Gund Affiliates

Gund Affiliates are individuals interested in participating in Institute activities and whose scholarship aligns with its mission.

Meet Current Gund Affiliates

There are two types of Affiliates: UVM Affiliates from schools and colleges across UVM, and Global Affiliates from organizations anywhere in the world.

Affiliates are appointed to three-year renewable terms and are typically less deeply engaged with the Institute than Fellows. They are eligible for a subset of benefits and bear fewer responsibilities. Some benefits and responsibilities only apply to Affiliates employed by UVM. 

Nomination Process

  • Gund Affiliates can be based at UVM or any other institution in the world. UVM Affiliates must have a primary appointment as faculty at the University of Vermont and hold the highest degree in their respective field. Global Affiliates must hold the highest degree in their respective field or have the equivalent in professional experience.
  • The nomination process consists of: a short email from a nominator familiar with the Gund Institute or the nominee to the Gund Institute Director of Operations and Programs ( and a CV and a letter of interest submitted via InfoReady. (Julianna will send the InfoReady link to nominees.)
  • Decisions are based on relevance of research interests and potential to contribute to collaborative scholarship at the Institute.
  • The nomination period is rolling. Nominations submitted by the last day of class of the fall and spring semesters will be reviewed and decisions announced at the beginning of the following semester.
  • Affiliation applications are reviewed at least once per semester.
  • The Director of Operations and Programs makes recommendations to the Director, who makes final appointment decisions.
  • Affiliates can be reappointed every three years if they continue to fulfill listed responsibilities.


  • Participate in collaborative research efforts among Gund Community members.
  • Can serve as co-advisor for Gund-funded PhD students and postdocs (UVM).
  • Access to communications support (e.g., media outreach when appropriate, training).
  • Access to funds for hosting visiting scholars and workshops (UVM).
  • Access to Gund workshops and seminars.
  • Access to facilities and resources of Farrell Hall.
  • Short-term workspace when on campus.


  • Collaborate regularly with Gund Fellows on transdisciplinary research.
  • Participate regularly in Gund seminars and events (UVM).
  • Support graduate education (e.g., guest lecturing, informal mentoring).
  • Communicate Gund affiliation in websites, emails, publications, social media. Acknowledge Gund financial support when appropriate.

Other Types of Gund Affiliation


There are many ways to be part of the Gund Institute.