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Community Accreditation for Produce Safety (CAPS)

Added by Hans Estrin • Last updated October 24, 2022
Author: Hans Estrin
Type: Planning & Verification Programs – CAPS & GAPS
Topic: Produce Safety Introduction; Worker Health, Hygiene & Training; Soil Amendments (Compost & Manure); Wild/Domestic Animals & Land Use; Agricultural Water (Pre/Post Harvest); Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Produce Safety Rules, Regulations & Templates; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

Community Accreditation for Produce Safety (CAPS) is a program of the Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers Association (VVBGA). CAPS is a voluntary, practical approach to documenting the use of practices that reduce food safety risks on farms that grow fresh produce. The CAPS advisory board of farmers and service providers has identified 18 practices that are required for accreditation. CAPS uses...

Bella Farm Pack Shed Case Study

Added by Rachel Schattman • Last updated March 15, 2022
Author: University of Vermont Extension
Type: Case Studies & Examples
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

This case study summarizes building an open pack shed as an effective low cost, temporary solution for a beginning farm.

Edgewater Farm Pack Shed Case Study

Added by Rachel Schattman • Last updated March 15, 2022
Author: University of Vermont Extension
Type: Case Studies & Examples
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

This case study reports on Edgewater Farm's open pack shed design. The pack shed was designed for both efficiency and FSMA compliance.

Flywheel Farm Pack Shed Case Study

Added by Rachel Schattman • Last updated March 15, 2022
Author: University of Vermont Extension
Type: Case Studies & Examples
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

This case study presents an example of a mobile pack shed, which the owners have used while working on leased land.

Gildrien Farm Pack Shed Case Study

Added by Rachel Schattman • Last updated March 15, 2022
Author: University of Vermont Extension
Type: Case Studies & Examples
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

This case study profiles a farm that retrofit an existing building, turning it into an inexpensive pack shed.

High Meadows Farm Pack Shed Case Study

Added by Rachel Schattman • Last updated March 15, 2022
Author: University of Vermont Extension
Type: Case Studies & Examples
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

This case study profiles a farm that transformed a dairy barn into a warm and sunny, year round pack shed.

Jericho Settlers Farm Pack Shed Case Study

Added by Rachel Schattman • Last updated March 15, 2022
Author: University of Vermont Extension
Type: Case Studies & Examples
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

This case study show cases how a growing farm creating a new pack shed, designing for room to expand in the future.

Lewis Creek Farm Pack Shed Case Study

Added by Rachel Schattman • Last updated March 15, 2022
Author: University of Vermont Extension
Type: Case Studies & Examples
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

This case study shows how one farm got ready for GAP certification by redesigning their pack shed.

Improving Handwashing Stations

Added by Andrew Chamberlin • Last updated March 21, 2021
Author: Chris Callahan & Andy Chamberlin
Type: Case Studies & Examples; Fact Sheets; Photos & Videos; Tools, Calculators & Project Templates
Topic: Produce Safety Introduction; Worker Health, Hygiene & Training

Handwashing has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of transmission of human pathogens between people. But, sometimes we are inconveniently far from the closest wash room and sink. Hand washing stations provide a portable means of washing hands on farms, at farmers’ markets, and at recreational sites. This guide was motivated by a desire to improve current...

Materials list for harvest vehicle hands-free hand washing

Building a Simple Hands-free Hand Washing for a Harvest Wagon

Added by Hans Estrin • Last updated September 8, 2020
Type: Case Studies & Examples; Photos & Videos; Tools, Calculators & Project Templates; Produce Safety Rule – FSMA compliance
Topic: Worker Health, Hygiene & Training; Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation

We built and installed two hands-free hand wash "shelves" to mount on our harvest wagons (or any harvest vehicle).

Hanging Hoses

Added by Chris Callahan • Last updated April 27, 2020
Author: Chris Callahan & Andy Chamberlin
Type: Fact Sheets
Topic: Agricultural Water (Pre/Post Harvest); Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation

Having water when and where you need it can make a big difference in vegetable wash station efficiency. This blog post captures some of the option for managing hoses in wash/pack buildings.

Cooler Construction Options – Walls and Panels

Added by Chris Callahan • Last updated April 27, 2020
Author: Chris Callahan & Andy Chamberlin
Type: Fact Sheets
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation

There are many options when it comes to constructing a walk-in cooler, cold room, or warm room for on-farm storage.
 The main goals for construction of any temperature and humidity controlled space are:
 Insulate the walls to provide for efficiency temperature control against a different outside temperature (which may be an warmer inside space)&#13...

Footprint Farm Postharvest Case Study

Added by Chris Callahan • Last updated April 27, 2020
Author: Andy Chamberlin
Type: Case Studies & Examples
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation

Taylor Hutchison and Jake Mendel own and operate Footprint Farm in Starksboro, VT. Starting their own farm in 2013, they now produce pretty much everything except storage potatoes and storage squash with 66 different kinds of vegetables grown in both fields and high-tunnels. Print and video case study formats available.

Improved Food Safety with Plastic Bulk Bins at Jericho Settlers Farm

Added by Dominique Giroux • Last updated October 10, 2019
Type: Case Studies & Examples
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation

Jericho Settlers Farm was awarded a Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets Produce Safety Improvement Grant in the amount of $5,000 to purchase 85 plastic bulk bins to replace old wooden bins used for the harvesting and storing of crops. The bins purchased were MacroPlastics Hybrid 44P-FV.

Cleanable Wash Line Contact Surface

Added by Dominique Giroux • Last updated October 10, 2019
Type: Case Studies & Examples
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation

Old Athens received a Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets Produce Safety Improvement Grant to upgrade the farm's wash line by replacing two washing machines used to spin dry greens with a commercial food grade stainless spinner and upgrade draining areas by replacing wood and plastic surfaces with stainless steel. The stainless steel salad dryer was the Sammic ES-200 26lb model and...

Last Resort Farm - Postharvest Video Case Study

Added by Chris Callahan • Last updated March 27, 2019
Author: Andy Chamberlin
Type: Case Studies & Examples
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation

Silas Doyle-Burr is managing Last Resort Farm in Monkton, VT, taking over the operations from his parents on the farm he grew up at. The farm was purchased in 1987, and transitioned from dairy farming to vegetable production in 1993, and now grow 26 different crops split just about evenly retail vs. wholesale. The following link is a playlist of videos taken with Silas showcasing some of the...

Procedure for Washing Raw-eaten Leafy Greens

Added by Hank Bissel • Last updated February 7, 2019
Type: Case Studies & Examples
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

We wash raw-eaten greens like cut Lettuce or Spinach, in a 2 rinse system. Only the second rinse has sanitizer in it. We spin them dry and pack them, 4 lbs to a case, in boxes with plastic bags liners.

Heron Pond SoP

Added by Shena Swain • Last updated February 7, 2019
Type: Case Studies & Examples; Photos & Videos
Topic: Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

Heron Pond Farm SoP for Double Washing Greens

Practical Produce Safety Manual: Maximizing Quality, Profitability and Safety on Vermont Produce Farms

Added by Rachel Schattman • Last updated February 5, 2019
Author: Lynn Blevins, Ginger Nickerson, and Hans Estrin
Type: Fact Sheets
Topic: Produce Safety Introduction; Worker Health, Hygiene & Training; Soil Amendments (Compost & Manure); Wild/Domestic Animals & Land Use; Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Produce Safety Rules, Regulations & Templates

Practical Produce Safety (PPS) is a cost-effective strategy for growers to implement food safety practices that minimize risk while maximizing produce quality and farm profitability. UVM Extension’s Practical Produce Safety Curriculum and these materials were designed specifically for small produce farms that primarily direct market their produce through CSA’s, farm stands, farmers markets, or...

Sunrise Farm Case Study

Added by Hans Estrin • Last updated January 30, 2019
Type: Case Studies & Examples
Topic: Produce Safety Introduction; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

This was a two-part conversion/renovation of a large former dairy barn—first the barn frame, exterior, and electric wash renovated, second, the basement was converted to an wash/pack/storage area and third, a mid-floor CSA/ Farm store was added. The two floors were connected by stairs, as well as a hand powered dumb waiter.