Sexuality is a natural and important part of being human and encompasses gender, sexual orientation, healthy relationships, sexual behavior, reproduction, testing for STIs, pleasure, intimacy, healthy relationships and more.


Free condoms, lube, and safer sex supplies available across campus.

Tips on how to correctly use internal condoms, external condoms, and dental dams.

Safer sex supplies locations:

  • Living Well at the Davis Center Condom Co-op: largest variety of supplies, including latex-free condoms, dental dams, internal condoms, and silicone lube. 
  • Latex condom dispensers in: Davis Center (near Cat Pause), Harris-Millis Hall, Simpson Hall, Central Campus Residence Hall, and  MacAuley Hall
  • More places to find latex condoms and lube: identity centers, CAPS offices, Student Health Services, Rally Cat's Cupboard

Sexual health clinical services

Sexual and reproductive healthcare is available at Student Health Services. You can schedule through MyWellbeing