The first year in which the Lightning Talks were offered was 2017. They remain a small group of our presentations. They consist of (6) 5-minute presentations with a maximum of 3 slides per presenter and 25 minutes of conversation and question and answer following.

Is the lightning talk the right format for me?

This is a great opportunity to hone your skills of brevity and targeting the importance and essense of your research. If this is something that you think you are good at or would like to perfect, this is the right format for you.

How does it work?

  • Your talk should be 5 minutes long and consist of no more than 3 slides presenting your research.
  • A roster of 6 presenters give their talks in rapid succession. (You are expected to stay as an audience member for the other 5 presenters in your session.)
  • Once all 6 Lightning Talks in a session are completed, the 6 presenters go to a designated area in the room to accept questions.
  • The question portion of the Lightning Talk session is 25 minutes.

Two presenters giving a lightning talk at the 2017 SRC."I enjoyed talking with people about all of the work that I had done. It is great that there is [an] avenue to share all of the amazing things that students have accomplished." - 2017 SRC Presenter