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The methods followed in the creation of the dataset, including description of field, laboratory and processing steps, and quality control procedures
Current Methods
Tree metrics
Started: 1988-06-01Permanently tagged trees are evaluated annually for crown condition, injury to bole and crown, taphole closure, seed production, regeneration and early and late season defoliation. Plot consists of 5 subplots, 20 X 20 m size. Trees are permanently tagged. Protocols follow international NAMP methods manual.
Past Methods (No longer in use)
- Injury assessment after ice storm
Started: 1998-01-30
Ended: 1998-06-01In 1998, special spring survey was conducted to assess injury from the January ice storm. Addition of regeneration counts was also added.
Dataset Fields
Detailed documentation of the fields comprising the dataset, including the type of measurement, units where applicable, and any controlled vocabularies or code lists present in the data
Field Name Caption Description Additional Information AZIMUTH Tree azimuth Azimuth from plot center to tree
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1BOLE_DAMAGE_CODE Bole damage code Code describing the type of bole damage
Measurement type: Nominal CAUSE_DAMAGE1 Cause of first damage Damage-causing agent
Measurement type: Nominal
NAMP Cause_Damage Codes
+ showAppears in data as Meaning of code 0 not idenfitied 1 insect 2 fungus 3 weather 4 animal 5 human 6 fire 7 silvicultural 8 tapping 9 overmaturity CAUSE_DAMAGE2 Cause of second damage Damage-causing agent
Measurement type: Nominal
NAMP Cause_Damage Codes
+ showAppears in data as Meaning of code 0 not idenfitied 1 insect 2 fungus 3 weather 4 animal 5 human 6 fire 7 silvicultural 8 tapping 9 overmaturity CAUSE_DAMAGE3 Cause of third damage Damage-causing agent
Measurement type: Nominal
NAMP Cause_Damage Codes
+ showAppears in data as Meaning of code 0 not idenfitied 1 insect 2 fungus 3 weather 4 animal 5 human 6 fire 7 silvicultural 8 tapping 9 overmaturity CLUSTER Cluster Each maple stand has a cluster of 5 plots
Measurement type: Nominal COUNTER Counter Record counter
Measurement type: Ordinal CROWN_RATING_DEFOLIATION Crown rating defoliation Measurement type: Ordinal CURRENT_TAPHOLES Current tapholes Current tapholes
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1DAMAGE1 First damage type Types of damage
Measurement type: Nominal
NAMP Damage Codes
+ showAppears in data as Meaning of code 21 sweep or crook 22 swelling 23 dead branches 31 large open wounds 32 small open wound 33 dead bark 34 sloughing bark 35 closed wound 36 seams or cracks 37 other DAMAGE2 Second damage type Types of damage
Measurement type: Nominal
NAMP Damage Codes
+ showAppears in data as Meaning of code 21 sweep or crook 22 swelling 23 dead branches 31 large open wounds 32 small open wound 33 dead bark 34 sloughing bark 35 closed wound 36 seams or cracks 37 other DAMAGE3 Third damage type Types of damage
Measurement type: Nominal
NAMP Damage Codes
+ showAppears in data as Meaning of code 21 sweep or crook 22 swelling 23 dead branches 31 large open wounds 32 small open wound 33 dead bark 34 sloughing bark 35 closed wound 36 seams or cracks 37 other DBH Diameter at breast height Diameter of tree at breast height. Note that DBH is measured on a 5 year cycle and is not measured every year.
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1DIEBACK Dieback A measure of an unhealthy condition - branch mortality that begins at the end of a limb and progresses downward. This is an estimate of the proportion of the crown silhouette.
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1DIRECTION Direction to tree Direction from plot center to tree
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1DISCOLORATION Foliage Discoloration An estimate of the amount of discolored foliage in the foliated (leaved) part of the crown. Foliage is considered discolored when 50% or more of the leaf is more red or brown than green. Can indicate tree health problems.
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1DISTANCE DISTANCE Measurement type: DWARFING Dwarfing Dwarfing
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1EARLY_DEFOLIATION Early defoliation Amount of defoliation caused by spring and summer defoliators such as pear thrips, forest tent caterpillar, gypsy moth etc.
Measurement type: Nominal
NAMP Early_Defoliation Codes
+ showAppears in data as Meaning of code 1 less than 30% of crown defoliated 2 31-60% of crown is defoliated 3 more than 60% defoliation LOCATION_OF_DAMAGE1 Location of first damage Location of damage
Measurement type: Nominal
NAMP Location_of_Damage Codes
+ showAppears in data as Meaning of code 1 lower half of tree bole but above 30 cm from ground 2 upper half of bole 3 whole bole 4 stump/roots 5 whole tree LOCATION_OF_DAMAGE2 Location of second damage Location of damage
Measurement type: Nominal
NAMP Location_of_Damage Codes
+ showAppears in data as Meaning of code 1 lower half of tree bole but above 30 cm from ground 2 upper half of bole 3 whole bole 4 stump/roots 5 whole tree LOCATION_OF_DAMAGE3 Location of third damage Location of damage
Measurement type: Nominal
NAMP Location_of_Damage Codes
+ showAppears in data as Meaning of code 1 lower half of tree bole but above 30 cm from ground 2 upper half of bole 3 whole bole 4 stump/roots 5 whole tree NOTES1 Notes1 Notes1
Measurement type: Nominal NOTES2 Notes2 Notes2
Measurement type: Nominal NOTES3 Notes3 Notes3
Measurement type: Nominal NOTES4 Notes4 Notes4
Measurement type: Nominal NOTES5 Notes5 Notes5
Measurement type: Nominal NOTES6 Notes6 Notes6
Measurement type: Nominal NOTES7 Notes7 Notes7
Measurement type: Nominal NOTES8 Notes8 Notes8
Measurement type: Nominal OPEN_TAPHOLES Open tapholes A taphole is considered open when the point end of a pencil pushed into the taphole hits the cambium
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1PAST_DBH Previous diameter at breast height Diameter at breast height of tree in previous survey
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1PLOT Plot ID The 5 plots in each cluster are arranged with one in the center and 1 in each cardinal direction. If they are in a different arrangement then they are numbered 5-9.
Measurement type: Nominal
NAMP Plot Codes
+ showAppears in data as Meaning of code 1 North 2 East 3 South 4 West 5 Center POSITION Crown Position Position of the crown relative to neighboring trees.
Measurement type: Nominal
NAMP Position Codes
+ showAppears in data as Meaning of code 1 dominant (crown extends above canopy) 2 codominant (crown at general level of canopy) 3 intermediate (crowns just below canopy) 4 surpressed (crowns entirely below canopy) SEED_PRODUCTION Seed production Used for sugar maples only. Excessive seed production is believed to weaken a tree and is followed by increased dieback the next year.
Measurement type: Ordinal SPECIES Tree Species See vegetation species database for list of tree species
Measurement type: Nominal TRANSPARENCY Foliage Transparency Determined by estimating the amount of sky light visible through the foliated (leaved) branches, averaged over the entire crown. This is another indicator of tree health.
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1TREE Tree ID Tree ID number within the plot
Measurement type: Nominal TREE_HEIGHT Tree height Height of the tree
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1TREE_ORDER Tree order Tree order
Measurement type: Ordinal UniqueTreeID UniqueTreeID Measurement type: Nominal VIGOR Tree vigor Coded tree vigor rating
Measurement type: Ordinal
NAMP Vigor Codes
+ showAppears in data as Meaning of code 1 healthy 2 light decline 3 moderate decline 4 severe decline 5 dead (natural death) 6 dead (human caused) YEAR Year Year of survey
Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: YYYYSampling Equipment
Equipment and software used to collect data, including how that equipment was used.
No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset
Site Characteristics
The spatial extent of the dataset site coverage, and descriptions of the spatial extent and context for the data collection
- Site Description
West slope of Mt. Mansfield in Browns River watershed, in sugar maple forest at Proctor Maple Research Center.