Project Overview

Establish an experimental design that will evaluate and monitor the effects of a range of silvicultural treatements having the potential to minimize ecological impacts and, in some cases, enhance ecological and biodiversity values, thereby sustaining both timber yield and ecosystem functioning. 1. Evaluate the relative ability of silvicultural alternatives to achieve desirable forest management outcomes. 2. Evaluate the operational effectiveness and economic tradeoffs of alternate silvicultural systems, including those designed to enhance structural complexity. 3. Determine the effects of forest management alternatives on selected elements of biological diversity and ecological processes. 4. Test the ability of silvicultural manipulations to accelerate the development of late-successional structural and compositional characteristics in northern hardwood forests. 5. Provide an experimental framework for collaborative research on relevant ecological, sociological and economic dimensions.
Dataset Availability
There are no datasets associated with this project
Status - Active
Start date: 2001-07-01
Study Area