are reviewed and recommended by the Provost, the Vice President for Finance & Administration, and the appropriate Dean or Vice President and with the University Budget Director. The President approves Named Chairs or Professorships; the Provost approves Named Green & Gold Professors.
    • Named Faculty Teaching or Research Award — Provides support to a faculty member’s scholarly activities including teaching, research, public service, professional development and other general purposes. The minimum endowment Gift is $100,000. The minimum current operating gift is $10,000 per year. Named Faculty Teaching or Research Award proposals are reviewed and recommended by the Vice President for Finance and Administration and the appropriate Dean. The Provost approves Named Faculty Teaching or Research Awards. 
    • Named Graduate Fellowship — Provides support in the form of financial aid, stipends or other support to graduate students for education, research and scholarly work. The minimum Endowment Gift is $250,000. The minimum current operating gift is $25,000 per year. Named Graduate Fellowship proposals are reviewed and recommended by the Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Dean of the Graduate College and appropriate School or College Dean. The Provost approves Named Graduate Fellowships.
    • Named Scholarship — Provides financial aid to students. The minimum endowment gift is $50,000. The minimum current operating gift is $10,000 per year. Named Scholarship proposals are reviewed and recommended by the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and appropriate Dean or Vice President. The Vice President for Finance and Administration approves Named Scholarships.
    • Named Departmental or Programmatic Fund — Provides support to a department, program or other unit for its general purposes, including but not limited to teaching, research, professional development, lectureships, and equipment. The minimum endowment gift is $50,000. The minimum current operating gift is $10,000 per year. Named Departmental or Programmatic Fund proposals are reviewed and recommended by the appropriate Dean or Vice President. The Vice President for Finance and Administration approves Named Departmental or Programmatic Funds.
    • Named Research Fund — Provides support for the research activities of a department, including equipment, supplies, wages, and other general research purposes. The minimum endowment gift is $50,000. The minimum current operating gift is $10,000 per year. Fund proposals are reviewed and recommended by the appropriate Dean, the Executive Director for Research Administration, and the Controller. The Vice President for Research approves Named Research Funds.
  3. Named Facilities — The minimum gift level for the naming of a facility varies in accordance with the type of facility being named. Generally, the associated gift for a named facility will be used to support construction, renovation and operating expenses of the facility or support other general purposes designated by the University. The naming of a facility is intended to last for the useful life of the facility and, at that time, the Vice President for Finance and Administration is tasked to find a suitable way to honor the original name, based on options available. 

When it is not possible or desirable for a donor to make a gift of the same to the Foundation, donors wishing to name new, renovated or existing facilities may propose the name and any restrictions to the University, which will be reviewed and approved according to the following standards:

  • Named Buildings — Includes buildings, halls, wings, arenas, fields and other substantial indoor and outdoor physical spaces. The minimum gift level is as set by the President. The factors the President must consider shall include, but are not limited to, the value of the space to the University; the marketability of the space to prospective donors; actual costs to build, renovate and/or operate the space; the uniqueness of the naming opportunity; and the useful life of the space. Named Building proposals are reviewed and recommended by the Provost and the Vice President for Finance and Administration, with the appropriate Dean or Vice President and the University Budget Director. The President approves Named Building proposals for transmission to the University Board of Trustees, for resolution specific approval as outlined in the Board of Trustees Resolution on Delegation and Retention of Board Authority.
    • Named Rooms — Includes classrooms, laboratories, offices and other minor physical spaces. The minimum gift level is as set by the Provost. The factors the Provost must consider shall include but are not limited to the value of the space to the University; the marketability of the space to prospective donors; actual costs to build, renovate and/or operate the space; the uniqueness of the naming opportunity; and the useful life of the space. Named Room proposals are reviewed and recommended by the Vice President for Finance and Administration, with the appropriate Dean or Vice President and the University Budget Director. The Provost approves Named Rooms.
  • Named Academic Units — The minimum gift level for the naming of an academic unit varies with the academic unit being named. The factors to be considered shall include, but are not limited to, the history, reputation, and visibility of the academic unit; the marketability of the academic unit to prospective donors; actual costs to operate the academic unit; and the uniqueness of the naming opportunity. Generally, the associated gift for a named academic unit will be used to support faculty scholarly activity, student scholarships and programmatic needs, and other general purposes of the academic unit.

When it is not possible or desirable for a donor to make a gift of the same to the Foundation, donors wishing to name academic units may propose the name and any restrictions to the University for review and approval. Named Academic Unit proposals are reviewed and recommended by the Provost and the Vice President for Finance and Administration, with the appropriate Dean or Vice President and the University Budget Director. The President approves Named Academic Units proposals for transmission to the Board of Trustees for resolution specific approval as outlined in the Board of Trustees Resolution on Delegation and Retention of Board Authority.

Gift Types


The University may accept the gift types outlined below directly when the same cannot be directed to the Foundation after January 1, 2012:

  1. Common Gift Types — Common gift types include cash, publicly traded securities, unrestricted and restricted realized bequests, tangible personal property or gifts in kind retained by the University for its use. Common gift types must be proposed to and accepted by the University’s Controller. 
  2. Special Gift Types — Special gift types include but are not limited to real estate; partnership interests; stock options; bargain sales; life income arrangements; bequest intentions; retirement plan designations; life insurance policies; charitable lead trusts; retained life estates; charitable funds managed by others; private grants with no or very limited reporting requirements; tangible personal property or gifts in kind that require undue expenditures, require special IRS documentation or involve the University in unexpected responsibilities because of their source, conditions, or purposes; or any other gift situation not clearly governed by this policy. These special gift types must be proposed to and approved by the Vice President for Finance and Administration in consultation with the General Counsel. In addition, the President must approve all gifts of real estate before the proposed gift is advanced to the University Board of Trustees for approval. In certain cases, such as gifts of real estate or tangible personal property, the University will generally look to the donor to bear expenses incurred in receiving or maintaining gifts; these expenses may include, but are not limited to, real estate appraisal fees, inspection fees, environmental audit expenses incurred by the University as part of due diligence, and ongoing maintenance costs incurred for holding the asset prior to sale.

Naming Procedures

  1. Name Approval — The University recognizes its commitment to the public trust and will only approve naming gifts that are consistent with UVM’s mission and values. In addition, the following factors will be considered: the standing of the donor in the community or profession; the nature and duration of the relationship of the proposed honoree to the University; the honor and distinction the proposed name will bring to the University; and whether any philanthropic commitments connected with the naming can be realized.
  2. Name Based on a Pledge — A naming is contingent upon fulfillment of the associated pledge, and the time frame for fulfillment of a pledge, whether by means of installment payments or otherwise, shall not exceed five years. Exceptions to this rule may be recommended by the Vice President for Finance and Administration to the President based on individual gift and naming circumstances. Exceptions related to academic units, buildings and academic programs must receive resolution specific approval as outlined in the Board of Trustees Resolution on Delegation and Retention of Board Authority. A donor establishing a named endowment with a multi-year pledge may choose to make additional current operating gifts during the pledge period in support of the same purpose as the named endowment (e.g., professorship, scholarship, and the like). These gifts, which provide immediate support during the pledge period, should approximate the income to be generated from the fully funded endowment. Example: A donor establishes a $1 million professorship with a five-year pledge of $200,000 per year. To appoint the professor immediately, the donor increases the pledge to $1.2 million, whereby annually $200,000 is added to the endowment and $40,000 is immediately available for the professorship. 
  3. Name Removal — The University reserves the right to remove any name should the donor not fulfill the associated pledge or if the name comes into disrepute in the University or in the general community. The Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Provost are responsible for making name removal recommendations to the President based on individual gift and naming circumstances. Name Removal proposals related to academic units, buildings and academic programs must receive resolution specific approval as outlined in the Board of Trustees Resolution on Delegation and Retention of Board Authority.

Donor Anonymity


The University recognizes a donor's right to privacy as to personal matters. Donors may request anonymity, and the University will honor that to the maximum extent permitted by law (including the Vermont Public Records Act), as a condition of a gift or potential gift. 

Gift Agreements and Authorized Signers


Gift agreements are used to document the understanding of the donor and University regarding the gifts and pledges therein. Written agreements are required for Named Funds, Named Facilities, Named Academic Units, Special Gift Types, or special designations or restrictions by donors of $10,000 or more.

Common Gift Types under $10,000 to Common Purposes and Funds may be documented by means of pre-printed response cards, solicitation devices, emails, letters, or any other communications to/from the donor are acceptable. 

The President and Vice President for Finance and Administration are the authorized signers on behalf of the University for all gift agreements involving Named Deanships, Named Chairs, Named Professorships, Named Buildings, Named Academic Units and gifts of real estate. The Vice President for Finance and Administration is the authorized signer on behalf of the University for gift agreements involving all other naming opportunities and Special Gift Types (signature is not required for current operating Named Funds).

Is there education available?


Training will be provided on an as-needed basis as determined by the Approval Authority or the Responsible Official.

What if I still have questions?


Questions concerning the daily operational interpretation of this policy should be directed to the following (in accordance with the policy elaboration and procedures):

Title(s)/Department(s):Contact Information:
Vice President, Finance and Administration(802) 656-0219

Version History

Responsible Official:Vice President for Finance and Administration 
Policy Number:V. 4.7.1
Approval Authority:President and the Chair of the Board of Trustees
Effective Date:March 11, 2013
Revision History:
  • V. approved by the President on November 27, 2006
  • V. approved by the President on May 22, 2010
  • Reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees on May 22, 2010
  • Approved by the President on March 13, 2013
  • Reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees on March 11, 2013
  • Reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees on May 20, 2022

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