
Forest Stewards Guild

The Forest Stewards Guild is working with state agencies and non-profit partners in Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts to increase resiliency in southern New England's oak forests. They host an Oak Resiliency Toolkit that includes a variety of resources for outreach and communication, links to relevant research, field tools for site assessments, and further resources for cost sharing and dealing with hazard trees.

Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS)

Woodland owners and forest managers can increase the resilience of their forests and help adapt to changing conditions. The Climate Change Response Framework provides tools and resources for climate-informed land management. An ecosystem vulnerability assessment and related resources about climate change impacts on tree species and forests in New England.

Adaptation strategies describe options for responding to climate change and outline a variety of actions for climate informed management.

The Adaptation Workbook can be used by you and your forester to consider the effects of climate change and to design land management and conservation actions to help prepare for changing conditions.

The Climate Change Tree Atlas is a U.S. Forest Service resource that provides the current ranges and potential changes in habitat suitability for 125 tree species in the Eastern United States under future climate change. The website includes video tutorials on how to use the Atlas.

Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)

The Department of Conservation and Recreation's Bureau of Forestry manages state lands for future generations, and is focused on creating resilient forests for the benefit of all Commonwealth residents. Access programs and services for private forest landowners, including forestry technical assistance.

Learn about forest stewardship planning with climate change in mind.

Learn about planning for bird habitat through the Foresters for the Birds program.


UMass Extension maintains this web site as an information hub for forest landowners. Those who help to steward forests can respond to climate change impacts and promote forest resiliency through their land-use decisions. Increasing Forest Resiliency for an Uncertain Future, a joint publication of UMass Amherst and The University of Vermont, describes the characteristics of resilient forests and actions to increase resiliency.

Forester and Forest Professional Directory

The DCR maintains a downloadable list of licensed foresters in the state.

EDDMapS - Invasive Species

EDDMapS provides invasive species photographs, descriptions and distribution maps. The Massachusetts page for the USDA National Invasive Species Information Center provides updates, fact sheets and other state resources. The Nature Conservancy's Don't Move Firewood campaign offers updates on wood-borne invasive insects and links to other resources.