Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure
Annual Review Forms (ARF)
Teaching Evaluation Table
Arm's Length Review/External Referee Forms
UVM Green Sheets
Waiver Procedures
- Clinical Education and Research Scholar Pathway Waiver Procedures (DOC)
- Faculty Scientist Waiver Procedures (DOC)
- Tenure Pathway Waiver Procedures (DOC)
- Pathway Change Procedure: Non-Tenure to Tenure Pathway Change for Current LCOM Faculty (DOC)
- Pathway Change Policy: Non-Tenure to Tenure Pathway Change for Current LCOM Faculty (DOC)
Recruitment Forms
- Interview Authorization (DOC)
- Appointment Authorization (DOC)
- UVM Employee Information Form (PDF)
- FY25 Faculty Staffing Proposal: Recruitment Request Form - Tenure Track Only (DOC)
- FY25 Faculty Staffing Proposal: Recruitment Request Form - Tenure Track Only (XLSX)
- FY26 Faculty Staffing Proposal: Recruitment Request Form - Tenure Track Only (DOC)
- FY26 Faculty Staffing Proposal: Recruitment Request Form - Tenure Track Only (XLSX)
- Request for Position/RFP (DOC)
- Search Plan (DOC)
Appointment Letter Templates and Procedures
- Appointment Basic Sciences Tenure Pathway with Tenure (DOC)
- Appointment Basic Sciences Tenure Pathway (DOC)
- Appointment Clinical Faculty Tenure Pathway with Tenure (DOC)
- Appointment Clinical Faculty Tenure Pathway (DOC)
- Appointment Clinical Scholar Pathway (DOC)
- Appointment Education Scholar Pathway (DOC)
- Appointment Faculty Scientist (DOC)
- Appointment Research Scholar Pathway (DOC)
- ePAR and Appointment Letter Procedures, Salaried Faculty (DOC)
- Addendum for change in start date (DOC)
Volunteer, Secondary, and Adjunct Faculty
- ePAR and Appointment Letter Procedures for Volunteer (DOC)
- Volunteer Pathway Non Salaried Appointment Letter Template (DOC)
- Secondary Appointment Letter Template (DOC)
- ePAR and Appointment Letter Procedures for Secondary Appointments (DOC)
- ePAR and Appointment Letter Procedures for Fellows (DOC)
- ePAR and Appointment Letter Procedures for Residents (DOC)
- Resident Data Sheet (DOC)
- Fellow Letter of Recommendation (DOC)
- Resident Letter of Recommendation (DOC)
Volunteer (Affiliate Sites)
- Temporary Affiliate Off Cycle Appointment Process (DOC)
- Temporary ePAR and Appointment Letter Procedures, Affiliate Residents (DOC)
- Temporary ePAR and Appointment Letter Procedures, Affiliate Fellows (DOC)
- Resident Data Sheet (DOC)
- Affiliate Site CV Summary Sheet (DOC)
- Affiliate Site Sample Letter to Dr. Wilcox (DOC)
- Volunteer Pathway Non Salaried Appointment Letter Template (DOC)