File Information

Vermont Forest Health Monitoring Protocol 2019 (full protocol)

File Title
Vermont Forest Health Monitoring Protocol 2019 (full protocol)
File Type
This is the full protocol used by the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative and partners for collecting annual forest health measurements on a permanent network of plots across the state of Vermont. These measurements include crown health assessments, digital canopy photography, assessments of invasive species abundance and browse intensity, regeneration inventories and surveys for forest pests and pathogens. This is the 2019 update to the manual, completed on 9/20/2019.
Sandra Wilmot, James Duncan, Jennifer Pontius, David Gudex-Cross, Christine Sandbach, John Truong
Full author list
Sandra Wilmot, James Duncan, Jennifer Pontius, David Gudex-Cross, Christine Sandbach, John Truong
Date created
Last updated
No updates
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