Project Overview

Rapid mortality of red pine (Pinus resinosa) forests has been noted throughout New England, with several factors likely contributing to this widespread forest decline, most notably the exotic red pine scale (Matsucoccus matsumurae syn: M. resinosae). In symptomatic sites, tree mortality has been observed within a few years of outward symptom expression and has occurred uniformly and completely across entire red pine stands. Our project is evaluating the health of red pine plantations and natural forests throughout New England.


1) Evaluate the health of red pine forests and plantations throughout New England and characterize the extent, severity, and factors associated with red pine decline in this region. 2) Evaluate and predict the effects of red pine decline on forest woody plant communities. 3) Evaluate and predict the effects of red pine decline on arboreal insect communities.

Dataset Availability

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Status - Active

Start date: 2015-08-13

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