Gund Affiliate, Dartmouth

Mario Machado's research sits at the intersection of agroecology and landscape ecology. In particular, he is interested in understanding the ways that policies and programs, such as payments for ecosystem services, might improve sustainable agricultural practices on farms in ways that scale up to broader landscapes. This work is generally interdisciplinary, looking at the social, economic and ecological dimensions of agricultural livelihoods and the various ways these translate into sustainability and resilience at larger spatial scales. Geographically, Machado's work has focused on Latin America, in particular Cuba, as well as sub-Saharan Africa.

In addition to his research, he is also in the process of starting a small agroecological farm in Franklin, New Hampshire with a focus on temperate agroforestry and mushroom cultivation. He is also an avid freelance writer of non-fiction and fiction. In non-fication, Machado's work generally focuses on the nexus of society and ecology, science and the humanities, especially in the context of climate change, and his writing has appeared in Guernica magazine, National Geographic, and others. In fiction, he is currently writing his first novel, a work of speculative/science fiction that explores the contrours of the climate crisis.


  • Moulton, A. & Machado, M.R. (2019). Bouncing forward after Irma and Maria: Acknowledging colonialism, problematizing resilience and thinking climate justice. Journal of Extreme Events, 6(1), 1940003.
  • Fernández, M., Williams, J., Figueroa, G.,Graddy-Lovelace, G., Machado, M. R., Vásquez, L., Pérez, N., Casimiro, L., Romero, G., & Funes Aguilar, F. (2018). New Opportunities New Challenges: Harnessing Cuba’s Advances in Sustainable Agriculture under Normalizing Relations. Elem Sci Anth , 6(1), 76.
  • Machado, M. R. (2018) What’s going on with land-use in Cuba?: Disparate data sets and the Cuban agricultural transition. Journal of Land Use Science, 13(4), 439-446.
  • Machado, M. R. (2018). Emergent livelihoods: A case study in emergent ecologies, diverse economies and the co-production of livelihoods from the Afram Plains, Ghana. Geoforum, 94, 53-62.
  • Machado, M. R. (2017). Alternative to what?: Agroecology, food sovereignty and Cuba’s agricultural revolution. Human Geography, 10(3), 7-21.
  • Tschakert, P., Das, P. J., Pradhan, N.S., Machado, M.R., Lamadrid, A., Buragohain, M., & Hazarika, M.A. (2016). Micropolitics in collective learning spaces for adaptive decision making. Global Environmental Change, 40, 182-194.
  • Tschakert, P., Ricciardi, V., Smithwick, E., Machado, M.R., Ferring, D., Hausermann, H. & Bug, L. (2016) Situated knowledge of pathogenic landscapes in Ghana: Understanding the emergence of Buruli ulcer through qualitative analysis. Social Science and Medicine, 150, 160-171.
  • Tschakert, P., & Machado, M.R. (2015). Gender justice and rights in climate change adaptation: opportunities and pitfalls. In C. M. Koggel & C. Bisman (Eds.), Gender justice and development: Local and global. London: Routledge.
  • Tschakert, P., & Machado, M.R. (2012). Gender justice and rights in climate change adaptation: opportunities and pitfalls. Ethics and Social Welfare, 6(3), 275-289.

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Political ecology, agroecology, landscape ecology, landscape multifunctionality, qualitative methods, remote sensing, agrarian change, sustainability


  • PhD in Geography, Clark University
  • M.Sc. in Geography, Pennsylvania State University
  • B.Sc. in Biological Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University


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