UVM computers should be domain-joined

UVM-owned Windows computers which have been purchased through the UVM Tech Store or imaged via LiteTouch are CAMPUS domain-joined by default, unless specified otherwise at purchase

A domain refers to a controlled group of clients and servers. By adding a machine to the CAMPUS domain, our System Architecture and Administration team is able to automatically push and apply Group Policy, and ensure anyone with domain credentials (a NetID and password) can log into that machine.

Group Policy provides centralized management and configuration of operating systems, applications, and users’ settings, including but not limited to enforcement of password complexity, system patching, and wireless profiles.

Check domain status - Late Windows 10 or newer

  1. Click the Windows icon or press the key, and then search for Access work or school and select it
  2. If the computer is connected to a domain, the domain name will be listed below Add a work or school account

Add a machine to the CAMPUS domain

Requires local administrator permissions

This guide assumes you have local admin rights on CAMPUS domain-joined machines through the use of a .tech or .adm account, as provisioned for IT Professionals (usually in the format of

  1. Click the Windows icon or press the key, and then search for Run and select it (or use the + R shortcut)
  2. Enter sysdm.cpl into the Run window and click OK (if prompted, enter your .tech or .adm credentials)

  3. In the System Properties window, make sure the Computer Name tab is selected, and then click the Change button
  4. Select the Domain option, and then type in the domain and click OK

    May require name change

    If the computer has been joined to the CAMPUS domain in the past, you may need to change the computer’s name to be able to re-join

  5. Enter your .tech or .adm credentials into the Windows Security window and click OK
    May require more specific credentials

    If your credentials don’t work, try adding CAMPUS\ before your .tech or .adm username (e.g. CAMPUS\

  6. Reboot the machine to allow the changes to take effect

Update Group Policy

Group Policy settings update automatically when a computer boots, as well as approximately every 90 minutes. If you need to update immediately, you can do so using Command Prompt.

Open Command Prompt, and then enter the following command:

gpupdate /force

You may need to restart or log out after completing this process for changes to take effect.

Updated on July 8, 2024

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