Dataset Overview
Raw measurements of air temperature, barometric pressure, windspeed, precipitation and humidity at the Colchester Reef Station. Readings are taken at sensor arrays at 32 meters and 38 meters above mean sea level. No quality control measures have been applied to the data.
- Purpose
To continuously monitor meteorological variables representative of Lake Champlain for use by researchers, recreationalists, commercial boaters, Champlain Water District and the National Weather Service.
- Data Collection Status
Data collection for this dataset is ongoing
- Start date
- Contents
522252 records with 18 fields
- Data Availability
This dataset is not publicly available
- Preferred Citation
Forest Ecosystems Monitoring Cooperative. 2017. Raw Colchester Reef Meterological Data.
- Update Frequency
- Maintenance Plan
Continuous, automatic data collection at15 minute intervals
- Links
No links available for this dataset
- Related Datasets
- Determining Dataset Similarity