
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
DownloadableClimate Change Exposure Mapping- JPEG Exposure by Species (All Disturbance), Hi and Low EmissionsMaps of low emissions (+2c, GCM 4.5) and hi emissions (+4c, GCM 8.5) scenarios with all disturbances included. Ecosystem aggregates included within the folders as well.2021-10-28 (ongoing)
DownloadableEcosystem Aggregate Raster Layers- All ScenariosRasters representing 6 combinations between climate disturbance, all disturbance, and no disturbance for low (+2c/ GCM 4.5) and high (+4c/ GCM 8.5) emissions scenarios.2021-10-28 (ongoing)
DownloadableInput Layers: Climate Deviation from TerraClimate (CLIM)Determine climate variability across the region using a principal component analysisData was obtained from TerraClimate climate principal components analysis, which are the product used to assess climate deviation under +2C and +4C warming scenarios. We elected to use the principal
component analysis with the top 5, unique components, with reclassified values. Original values were on a 0- 1 scale, but were rescaled to 0- 100 to conform to other model variables.

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2021-10-28 (ongoing)
DownloadableInput Layers: Disturbance Frequency (DIST)Determine areas of increased disturbance returnData was sourced from the Northeastern Forest Health Atlas in the form of a disturbance vector shapefile representing the occurrence of all disturbances across the northeast since 1997. Two different
datasets were produced. One was produced incorporating all disturbances, which used no filtering. A climate-based disturbance layer was also produced, filtering to only include disturbances stemming from drought, flooding, frost, tornadoes, hurricanes, or winter precipitation. Beyond the filtering stage, the remaining methods remain constant for each layer. Features were then dissolved by year using the “Dissolve” geoprocessing tool, and overlapping disturbances were counted using “Union” function followed by a “Count Overlapping Features” function. The polygon-based shapefile was then converted to a 30m raster, while backfilling null values to be zero. Values were then rescaled to a 0- 100 scale using linear methods.

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2021-10-28 (ongoing)
DownloadableInput Layers: Predicted Change in Suitable Habitat (PCSH) GCM 4.5 & 8.5To determine changes in suitable habitat for northeastern forest species Data was obtained from the Climate Change Tree Atlas using GCM4.5 and GCM 8.5 layers, with values representing the difference in habitat verses current relative importance values. For each species, a
layer was generated to account for each of these scenarios. From the original layers, cells valued at 200 (cells that were not modeled) and 300 (cells that weren’t suitable under the current scenario) were removed and remaining values were rescaled to a -100 to 100 scale.

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2021-10-28 (ongoing)
DownloadableInput Layers: Species Abundance (ABUND)Identify the distribution of species abundance across the regionAbundance layers for 14 NE forest species representing their % share of total forest basal area.2021-10-28 to 2022-12-31
DownloadableProject Overview and Results (Powerpoint)An overview of the project as presented during the 2022 FEMC Conference.2021-10-28 (ongoing)
DownloadableRaster Layers- High Emssions Scenario, All Disturbances Included (GDB)Contained within this geodatabase are 14 species maps and a community exposure layer from the given scenario. Documentation surrounding naming conventions is contained within the folders. For any da
ta issues, contact

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2021-10-28 (ongoing)
DownloadableRaster Layers- High Emssions Scenario, Climate Change-Specific Disturbances Included (GDB)Contained within this geodatabase are 14 species maps and a community exposure layer from the given scenario. Documentation surrounding naming conventions is contained within the folders. For any da
ta issues, contact

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2021-10-28 (ongoing)
DownloadableRaster Layers- High Emssions Scenario, No Disturbances Included (GDB)Contained within this geodatabase are 14 species maps and a community exposure layer from the given scenario. Documentation surrounding naming conventions is contained within the folders. For any da
ta issues, contact

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2021-10-28 (ongoing)
DownloadableRaster Layers- Low Emssions Scenario, All Disturbances Included (GDB)Contained within this geodatabase are 14 species maps and a community exposure layer from the given scenario. Documentation surrounding naming conventions is contained within the folders. For any da
ta issues, contact

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2021-10-28 (ongoing)
DownloadableRaster Layers- Low Emssions Scenario, Climate Change- Specific Disturbances Included (GDB)Contained within this geodatabase are 14 species maps and a community exposure layer from the given scenario. Documentation surrounding naming conventions is contained within the folders. For any da
ta issues, contact

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2021-10-28 (ongoing)
Description onlyRaster Layers- Low Emssions Scenario, No Disturbances Included (GDB)Contained within this geodatabase are 14 species maps and a community exposure layer from the given scenario. Documentation surrounding naming conventions is contained within the folders. For any da
ta issues, contact

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2021-10-28 (ongoing)