Smiling student at information fair in the Gathering Hall

Connecting you with resources on campus, in the community, and beyond! 

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Celebrating pride

The Interfaith Center's new interim director: Dr. Rev. James Ross, sat down with WCAX to talk about celebrating pride in the interfaith spaces and the community. Check out the interview in the Youtube:

Finding Community

Three students standing beside a green banner that says "Love God. Love UVM."

Student Clubs

The list below includes student clubs registered with the Student Government Association or Graduate Student Senate that support students' spiritual and religious needs. You may note that some of these student groups are not listed as religious organizations, as the ways in which religious/philosophical identity and practice inform their events and community building do not easily fit within western definitions of "religious" or "secular."

Non-UVM Organizations

The below are community groups that support students' spiritual and religious needs on or near campus.

Local Communities & Resources

One of the wonderful things about living in Burlington is the opportunity to explore and connect with a diversity of spiritual and religious communities, either virtually or in person! Possible Communities (pdf) based on their proximity to campus and/or recommendation by a member of the UVM community. You can also check out the Cultural Resource Guide maintained by UVM's Division of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion to find markets and other businesses that might meet your dietary or other ritual practice needs.

Campus Resources

Students asking and answering questions at a resource fair.
  • Interfaith Calendar - Part of creating an inclusive and equitable campus climate is being mindful of important religious and cultural celebrations when scheduling academic work and co-curricular programming. You can import the the UVM Interfaith Calendar to your personal UVM Calendar here, or download either of these PDF versions as a planning resource.
  • Academic & Employment Policies -
    • Students who must miss work for religious purposes have the opportunity to make up the work.
    • UVM staff members are allowed to observe holidays of particular religious, cultural or personal importance.  
  • UVM Dining - Find information on how UVM Dining aims to provide dietary options for a variety of religious practices here. For spring 2023, here's their information for both Ramadan and Passover.
  • Prayer, Meditation & Reflection Spaces - Quiet, inclusive spaces open to all members of the UVM community include:
    • Prayer & Meditation Room here at the Interfaith Center
    • Prayer & Meditation Room in the Unity Lounge, located on the 3rd floor of the Davis Center. Just ask staff at the info desk (across from the bookstore) for access into the Unity Lounge.
    • Meditation Room at The Mosaic Center for Students of Color (Living/Learning - Building E)
    • Meditation Room on the 3rd floor of Allen House (461 Main Street) at the Center for Cultural Pluralism.  This space is available weekdays from 8 am - 4:30 pm whenever the room is not being used for meetings.
    • For those observing Ramadan 2023: Here is a helpful prayer schedule compiled by our friends at ISVT.
  • Bias Report Form - A means for reporting spiritual or religious bias you have either experienced or witnessed in our community. Find this and other forms to report a concern (for yourself or a friend) that might be impacting individual or collective health and well-being at UVM here.
  • Cultural Resource Guide - Check out some of the diverse resources available in the Burlington area.
  • Rally Cat's Cupboard - A food pantry for UVM students in need of foodstuffs found in Hills 015 (105 Carrigan Drive).
  • Support Resources - Check out this amazing list, compiled and updated by the Office of Student & Community Relations, that identifies campus, community, and statewide resources (e.g., basic needs, healthcare, income support).

Spiritual Practices

newspaper clipping quoting a student who walks the Interfaith Center labyrinth on their way to class.

Making Meaning in Your Daily Life

A spiritual practice is something done with intention and regularity that helps speak to those deep questions of identity, relationship, and purpose. While some of us turn to prayer or meditation, others may find meaning in music, movement, or community service. Feel free to contact Laura if you have additional suggestions for the list and/or would like help brainstorming ones that meet your particular needs and interests! 

Other Interfaith Resources

  • Library of World Religions & Faith Traditions - Written by the world's leading authorities on religion and spirituality, it offers accurate, balanced information about the origins, history, beliefs, rituals, ethics and community structures of various world religions.
  • Religion News Service - This non-profit strives to inform, illuminate and inspire public discourse on matters relating to belief and convictions. They collect writing on religion, spirituality and ideas from a variety of reputable sources.
  • Keeping it 101: A Killjoy's Introduction to Religion - Co-hosted by UVM's own Dr. Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst, this humorous and informative podcast explores how religion is more important, more complicated, and way more interesting than you know.
  • On Being: The Big Questions of Meaning  - The Peabody Award winning radio program and podcast that opens up the animating questions at the center of human experience.
  • The Pluralism Project  - A resource for engaging, educating, and strengthening the next generation of religious and civic leaders in the United States.
  • Interfaith America - College students and campuses building a movement of people from all faiths and traditions who are working together to change the world.
  • Interfaith Power & Light - This group promotes practical steps to protect the earth's ecosystems, safeguard the health of all Creation and ensure sufficient, sustainable energy for all.
  • Vermont Interfaith Action - This faith-based, grassroots coalition of congregations transforms ordinary people into empowered and engaged citizens.
  • The Interfaith Observer - This free, monthly digital journal explores interreligious relations and the interfaith movement as a whole.
University of Vermont Bias Report

Reporting a Bias Incident

Bias is an umbrella term that includes, but is not limited to, incidents of harassment, discrimination, hate crimes, and micro-aggressions based on or motivated by race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, gender, age, disability, or gender identity and expression. Any person who has experienced or witnessed a bias incident is encouraged to report it and seek the necessary resources.

Submit a bias report