Randolph Center--The 2022 Central and Southeast Region 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl tested the quick wit and dairy knowledge of the 16 participants who responded to questions about feeds and nutrition, breeding and genetics, animal health, calf raising and cattle showing, among other dairy topics.

The two-part competition was held at the Red Schoolhouse on the Vermont Technical College campus in Randolph Center on March 13. Participants hailed from five 4-H Clubs: Clever Clovers, Tunbridge; Hartland Cattle Club, Hartland; Middle Branch 4-H Club, Randolph Center; New Haven Dairy 4-H Club, New Haven; and Rambling Rivers, Newbury.

The 4-H'ers competed by age group with a special division for 4-H'ers, 11-18, participating in their first dairy quiz bowl. The event included both a written exam and buzzer rounds of oral questions where the competitors earned points by being the first to buzz in with the correct answer. Scores from the exam and quiz bowl competition were combined to determine final placements.

The results were as follows:

  • Seniors (14-18): Elizabeth Waterman, Thetford Center (first); Zach Johnson, Tunbridge (second); Delia Morgan, Newbury (third); Kate Wehmeyer, Hartland (fourth); Maeve Leslie-Gawalt, Reading (fifth); Brailey Livingston, New Haven (sixth); Dylan Slack, Bethel (seventh)
  • Juniors (11-13): Wyatt Chambers (first) and Sylvia Johnson (second), both from Tunbridge; Leah Rogers, Randolph Center (third); Bee Wilbur, Hartland (fourth)
  • Rookies (11-18 and first time participant): Elise Sanders, West Topsham (first); Logan Meacham, Hartland (second)
  • Beginners (8-10): Sophie Fors, Bethel (first); Thomas Williams, Randolph Center (second); Tyler Meacham, Hartland (third)

University of Vermont Extension 4-H educator Molly McFaun organized the quiz bowl, which was sponsored by Vermont 4-H with help from the Orange County 4-H Foundation. Assisting with the event were adult volunteers Lorrie Churchill, Brookfield; Terri Conant, Randolph Center; Seth Johnson and Jen Thygesen, both from Tunbridge; and Judy Vaughan, Newbury.