Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

EMMA Weather Station Data - Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies: Cary Institute Daily Weather Data

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Metadata Provider

  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135



  • Vicky Kelly: Principal Investigator


  • air temperature, climate change, daily, EMMA, precipitation, soil moisture, soil temperature, solar radiation, vicky kelly, wind,


  • Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies : lead
  • Environmental Monitoring and Management Alliance : lead

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates

Data Table

  • Title: Cary Institute Daily Weather Data
  • Start Date: 1988-01-01
  • Description: Daily measurements of wind speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, temperature, relative humidity, global and diffuse short-wave radiation, net radiation, global and diffuse PAR, and precipitation.

  • Purpose: To monitor climate change in support of the Environmental Monitoring & Management Alliance (EMMA), a regionally-coordinated ecological monitoring network dedicated to informing conservation through scientific research and ecological monitoring

  • Condensed Title: Z1008_L2HW1U

  • Object Name: VMC.1008.2044

  • Data Type: mySQL
  • Citation: Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Environmental Monitoring Program. 2023 (or current year). Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Box AB, Millbrook, NY 12545, FEMC. Can be found at:

  • Online Distribution:

Attribute List

    Attribute Name: DATE
    • Label: Date
    • Description: Date of collection
    • Storage Type: datetime
    • Measurment Type: datetime
    • String Format: MM/DD/YYYY
    Attribute Name: AVE_SWS
    • Label: Scalar mean wind speed
    • Description: Scalar mean wind speed
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: metersPerSecond
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: metersPerSecond
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: AVE_RWS
    • Label: Resultant mean wind speed
    • Description: Resultant mean wind speed
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: metersPerSecond
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: metersPerSecond
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: AVE_RWD
    • Label: Resultant mean wind direction
    • Description: Resultant mean wind direction
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: degree
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: degree
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: WD_SD
    • Label: Standard deviation of wind direction
    • Description: Standard deviation of wind direction
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: degree
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: degree
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: AVE_BP
    • Label: Average barometric pressure
    • Description: Average barometric pressure
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: customMmHg
    • Precision: 4
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: AVE_TEMP
    • Label: Average air temperature
    • Description: Average air temperature
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: celsius
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: Celsius
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: AVE_RH
    • Label: Average relative humidity
    • Description: Average relative humidity
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: percent
    • Precision: 4
    • Unit: percent
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: TOT_PREC
    • Label: Total precipitation
    • Description: Total precipitation
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: millimeter
    • Precision: 4
    • Unit: millimeter
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: MIN_TEMP
    • Label: Minimum air temperature
    • Description: Minimum air temperature
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: celsius
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: Celsius
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: MIN_RH
    • Label: Minimum relative humidity
    • Description: Minimum relative humidity
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: percent
    • Precision: 4
    • Unit: percent
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: MIN_NETR
    • Label: Minimum net radiation
    • Description: Minimum net radiation
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: wattsPerMeterSquared
    • Precision: 5
    • Unit: wattsPerMeterSquared
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: MAX_WS
    • Label: Maximum wind speed
    • Description: Maximum wind speed
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: metersPerSecond
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: metersPerSecond
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: MAX_TEMP
    • Label: Maximum air temperature
    • Description: Maximum air temperature
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: celsius
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: Celsius
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: MAX_RH
    • Label: Maximum relative humidity
    • Description: Maximum relative humidity
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: percent
    • Precision: 4
    • Unit: percent
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: MAX_GSW
    • Label: Maximum global short-wave radiation
    • Description: Maximum global short-wave radiation
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: wattsPerMeterSquared
    • Precision: 5
    • Unit: wattsPerMeterSquared
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: MAX_DSW
    • Label: Maximum diffuse short-wave radiation
    • Description: Maximum diffuse short-wave radiation
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: wattsPerMeterSquared
    • Precision: 5
    • Unit: wattsPerMeterSquared
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: MAX_NETR
    • Label: Maximum net radiation
    • Description: Maximum net radiation
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: wattsPerMeterSquared
    • Precision: 5
    • Unit: wattsPerMeterSquared
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: MAX_GPAR
    • Label: Maximum global PAR
    • Description: Maximum global PAR
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: umolePerSecondPerMeterSquared
    • Precision: 5
    • Unit: umolePerSecondPerMeterSquared
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: MAX_DPAR
    • Label: Maximum diffuse PAR
    • Description: Maximum diffuse PAR
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: umolePerSecondPerMeterSquared
    • Precision: 5
    • Unit: umolePerSecondPerMeterSquared
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: TOT_GSW
    • Label: Total global short-wave radiation
    • Description: Total global short-wave radiation
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: customKilojoulesPerSquareMeter
    • Precision: 5
    • Unit: KJoulepermetersquared
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: TOT_DSW
    • Label: Total diffuse short-wave radiation
    • Description: Total diffuse short-wave radiation
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: customKilojoulesPerSquareMeter
    • Precision: 5
    • Unit: KJoulepermetersquared
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: TOT_GPAR
    • Label: Total global PAR
    • Description: Total global PAR
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: customMolesPerSquareMeter
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: molepermetersquared
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: TOT_DPAR
    • Label: Total diffuse PAR
    • Description: Total diffuse PAR
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: customMolesPerSquareMeter
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: molepermetersquared
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: TOT_NETR
    • Label: Total net radiation
    • Description: Total net radiation
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: customKilojoulesPerSquareMeter
    • Precision: 5
    • Unit: KJoulepermetersquared
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: POT_PAR
    • Label: Potential PAR
    • Description: Potential PAR
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: customMolesPerSquareMeter
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: molepermetersquared
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: POT_SW
    • Label: Potential short-wave radiation
    • Description: Potential short-wave radiation
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: customCaloriesPerSquareCentimeterPerDay
    • Precision: 5
    • Unit: KJoule per meter squared
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: KT_PAR
    • Label: Atmospheric transmission of potential PAR
    • Description: Atmospheric transmission of potential PAR
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: percent
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: percent
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: KT_SW
    • Label: Atmospheric transmission of potential short-wave radiation
    • Description: Atmospheric transmission of potential short-wave radiation
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: percent
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: percent
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: SNO_DEPCM
    • Label: Snow Depth (cm)
    • Description: Snow Depth
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 3
    • Unit: cm
    • Number Type: rational


  • Current Methods
    • Cary Daily Meteorological Data
      • Started: 1988-01-01
      • Method Description: This dataset is part of the Cary Institute Environmental Monitoring Program, a long-term research program designed to monitor climate change, air, precipitation and streamwater chemistry, solar radiation, stream flow and temperature, soil moisture and soil temperature.

    • Datalogger
      • Started: 1988-01-01
      • Method Description: Meteorological and solar radiation data are collected using a Campbell Scientific, Inc. datalogger (21X 1M 1987-14 September 1993, 21XL 14 September 1993- 12 October 1999, 23X 12 Oct. 1999-December 2011, CR3000 Dec. 2011-present). All sensors are sampled every 2 seconds and all data are summarized every 3 minutes, hourly and at the end of every 24-hour period.

Sampling Equipment

  • Current Equipment
    • PAR
      • Started: 1988-01-01
      • Sampling Description: Li-Cor, Inc. Model LI-190SB, sensitivity 8 mA/1000 mmols-1-m2, recommended significant figs. 3. Location of sensors: 2 m above a mowed grass surface (1988-July 2002), 2.5 m above mowed grass surface (July 2002-present).

    • Shortwave Radiation
      • Started: 1988-01-01
      • Sampling Description: Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Model 8-48, sensitivity 11 m v/Wm-2, recommended significant figs. 3. Location of sensors: 2 m above a mowed grass surface (1988-July 2002), 2.5 m above mowed grass surface (July 2002-present).

    • Net Radiation
      • Started: 1995-09-01
      • Sampling Description: REBS Model Q*7.1, ventilator used Sept 1995-July 2000, sensitivity 0.01 Wm-2-mV, recommended significant figs. 2. Location of sensors: 2 m above a mowed grass surface (1988-July 2002), 2.5 m above mowed grass surface (July 2002-present).

    • Relative Humidity
      • Started: 1997-04-01
      • Sampling Description: Campbell Scientific, Inc. HMP45C, which uses a Vaisala, Inc., capacitive polymer H chip, sensitivity + 3%, recommended significant figs. 2 Temperature and relative humidity sensors are housed in a motor-aspirated shield (Climatronics Corp. series TS-10) 1.6 m above a mowed grass surface.

    • Temperature
      • Started: 1998-11-01
      • Sampling Description: Campbell Scientific, Inc. HMP45C temperature probe, sensitivity + 0.4 deg C, recommended significant figs. 3. Temperature and relative humidity sensors are housed in a motor-aspirated shield (Climatronics Corp. series TS-10) 1.6 m above a mowed grass surface.

    • Barometric Pressure
      • Started: 1999-10-01
      • Sampling Description: Campbell Scientific, Inc. Model CS105, sensitivity + 4 mb, recommended significant figs. 4. The barometric pressure sensor is located adjacent to the datalogger in a temperature-controlled room.

    • Wind Direction
      • Started: 2003-10-01
      • Sampling Description: Climatronics Corp. sonimometer. Location of sensors: approximately 10 m above a mowed grass surface.

    • Wind Speed
      • Started: 2003-10-01
      • Sampling Description: Climatronics Corp. sonimometer. Location of sensors: approximately 10 m above a mowed grass surface.

    • Precipitation
      • Started: 2007-07-01
      • Sampling Description: Geonor Precipitation Gauge Model T-200B from co-located USCRN station.

  • Net Radiation
    • Started: 1988-01-01
      Ended: 1995-04-01
    • Sampling Description: Qualimetrics Fritschen Type Model 3030 3032, sensitivity + 4 mV, recommended significant figs. 2.

  • Precipitation
    • Started: 1988-01-01
      Ended: 2007-07-01
    • Sampling Description: Belfort Instrument Co. Universal Recording Rain Gauge, Series 5-780, sensitivity +0.05 inch (1.3 mm), recommended significant figs. 2. Precipitation amount from each event was checked using a standard plastic rain gauge and/or a snow depth / rain gauge. Location of instruments: collector openings are approximately 3 m above a mowed grass surface.

  • Relative Humidity
    • Started: 1988-01-01
      Ended: 1997-04-01
    • Sampling Description: Phys Chem Corp. PCRC-11 or PCRC-55, sensitivity + 3%, recommended significant figs. 2.

  • Temperature
    • Started: 1988-01-01
      Ended: 1998-10-31
    • Sampling Description: Campbell Scientific Model 107 or 207, sensitivity + 0.4 deg C, recommended significant figs. 3.

  • Wind Direction
    • Started: 1988-01-01
      Ended: 2002-07-01
    • Sampling Description: Campbell Scientific, Inc. Model 024A, sensitivity +5 degrees, recommended significant figs. 2.

  • Wind Speed
    • Started: 1988-01-01
      Ended: 2002-07-01
    • Sampling Description: Campbell Scientific, Inc. Model 014A, sensitivity +1.5%, recommended significant figs. 3.

  • Net Radiation
    • Started: 1994-03-01
      Ended: 1995-09-01
    • Sampling Description: REBS Model Q*6.7

  • Net Radiation
    • Started: 1995-04-01
      Ended: 1994-03-01
    • Sampling Description: Radiation and Energy Balance Systems (REBS) Model Q6

  • Wind Direction
    • Started: 2002-07-01
      Ended: 2003-06-01
    • Sampling Description: Met One Instruments, Inc. Model 50.5 Solid State Wind Sensor, sensitivity +3 degrees, recommended significant figs. 3.

  • Wind Speed
    • Started: 2002-07-01
      Ended: 2003-06-01
    • Sampling Description: Met One Instruments, Inc. Model 50.5 Solid State Wind Sensor, sensitivity +2%, recommended significant figs. 3.

Site Characteristics

  • Site Description: The weather station at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies is in a flat open field at an elevation of 128 meters. GPS coordinates for the site are: 41.785823 -73.741447.

  • Minimum Altitude: 128 meters

  • Maximum Altitude: 128 meters