Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Forest Health Monitoring: North American Maple Project: NAMP Tree Data

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Metadata Provider

  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    Annual measurement of sugar maple forest stands to determine tree condition, trends and possible causes of sugar maple decline. Assess the variation in within-season timing of measurements, using same plot design as in the National Forest Health Monitoring Program (NFHM). Initially part of a cooperative monitoring program with other states and Canada, since 2002 Vermont has measured these plots independently for internal use. NAMP is primarily an overstory/forest health monitoring program but they have collected regeneration data beginning in 1998.


  • Joshua Halman: Principal Investigator

  • Michael Johnson: Content Provider

  • Tom Simmons: Content Provider

  • Sandra Wilmot: Principal Investigator

  • Barbara Schultz: Principal Investigator

  • Florence Peterson: Content Provider

  • Jay Lackey: Content Provider

  • Ron Wells: Content Provider

  • Lars Lund: Content Provider

  • Emily Meacham: Principal Investigator


  • hardwood health, long term monitoring, namp, permanent plots, sugar maple, trees,


  • Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation: lead

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates
    • -73.3247, 42.79744
    • -72.1710446, 42.79744
    • -72.1710446, 44.9638304
    • -73.3247, 44.9638304
    • -73.3247, 42.79744

Data Table

  • Title: NAMP Tree Data
  • Start Date: 1988-06-01
  • Description: Plot number and location with tree health metrics

  • Purpose: Annual measurement of sugar maple forest stands to determine tree condition, trends and possible causes of sugar maple decline.

  • Condensed Title: Z0068_0060_UL992O

  • Object Name: VMC.68.60

  • Data Type: mySQL
  • Citation: Sandra Wilmot. 2017. NAMP Tree Data. VT Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation. FEMC. Can be found at:

  • Online Distribution:

Attribute List

    Attribute Name: AZIMUTH
    • Label: Tree azimuth
    • Description: Azimuth from plot center to tree
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: degree
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: degree
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: BOLE_DAMAGE_CODE
    • Label: Bole damage code
    • Description: Code describing the type of bole damage
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: CAUSE_DAMAGE1
    • Label: Cause of first damage
    • Description: Damage-causing agent
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Custom List: NAMP Cause_Damage Codes
      • Code: 0
        • Definition: not idenfitied
      • Code: 1
        • Definition: insect
      • Code: 2
        • Definition: fungus
      • Code: 3
        • Definition: weather
      • Code: 4
        • Definition: animal
      • Code: 5
        • Definition: human
      • Code: 6
        • Definition: fire
      • Code: 7
        • Definition: silvicultural
      • Code: 8
        • Definition: tapping
      • Code: 9
        • Definition: overmaturity
    Attribute Name: CAUSE_DAMAGE2
    • Label: Cause of second damage
    • Description: Damage-causing agent
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Custom List: NAMP Cause_Damage Codes
      • Code: 0
        • Definition: not idenfitied
      • Code: 1
        • Definition: insect
      • Code: 2
        • Definition: fungus
      • Code: 3
        • Definition: weather
      • Code: 4
        • Definition: animal
      • Code: 5
        • Definition: human
      • Code: 6
        • Definition: fire
      • Code: 7
        • Definition: silvicultural
      • Code: 8
        • Definition: tapping
      • Code: 9
        • Definition: overmaturity
    Attribute Name: CAUSE_DAMAGE3
    • Label: Cause of third damage
    • Description: Damage-causing agent
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Custom List: NAMP Cause_Damage Codes
      • Code: 0
        • Definition: not idenfitied
      • Code: 1
        • Definition: insect
      • Code: 2
        • Definition: fungus
      • Code: 3
        • Definition: weather
      • Code: 4
        • Definition: animal
      • Code: 5
        • Definition: human
      • Code: 6
        • Definition: fire
      • Code: 7
        • Definition: silvicultural
      • Code: 8
        • Definition: tapping
      • Code: 9
        • Definition: overmaturity
    Attribute Name: CLUSTER
    • Label: Cluster
    • Description: Each maple stand has a cluster of 5 plots
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: COUNTER
    • Label: Counter
    • Description: Record counter
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ordinal
    • Label: Crown rating defoliation
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ordinal
    Attribute Name: CURRENT_TAPHOLES
    • Label: Current tapholes
    • Description: Current tapholes
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: number
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: number
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: DAMAGE1
    • Label: First damage type
    • Description: Types of damage
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Custom List: NAMP Damage Codes
      • Code: 21
        • Definition: sweep or crook
      • Code: 22
        • Definition: swelling
      • Code: 23
        • Definition: dead branches
      • Code: 31
        • Definition: large open wounds
      • Code: 32
        • Definition: small open wound
      • Code: 33
        • Definition: dead bark
      • Code: 34
        • Definition: sloughing bark
      • Code: 35
        • Definition: closed wound
      • Code: 36
        • Definition: seams or cracks
      • Code: 37
        • Definition: other
    Attribute Name: DAMAGE2
    • Label: Second damage type
    • Description: Types of damage
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Custom List: NAMP Damage Codes
      • Code: 21
        • Definition: sweep or crook
      • Code: 22
        • Definition: swelling
      • Code: 23
        • Definition: dead branches
      • Code: 31
        • Definition: large open wounds
      • Code: 32
        • Definition: small open wound
      • Code: 33
        • Definition: dead bark
      • Code: 34
        • Definition: sloughing bark
      • Code: 35
        • Definition: closed wound
      • Code: 36
        • Definition: seams or cracks
      • Code: 37
        • Definition: other
    Attribute Name: DAMAGE3
    • Label: Third damage type
    • Description: Types of damage
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Custom List: NAMP Damage Codes
      • Code: 21
        • Definition: sweep or crook
      • Code: 22
        • Definition: swelling
      • Code: 23
        • Definition: dead branches
      • Code: 31
        • Definition: large open wounds
      • Code: 32
        • Definition: small open wound
      • Code: 33
        • Definition: dead bark
      • Code: 34
        • Definition: sloughing bark
      • Code: 35
        • Definition: closed wound
      • Code: 36
        • Definition: seams or cracks
      • Code: 37
        • Definition: other
    Attribute Name: DBH
    • Label: Diameter at breast height
    • Description: Diameter of tree at breast height. Note that DBH is measured on a 5 year cycle and is not measured every year.
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: centimeter
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: inch
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: DIEBACK
    • Label: Dieback
    • Description: A measure of an unhealthy condition - branch mortality that begins at the end of a limb and progresses downward. This is an estimate of the proportion of the crown silhouette.
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: percent
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: percent
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: DIRECTION
    • Label: Direction to tree
    • Description: Direction from plot center to tree
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: degree
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: degree
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: DISCOLORATION
    • Label: Foliage Discoloration
    • Description: An estimate of the amount of discolored foliage in the foliated (leaved) part of the crown. Foliage is considered discolored when 50% or more of the leaf is more red or brown than green. Can indicate tree health problems.
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: percent
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: percent
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: DISTANCE
    • Label: DISTANCE
    • Storage Type: int
    Attribute Name: DWARFING
    • Label: Dwarfing
    • Description: Dwarfing
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: percent
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: percent
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: EARLY_DEFOLIATION
    • Label: Early defoliation
    • Description: Amount of defoliation caused by spring and summer defoliators such as pear thrips, forest tent caterpillar, gypsy moth etc.
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Custom List: NAMP Early_Defoliation Codes
      • Code: 1
        • Definition: less than 30% of crown defoliated
      • Code: 2
        • Definition: 31-60% of crown is defoliated
      • Code: 3
        • Definition: more than 60% defoliation
    Attribute Name: LOCATION_OF_DAMAGE1
    • Label: Location of first damage
    • Description: Location of damage
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Custom List: NAMP Location_of_Damage Codes
      • Code: 1
        • Definition: lower half of tree bole but above 30 cm from ground
      • Code: 2
        • Definition: upper half of bole
      • Code: 3
        • Definition: whole bole
      • Code: 4
        • Definition: stump/roots
      • Code: 5
        • Definition: whole tree
    Attribute Name: LOCATION_OF_DAMAGE2
    • Label: Location of second damage
    • Description: Location of damage
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Custom List: NAMP Location_of_Damage Codes
      • Code: 1
        • Definition: lower half of tree bole but above 30 cm from ground
      • Code: 2
        • Definition: upper half of bole
      • Code: 3
        • Definition: whole bole
      • Code: 4
        • Definition: stump/roots
      • Code: 5
        • Definition: whole tree
    Attribute Name: LOCATION_OF_DAMAGE3
    • Label: Location of third damage
    • Description: Location of damage
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Custom List: NAMP Location_of_Damage Codes
      • Code: 1
        • Definition: lower half of tree bole but above 30 cm from ground
      • Code: 2
        • Definition: upper half of bole
      • Code: 3
        • Definition: whole bole
      • Code: 4
        • Definition: stump/roots
      • Code: 5
        • Definition: whole tree
    Attribute Name: NOTES1
    • Label: Notes1
    • Description: Notes1
    • Storage Type: text
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: NOTES2
    • Label: Notes2
    • Description: Notes2
    • Storage Type: text
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: NOTES3
    • Label: Notes3
    • Description: Notes3
    • Storage Type: text
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: NOTES4
    • Label: Notes4
    • Description: Notes4
    • Storage Type: text
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: NOTES5
    • Label: Notes5
    • Description: Notes5
    • Storage Type: text
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: NOTES6
    • Label: Notes6
    • Description: Notes6
    • Storage Type: text
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: NOTES7
    • Label: Notes7
    • Description: Notes7
    • Storage Type: text
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: NOTES8
    • Label: Notes8
    • Description: Notes8
    • Storage Type: text
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: OPEN_TAPHOLES
    • Label: Open tapholes
    • Description: A taphole is considered open when the point end of a pencil pushed into the taphole hits the cambium
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: number
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: number
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: PAST_DBH
    • Label: Previous diameter at breast height
    • Description: Diameter at breast height of tree in previous survey
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: centimeter
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: inch
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: PLOT
    • Label: Plot ID
    • Description: The 5 plots in each cluster are arranged with one in the center and 1 in each cardinal direction. If they are in a different arrangement then they are numbered 5-9.
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Custom List: NAMP Plot Codes
      • Code: 1
        • Definition: North
      • Code: 2
        • Definition: East
      • Code: 3
        • Definition: South
      • Code: 4
        • Definition: West
      • Code: 5
        • Definition: Center
    Attribute Name: POSITION
    • Label: Crown Position
    • Description: Position of the crown relative to neighboring trees.
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Custom List: NAMP Position Codes
      • Code: 1
        • Definition: dominant (crown extends above canopy)
      • Code: 2
        • Definition: codominant (crown at general level of canopy)
      • Code: 3
        • Definition: intermediate (crowns just below canopy)
      • Code: 4
        • Definition: surpressed (crowns entirely below canopy)
    Attribute Name: SEED_PRODUCTION
    • Label: Seed production
    • Description: Used for sugar maples only. Excessive seed production is believed to weaken a tree and is followed by increased dieback the next year.
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ordinal
    Attribute Name: SPECIES
    • Label: Tree Species
    • Description: See vegetation species database for list of tree species
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: TRANSPARENCY
    • Label: Foliage Transparency
    • Description: Determined by estimating the amount of sky light visible through the foliated (leaved) branches, averaged over the entire crown. This is another indicator of tree health.
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: percent
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: percent
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: TREE
    • Label: Tree ID
    • Description: Tree ID number within the plot
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: TREE_HEIGHT
    • Label: Tree height
    • Description: Height of the tree
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: foot
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: foot
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: TREE_ORDER
    • Label: Tree order
    • Description: Tree order
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ordinal
    Attribute Name: UniqueTreeID
    • Label: UniqueTreeID
    • Storage Type: text
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: VIGOR
    • Label: Tree vigor
    • Description: Coded tree vigor rating
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ordinal
    • Custom List: NAMP Vigor Codes
      • Code: 1
        • Definition: healthy
      • Code: 2
        • Definition: light decline
      • Code: 3
        • Definition: moderate decline
      • Code: 4
        • Definition: severe decline
      • Code: 5
        • Definition: dead (natural death)
      • Code: 6
        • Definition: dead (human caused)
    Attribute Name: YEAR
    • Label: Year
    • Description: Year of survey
    • Storage Type: date
    • Measurment Type: datetime
    • String Format: YYYY


  • Current Methods
    • Tree metrics
      • Started: 1988-06-01
      • Method Description: Permanently tagged trees are evaluated annually for crown condition, injury to bole and crown, taphole closure, seed production, regeneration and early and late season defoliation. Plot consists of 5 subplots, 20 X 20 m size. Trees are permanently tagged. Protocols follow international NAMP methods manual.

  • Past Methods (no longer in use)
    • Injury assessment after ice storm
      • Started: 1998-01-30
        Ended: 1998-06-01
      • Method Description: In 1998, special spring survey was conducted to assess injury from the January ice storm. Addition of regeneration counts was also added.

Sampling Equipment

  • No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset

Site Characteristics

  • Site Description: West slope of Mt. Mansfield in Browns River watershed, in sugar maple forest at Proctor Maple Research Center.