Immunization Requirements

University of Vermont undergraduate students must comply with vaccine requirements set forth by UVM in collaboration with the Vermont Department of Health. Students who do meet compliance requirements will have a hold placed on their next semester's course registration.


Required vaccines


All new and incoming first year and transfer students are required by the Vermont Department of Health documented evidence of the following:

  • 1 dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccine within the last 10 years.
  • 2 doses of MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccines or proof of positive antibody titers (blood test) for each measles, mumps, and rubella.
  • 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine (must meet required timeline) or proof of positive antibody titer (blood test).
  • 2 doses of chickenpox (varicella) vaccine or proof of positive antibody titer (blood test) OR, if the student has previously had chickenpox disease, submit documentation of disease by official record or by completing the Health Department form.
  • 1 or 2 doses of quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4, MenACWY, MenQuadfi, Menveo, or Menactra).
    • This requirement is for first year students living in campus housing who are younger than age 22. Only those vaccinated before their 16th birthday need a second dose before college entry.

Required documents


Acceptable immunization documents need to be legible and in English, and they can be one or a combination of the following:

  • The UVM Immunization Record Form (pdf) signed or stamped by your healthcare provider.
  • An immunization card or pediatric record signed or stamped by your healthcare provider.
  • Records from previously attended schools.
  • Official records pulled from your patient portal. 
  • Official report from your state’s database. 

We recommend that you keep a copy of your immunization record.

If records are unavailable, students may either be re-immunized, or choose to have a blood test (titer) to verify immunity against measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, and/or varicella. 


We recommend that students get the following vaccines:

Please speak with your medical provider to see if there are any additional vaccines they suggest based on individual needs. There may be additional recommended vaccines for students studying or traveling abroad. 


Religious and medical exemptions


The State of Vermont only allows vaccine exemptions for medical reasons and religious reasons. It does not allow vaccine exemptions for philosophic reasons. 

Students requesting a medical or religious exemption must complete the VT State College Immunization Exemption Form (PDF) and submit them via MyWellbeing.

Submission process

Steps to submit information


Step 1

Obtain your immunization documents (listed above).

Step 2

Upload your document and enter your individual vaccine dates.

  • Log into MyWellbeing using your UVM NetID.
  • Click “Medical Clearances” from the menu on the left side of the main screen.
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions found there to enter your vaccine dates and upload your documents.
  • Be sure to hit "Save" when you are done.

Two-step verification process


Along with providing an official immunization record, students must also manually enter the vaccination dates in their MyWellbeing health portal.

The immunization record that students upload get imported into their UVM electronic student health record. This information is required to verify the vaccines required by Vermont state law.

We recommend that you keep a copy of your immunization record.


Fall semester (students starting fall semester)


Submissions due by June 15. 

Students are required to submit their immunizations before arriving at UVM. If this is an issue please contact Students who do meet compliance requirements will have a hold placed on their next semester's course registration. 


Spring semester (students starting spring semester)


Submissions due by December 1. 

Students are required to submit their immunizations before arriving at UVM. If this is an issue please contact Students who do meet compliance requirements will have a hold placed on their next semester's course registration. 

Contact Us


Phone: (802) 656-3350