Viewing a version of dataset "Subplot Vegetation data"

Version name: 2019_SubpotVegData

This page provides information about a version of dataset "Subplot Vegetation data" that was created. This version information can be used to accurately cite the dataset at a particular point in time, and to define dynamic subsets of data as they were used in publications or reports.

This approach to creating versions is built upon the Dynamic Data Citation best practices recommendations of the Research Data Alliance


The purpose of this dataset is to assess the cover of ground variables (cryptobiotic crust, lichen, leaf litter, mineral soil, moss, road/trail, rock, standing water, streams/lakes, wood, trash/junk/other) as well as total canopy cover for each canopy layer (0-6 feet, >6-16 feet, >16 feet).

Version Name
Version ID
Version Type
Created Date
2020-05-27 11:59:25
Jake Van Deursen
No DOI Assigned

Available for download

Data License
CC0 - Public domain license logo