Welcome to the Data Rescue Inventory

to the
Data Rescue

Saving data one day at a time

Suggest a Rescue

Data rescues can be performed in one of two ways:

  • If you would like to do the rescue yourself, we are happy to connect you with the owners of the data as well as provide a free consultation to you about how to perform a data rescue project and upload the data to the FEMC archive.
  • We will also consider requests to do data rescue projects for partners at our basic data services rate, if our workload allows.

When requesting a data rescue, please note which of these two approaches you’d like to take, or if you’re just notifying us of the existence of data that needs rescuing but not requesting an immediate action be taken.

If you know of any at-risk data, contact us by Suggesting a Rescue. Additionally, if you identify a project on this inventory in need of rescuing that interests you, we encourage that you reach out to the project’s contact about ways to collaborate and address the needs of the data.

Suggest a Rescue

The Data Rescue Inventory

The Data Rescue inventory is a collection of forest-related datasets and documents from across the Northeast that are stored in cabinets, old hard drives, etc., currently inaccessible to the broader community. This material is at risk of being lost to natural disasters or fires. Over time, papers also degrade, file types become extinct, and relevant institutional knowledge is lost due to staff turnover.

The FEMC has published this inventory to shed light on where this at-risk material is and what is required to preserve this information. Projects included in the inventory vary in focus from air and water quality studies, soil analyses, or wildlife surveys, all collected within or contributing to our understanding of the Northeastern forests. View the Data Rescue Inventory


Rescue Name Status Organization State Year Theme(s) Contact Description Keywords Data type

Suggest A Data Rescue

Help us inventory at-risk data by providing your name, e-mail address, and a brief description of the material in need of rescuing. It is helpful to include the data’s spatial extent, start-end date, what is required to complete the rescue, and any specific data or documentation included (e.g. Data: plant and animal inventory, Documentation: wetland report). You can also contact us directly at femc@uvm.edu.

* denotes required field

About - The Data Rescue: Inventory

The FEMC has sought to alleviate the risk of losing inaccessible data by engaging with natural resource organizations to inventory vulnerable datasets and documents from across the Northeast.

The initial phase of the Data Rescue project began by contacting researchers and land managers across the region from a broad range of disciplines. These contacts worked for non-profits, educational institutions, and state and federal agencies. From their responses, the FEMC compiled the Data Rescue Inventory of material with no publishing mandate and potential risk of being lost.

Several dozen projects were then selected by the FEMC to scan, digitize and/or archive material that contribute substantially to our understanding of the Northeastern forests. To include your material in our Data Rescue Inventory, contact the FEMC here. For more information about the process, check out the Data Rescue report.

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