"These changes, with others contemplated in the plan, including a much higher and more artistic tower, will give the building a much finer front, and make it, beyond question, a very imposing and handsome structure and one which in its enlarged proportions, higher and more healthful rooms, and architectural elegance, will be much more suitable for its purposes, as well as more ornamental than the present building."
Burlington Free Press
, 16 December 1881.

"The dome - this prominent object came very naturally to be regarded by alumni and the premanent residents of Burlington with special interest; numerous and sometimes pathetic have been the requests from distant and long absent graduates of the College, that, whatever might be done with the rest of the 'Old Brick Mill,' its shining dome, the great landmark of the valley, might be preserved in its integrity. It seemed, to the older alumni especially, to be a sort of exponent of the work and aim of the University."
Burlington Free Press, 15 August 1882.

"The old College dome is no more. This morning the last vestige of the ancient landmark and surveyor's beacon disappeared. Verily, the glory of the hill has departed."
Burlington Free Press, 18 May 1882.

1882 east facade and tower of Old Mill. (Photo by T. Visser, 1988.)