Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Phosphorus forms in stream corridor soils of the Missisquoi Basin: Stream corridor phosphorus forms

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  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    For this study, soils in four specific land uses and nearby associated streambanks were sampled in the Missisquoi Watershed in northwestern Vermont. The land uses were silage corn, established hay, wetland and forest, and eight sites were sampled for each. These were analyzed for total phosphorus, total organic phosphorus, plant-available phosphorus and the degree of phosphorus saturation. Two pairs from each land use/streambank combination were selected for detailed organic phosphorus speciation via 31P NMR. Soils in corn, hay and wetland were elevated in total phosphorus relative to associated streambanks and relative to the average phosphorus content previously found in Vermont soils. Forest soils were consistently low in total phosphorus, as were their nearby streambank soils. Total organic phosphorus was lowest in the streambank soils. Plant-available phosphorus (soil test) was high in the corn and hay fields but very low in all other locations, streambanks included. The degree of phosphorus saturation was < 21% in all of the streambanks but averaged 36% in the corn fields. The combination of low soil phosphorus and low saturation suggests that the streambank soils will not release phosphorus if eroded into the adjacent streams. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Geological Survey under Grant/Cooperative Agreement No. G21AP10630 to the Vermont Water Resources and Lakes Studies Center.


  • Donald Ross: Content Provider

  • Beverley Wemple: Content Provider

  • Vanesa Perillo: Content Provider

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    Data Table

    • Title: Stream corridor phosphorus forms
    • Start Date: 2014-03-01
    • Description: Soil phosphorus forms and related data for four different land uses in the Missisquoi Watershed: silage corn, established hay, incipient wetland and forest. Eight sites were sampled for each land use, with composite samples taken 10 m from a streambank and composite samples taken from the streambank. For more details, please see Perillo et al. J. Environ. Qual. 48:185–192 (2019) doi:10.2134/jeq2018.05.0186. Metadata are contained in the 'data legend' tab.

    • Purpose:

    • Condensed Title: 20240322083016_Streambank_P_data_Perillo.xlsx

    • Object Name: VMC.1787.3952

    • Data Type: mySQL
    • Citation: Perillo, V.L., D.S. Ross, B.C. Wemple, C. Balling, L.E. Lemieux. Dataset for Stream Corridor Soil Phosphorus Availability in a Forested–Agricultural Mixed Land Use Watershed

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